the following includes all the Art displayed in the following directory All the characters and art displayed in this directory are © Bas Pennings unless otherwise noted. note: pictures noted © T.R.S. are all copyright of Bas Pennings unauthorised redistribution, copying or editing of any characters and pictures is forbidden. if these rules are ignored, I will be forced to: 1. eat your houseplants ( I'm a vegetarian) 2. blow up your car 3. destroy your bike 3. burn down your house 4. deconstruct your mailbox 5. shoot you in your kneecaps and shoulders 6. take out your appendix with you being fully concious 7. stop your screaming by cutting your tongue out. 8. poke your eyes out with diseased drugneedles 9. cut of your legs with a rusty saw. 10. slit your throat and shoot you through the head 11. cut your body up into little peaces 12. feed your head to the dogs 13. burn your remains using a molotov cocktail 14. drive over your ashes with a bus 15. blow your flattened ashes up with a pipebomb 16. clean up the street using a firehose so you end up in the sewer 17. jump around happy and hold a "your dead" party thank you for your coorporation. -The Red Scare