SECTIONS This is a little note on my folders. COLOUR Self-explanatory. If it has more than two colours (ie, black and white), then it goes into this section. GREYSCALE Includes both monochrome and greyscale ~ I do include works that are drawn in a single colour other than black. NC-17 This is the "adult" folder. Don't get too excited, furverts: it's mostly gore. These drawings are not for the easily- offended or the underage. You browse that section of your own volition, so I am in no way responsible for any repercussions your choice might entail. PAINTCHAT Stuff I've done in one paintchat or another, both unaltered images and ones I've fiddled with after the fact. PIXELS Artwork created one pixel at a time without anti-aliasing, often animated. If you see one with a funky-coloured background, that's just the transparency. Many of these are animated. The ICONS subdirectory contains pixel art small enough to be used as icons — just keep in mind that they are protected by international copyright law. If you want to use them you must first obtain my permission. [] REFSHEETS Contains reference sheets for my various characters. SKETCHES Eat my noise pollution! STORIES This will contain my anthro stories, once I figure out how to get the formatting correct. A TAME subdirectory (which at the time of writing does not exist) will contain G- through PG-13-rated stories, assuming I write any; the MATURE subdirectory will contain everything else, which will most likely be the bulk of my work. TRADES, GIFTS, COMMISSIONS Also self-explanatory: this section contains art done for other people. With a few exceptions, only the finished works go in here. Damned shame I can't rename the folder. [last updated 24 january 2004]