This document is just an explanation of the series/worlds/stories/et cetera that I mention in my descriptions. Check it out if you wanna know what I'm talking about ^^ Oh, and let me make one note; please, my name is Fox Lee. Not Foxlee, foxLee or foxlee or Fox-Lee, but Fox Lee. If you're going to use it, please do me the courtesy of using it correctly - it drives me nuts how often people get it wrong @_@; REFERENCES: FURBIDDEN REALMS: Though it started out as simply a group of characters created by myself and my partner, Talen, to feature in random sellable work (I feel guilty when I use nameless characters ^^;;;), Furbidden Realms is now looking to become a world and a series of its own. Most of the work related to FR will be adult-oriented, as the focus of the setting is erotica; we're also hoping to submit Furbidden Realms short stories to furry anthologies like Genus and Wildside at some stage in the future. (More info - GRIT: The Global Ranma Insanity Thread, an online RPG. As the name suggests, it's based loosely on Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2 manga/anime series, but the characters there ranged from elves to time lords to (happily) furries. (More art - (More info - DESTINY'S GATE: One of my longest-standing projects, and completely furry. Most of my Destiny's Gate work here is character portraits, but some of it - labelled 'ADG' - is from the portfolio I'm currently working on, 'A Distant Gate' ( UNDER THE STAR: A current project based in the 'sci-fantasy' genre of anime/manga. The characters from UtS aren't so much furries as they are occasional anthropomorphs; they mutate and gain animalistic forms. Don't worry, only the morphy stuff will be here ^^ PROJECT EEVEE: A very small-time project by myself and T-chan which is basically just an expansion on 'eevee' from Pokémon. I include pictures from Project Eevee here because, while they are all supposed to be Pokémon, they are also both original drawings and original characters. (More info - CMAX: Character Monthly Artist Exchange. This is one of the many (and one of the better, IMO) monthly art exchange programs that float around the net. Occasionally, I end up doing furry characters for CMAX, and in turn they end up here. (More info - That's all for now; this document will expand as I go on. If you want any more information on any of these projects, use the URL to wander 'round my pages for a while. Ja ne!