ah... aha... hey... thatīs me! weeeelaaa! *bounce* Yes itīs true, thatīs me, and this is my small spot of fame, here on the VCL-Archive, My name is Fluffy Tiger Plushie, and i am a Tiger, ah well, that wasnīt that hard to guess, i guess. This is the spot where i place where i put my stuff and i thank god it exists ^^ Although i like drawing, uploads might be quite rare, because i simply donīt find the time to draw my stuff really good, just sketching while being in school (i am a very bad boy ;P) and at home when i got nothing special to do, i donīt do commision work for people i donīt know, but if i find time and interest i do some for friends, and for free then of course. Besides drawing, I canīt get my hands away from the computer games. I love playing Dark age of Camelot (No everquest, i am a very bad boy, hehe ;P) and Action Half-Life, but iīm also into various beat īem up-stuff, Fantasy games, god-sims, ah, well, i play almost everything *grins* feel free to contact me. I got no yahoo or MSN, but my ICQ-UIN is 65555148. Be nice, or be banned, hehe. Otherwise send me an email to my adress listed on top of my VCL-Page. Peace, -Fluffy Tiger Plushie