****About the Artist, and suchlike**** Well, if you're reading this section, you're likely interested in me, or not, and you just decided to read this for no obvious reason. I'm a 19 year old college- type person, and really just draw for fun. (I haven't had a formal art lesson since.. um.. 8th grade... Some would say it's rather obvious. ;>) I'm a rather obsessive doodler, as looking at any spare piece of paper strewn around my room could tell you, and I've been into furry-ness for quite some time now, although I couldn't for the life of me tell you when the bug bit me. If you particularly want to know, I do my work with pencil on copy paper (yes, I know, not the BEST materials) roughly first, then go over the outline with a fine point rollerball-type pen, after which I scan and do re-outlining/coloring in Paint Shop Pro 5. (Well, it works for ME, anyway.) If you have a request, I'll generally take it, and get it done as quickly as I can. If I can't, I'll let you know. Trust me. I don't sell commissions or anything, because frankly I'm not that good. ;> If you want to contact me, you can e-mail me at abbela@members.limitless.org, or you can find me on Redwall or LarsWood MUCKs (predominantly, anyways) as Abbela, or as... heheh... Frohike on FurToonia. ****Copyright Info**** Okay. Basically, the pics in this directory are all ŠErin Dilbaitis, unless otherwise noted. The characters all belong to their respective owners, which is me again, unless I mention specifically otherwise. Anyone's free to draw any of my chars if they just let me know first... and then let me see a copy of the pic. Okay, I'm egotistical, sue me. :P That's that. Any questions, drop me an e-mail. abbela@members.limitless.org