I realized there might be some confusion about my plethora of strange characters – I have bits and pieces of explanations in so many different places, I’m not sure anyone can follow! So, I thought I’d add a brief explanation of the major ones. Prozac, AKA Pozie, Prozie, or Poze: My RL pet snake, a 5-year-old, ~5-foot long sunglow corn snake, who lives with me in my apartment. Named for the popular drug because she could use some: she’s feisty, jumpy, and utterly paranoid. In anthro form, she sports arms and legs, but retains her natural coloring, strong tail, and lean and muscular build. See her sexy self in my ‘Prozac’ gallery! Samson, AKA Sam, Sammy (also Fuzzy and Demon-Child, among others): The RL family cat, a 6-year-old white ex-farm cat who has never caught a mouse in his life. Pampered and plump, he lives with my parents some eighty miles from my apartment, but I travel down almost every weekend to visit. He does get depicted in anthro form, but is even more commonly seen in a slightly cartoony quadropedal form. In all forms he retains his white fur, pink skin, and yellow-green eyes. See him in my ‘Samson’ folder! Firebringer, AKA FB or Fire: A character I invented in elementary school and my alter- ego. Originally a quadrupedal unicorn with strong elemental magics, especially that of fire, who was intended to star in my own fantasy novel someday. I fell so in love with the character as a child that I adopted her nickname as my own, and the line between the two of us has blurred over the years. The only real differences between human and unicorn now are really matters of personality flaws and the like: Firebringer is who I’d like to be, as I believe is the case for many furry artists. She also generally retains her coloring in whatever form she takes, tho as a shapeshifter she can change color when she wishes (or when it’s easier to draw ;). Her most frequent change is abandoning her black blaze, since it can make drawing her eyes difficult. The Evil Dictator: An alter ego I developed for my brother. He lacks conscience but adheres strictly to his own morals – most of which are designed for his own benefit. Such disregard for others and desire for his own pleasure makes me think he’d be a great evil world ruler – he’d love to subject others to his will. He’s just a bit too lazy in reality to ever actually do anything about it, tho. So, until he gets around to ruling the earth, I’ll draw him. ;) The Ick: My RL transportation, a red 1985 Buick Skyhawk. One of the major reasons I find myself attracted to furry art is that I tend to anthropomorphize everything, even inanimate objects – and my car is no exception. I think it really does have a personality, as much as it is possible for machinery to have a personality. ;) The Ick is either genderless or a hermaphrodite (I can’t decide), and depicted as a long-snouted, slightly pudgy, short-limbed dragon. Other Chas: At the moment, no other characters are based exclusively on real beings, although some do share some traits. Most frequently seen lately is Ularoo, a mix of Australian species (both native and introduced), who is somewhat symbolic of my (minor and hard to find) gentle side, but is much more easygoing than I tend to be IRL. Other frequent characters are: Darkfire, a slightly gothy, ‘evil twin’ counterpart to Firebringer, Alouicious (Ichi), a male calico cat, And Sexi Puppi, a mixed-breed canid seen almost exclusively in adult situations, Also showing up time to time are Fire’s Soulgroup – a mixed group of living and semi- living fantastical creatures originally intended to serve as companions for Firebringer in my original story idea. Included are such creatures as Iloj the firedrake, Mighty Sir the unicorn, Ch’troud the panther-desha, Lonesinger, a wolflike creature, and Sonnet, a quadropedal dragon. That’s all for now, but keep your eyes peeled for more random babbling! =) -Fire- PS – these are all MY characters - NO TOUCHY! I’d be *very* flattered if you’d like to draw them, but please tell me about it, and be sure to attribute them to me. I love ‘em all too dearly to give them up. =)