By popular demand (yee-haw, I’m popular! ;)), I’ve finally compiled a bio on my main character, Firebringer, and a little info on the world she comes from. DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be a definitive authority on unicorns, nor on unicorn mythology through human history. The creatures described in this text and in my art are my own creation, from my own universe. Your unicorn may vary. =) The Duality of Fire ‘Firebringer’, or Fire for short, is both the nickname I use for myself (the 20- something human college student) and the name of my main character, a shapeshifting unicorn. The difference between the two isn’t always clear, however. It all started when I was in elementary school… Fire’s Origins I’ve always been an avid reader, and both fantasy stories and works starring equine characters (Black Beauty rocks!) were my favorites. Yet it wasn’t until fourth grade that the idea came to me of creating my own story with an equine star of my own. While I had read many books that included unicorns – frequently depicted as distant, mysterious, white creatures with a bizarre fetish for virgins – I realized that I hadn’t read a book with a unicorn as a main character. Having never really gotten into the idea of unicorns as symbols of purity, I decided to make my star a different breed of unicorn – a creature with a real personality and fully developed intellect in a four-legged body. Having always been a bit of a pyromaniac, I came up with Firebringer. Before long, I had a concept for unicorn magic, religion, language – you name it! Fire Over Time While I’ve refined, added to, and discarded lots of ideas for Fire’s magical world, little about Fire herself has ever changed. One day, tho, a long and boring bus ride back when I was in middle school, I got lost in a daydream, imagining a small, rangy wolf loping alongside the school bus. It suddenly hit me that Fire’s story, if I were ever to write one, had to have sidekicks – friends, partners, and companions that Fire could talk to and adventure with. And this wolf might make a perfect companion. The Soulgroup Imagination piqued, I came up with the idea of a Soulgroup. Most unicorns have one – a group of friends, some living, sometimes not, who help a young unicorn grow and learn. Unliving members of a Soulgroup are generally spirits; ghosts wandering over from wherever ghosts normally live to help the ‘corn. They are often, though not always, some sort of blood relations of the ‘corn. Members of a soulgroup may be emotionally attached to the unicorn and/or other members of the group, but all are free to leave or return at any time, and they do. A unicorn may have any number of creatures of any species in their soulgroup, but one to three is the norm. Fire’s Soulgroup Iloj Flamerunner (Eee-loj), a firedrake, is Fire’s closest friend and sidekick. He has an impish sense of humor, a loud mouth, an insatiable appetite for both sweets and mischief, and has no qualms about putting Fire in her place. Like all of his kind, he is small, with a long neck and tail attached to a squat body. He has long, even oversized wings, and short limbs. His hind legs are adapted for perching, with long claws, while his forelegs are dexterous and used for grasping. Strangely, I can’t remember when or how I came up with the idea of Iloj – I know that there was a time before he was invented, but it almost seems unthinkable – like Iloj has always been around. Lonesinger, the wolf I imagined running alongside the school bus. As his name implies, he lives without a pack. He’s not quite a wolf in the mundane sense of the term, since he has full human (or unicorn) intelligence, but his body does look like a small, lean, muscular wolf. ‘Singer is a bit of a melancholy soul, and while he is quite fond of Fire and the rest of the group, he took up their company mostly as a means to further his own quest. No one knows just what it is he seeks, however. Mighty Sir is the ghostly member of Fire’s group, and is a distant relation of Fire’s who has been dead for many centuries. All ‘corns can see the ghostly members of their soulgroup, however, and to Fire’s eyes, Mighty Sir is a strong, heavily-built and darkly-colored unicorn, with feathered hocks and black eyes. No one knows what his name really was in life; when he and Fire met, he would only offer his name as ‘Mighty Sir’. Dour, serious, and highly intelligent, Mighty Sir speaks only when something needs to be said, or when directly asked for his advice. When he does speak, his advice is always worth listening to. Ch’troud (Shh-trowd), a panther-desha (looks like a thickly built, pure black leopard with golden eyes, but like Lonesinger, has language and extra intelligence), is generally a quiet creature, but almost as impulsive as Iloj. His playful side and wry wit are brought out by the firedrake, and the two often engage in verbal battles, each endeavoring to top the other in insults. He is otherwise honest, forthright, and generous, but has a fierce love for fighting and the hunt. Sonnet, an immature western-style dragon, will be quite large someday, but at the moment is only about the size of a rhino. His young wings are not yet capable of supporting his bulk in flight, and he is still quite naive and shy, but is immensely protective of