Hi there. This is my info page for now, since my webpage is down. I currently -do- take commissions, but not art trades at this moment. I'm need of some money at the moment, so... yea ^^ Commission info can be found here: http://autumn-tears.tripod.com/furccomm.htm I may look for art trades when the mood hits, but any emails I get may be declined till a later date. Speaking of emails, I tend to reply rather slow, so don't be offended if I take forever to reply or if not at all. Email works this way: I love hearing what you think of my artwork and all, but lately, I haven't the time to respond to emails in that category. Thank you to those who do send them, I appreciate it!!! ^__^ If you have a particular question or something, I'll do my best to answer it. :> I also have AIM (Pheanyx) and ICQ (Psycrowe).. Feel free to try and catch me there, if you want to chat. ^^ Picture use? I don't like my pictures being used for say...message board icons (unless it's your character I drew), roleplay pictures and so on. So if you ask, I'll 99% of the time say no. Posting pictures elsewhere? Go ahead, so long as you either have my email or a link by it. Plus I do not do pictures for free...I get quite a few of those emails. x_X' Look out for updates here ~Psy.