Note- someone was kind enough to notify me that this file was slightly out-of-date, (I made it in 1999, and promptly forgot about it) so here's an updated version for 2002. "Yang" started as a joke character, based on the character "Yang Neumann" from the OAV Macross plus. Originally drawn male, I took to drawing a girl version of the character to give myself a little more freedom, (and at the time, it was a 'cool' thing to do) before abandoning the boy Yang entirely. I don't draw Yang as much as I used to.... I kind of ran out of things to "do" with the character, though I still use the name "Yang Neumann" (or "Yang", or "Yang N.") because I have for so long. Yang is supposed to be an anthropomorphic pug dog- her fur colour and breed were entirely serendipidous things, though after doing a little research on pug dogs, I discovered that, along with being rather ugly, they're quite clever, and enjoy playing with people and getting attention. My e-mail is at: My AIM SN is: Wang Neutto (it's an old joke, don't ask) (no, it has nothing to do with male genitals, either)