Firebringer and her friends. Other Characters still waiting development include a firebird and a pair of lion- like creatures. Unicorn Magic Unicorn magic is based on the elements. According to my unicorns, there are seven elements, divided into three categories: The Classic Elements of air, earth, water, and fire; the Absolute Elements of light and dark, and the Indistinct Element, Soul. While the rest are fairly straightforward, Soul encompasses a wide range of spiritual and mental magics. Unicorns are born with an inherent control over at least one of these elements to at least some small degree. Some unicorns can manipulate several, and a few have some control over all of them. For unknown reasons, many more unicorns are foaled who have powers of the Classic Elements. The Absolute Elements are the rarest, though truly powerful Soul powers are rarer still. It is most common for a unicorn to have far greater power over one particular element than any other, and a unicorn is said to be Of that certain element. Firebringer is, naturally enough, Of fire. A ‘corn’s primary element can often be deduced at a glance, since the color of their coat is often reflective of their elemental orientation. Fire’s coat, for example, is a rich red, accented by an orange mane and tail. Firebringer’s Magic Firebringer has some control over all elements. In descending order of potency, her powers can manipulate Fire, Soul, Earth, Light, Water, Dark, and, lastly, Air. Firebringer’s control over her namesake element allows her to summon heat and flames with ease, while her Soul powers give her shapeshifting abilities, and some magical Empathy. Other Forms of Elemental Magic Unicorns aren’t the only creatures associated with elements, though they tend to display the greatest element-controlling magics. The great clans of drakes – small, intelligent, long-necked and long-tailed dragons – are the best example. There is a clan of drakes for each of the seven elements, with each clan divided up into two or more tribes. Every clan has distinct physical characteristics related to their element – most drakes have wings, for example, but the streamlined water-drakes do not – and each tribe exhibits a variation on that theme. Fire’s sidekick Iloj is a Firedrake, with primarily yellow and orange coloring, and large wings. Worlds All unicorns originally came from a single home planet. I need a better name, but for now, I refer to it as Tenalp. Tenalp is essentially a paradise, with lush valleys, dark forests, and sparkling clear streams. Unicorns group in small family units, or larger clans (herds). Young are raised in something of a communal manner, and are tutored with one or two of their peers by a particularly wise member of the herd. Upon reaching adolescence, young ‘corns generally strike out on their own for a while. Most eventually return to Tenalp, but some choose to spend their lives on other planets. Travel and Holders Travel in space and time is easy for unicorns – nearly every ‘corn can open up a sort of alternate-dimension for travel. The openings are called Gates, are roughly oval in shape, and are color-coded: a golden gate indicates travel through space, a silver links the same place through time, and a gate with both gold and silver is both. Upon entering a Gate, a unicorn traverses a series of floating islands in this alternate dimension to reach their destination Gate. The planets which can be reached through the Gates are quite varied. Most have some intelligent life, and some have advanced civilizations. Each planet, especially those with major civilizations, has a Holder – a unicorn tasked with maintaining the balance of the planet’s life. War, pestilence, famine – all are problems which upset the balance of a planet, and the planet’s Holder works to solve them. Firebringer, gifted with some control of every element, has the potential to be a powerful Holder of a very advanced planet. Unicorn Religion Unicorns have no collective way of worshipping – no churches, no official religions – but are nonetheless highly spiritual beings. Their major deity is the goddess Mallikki (mal-eek-ee), who they believe created unicorns, and organized both the Gates and the concept of Holders. Mallikki generally takes the form of a slender unicorn with an ivory horn, iridescent coat, and swirling yellow mane and tail. It is not uncommon for Mallikki to appear before her unicorns and offer them guidance when it is truly needed. Alright, now for a little Q and A: Q. Wow! Can I write a story set in your universe? A. Sure! Send it to me when you’re done, and credit me when and wherever you post it. Please don’t write about Fire or her Soulgroup, tho – they’re such personal characters that it’s hard to let ‘em go. You can come up with your own characters and set them in this universe, tho! =) Q. I’ve got a great idea for you! A. Awesome! Email it to me! =) Q. I’d like to draw something from your universe – one of your characters, or something inspired by your characters! A. That’d be very cool – again, send it to me when you’re done, and credit me for the inspiration wherever you post it. =) Q. I’ve got some questions not answered here, or I’d like to talk about this with you! A. Wonderful, I’d love to talk to you, too! Again, just email me. My address is: =)