Pokemon GURPs By:Jeff Pullen pokemon (c) Nintendo This is a list of racial templates for GURPs to make characters or NPCs. It was made with the GURPs basic, GURPs supers, GURPs bestiary, and Compendium I. Information on GURPs can be found at http://www.sjgames.com (GURPs light, an introduction to the rules can also be found there). The stats (ST, DX...) are the base attributes for the pokemon, they can be raised and lowered as if they were at level 10. EX:Charmanders start with ST:4, to raise it to 6 requires 20 points. The advantages and disadvantages listed are required to be that pokemon and do not count toward the point limit , although you cannot remove them without your GMs permission (unusual background may be needed), others may be added. Powers are any super-advantage or attack power that can be targeted by mimic super-ability and copy super-ability. Skills are needed to use most powers, and will be listed with them (unless otherwise stated, they will be Physical/Easy). Skills list racial skills (skills known by every member of that race) and skill bonuses (skills that are easy for that race to learn). Skill bonuses are not applied until at least a 1/2 point is spent on the skill. Evolution: When a pokemon evolves it must buy up to the level of its new form. Sometimes advantages, disadvantages, and powers are gained or lost. Added ones must be paid for, but the effect of losing them is up to the GM. When stats change, any points spent or gained by raising or lowering attributes are applied to the new base level. New Advantages: These advantages will be stated as normal GURPs advantages. Unless they directly reference Pokemon, they can be used elsewhere (like GURPs Supers). Digital Transformation 50pts You can become digital information at will. You can travel through telephone wires and optical fibers at the speed of light. You can only enter and leave the computer realm through terminals and electric outlets. You can control computer programs with a thought (+2 to computer skills). Physical objects may not be carried in this form. In this form you may only be harmed by electrical, magnetic and psionic attacks (and light based ones when in optical fibers. You can be trapped in various storage devices like floppy disks and cds, although it would take a lot of space. You can use psi and other super-powers in this form, but cannot perform any physical attack or actions. Special Enhancement:Objects may be carried. They become digital information along with your body. +10% for no encumberance, +20% for light, +50 for medium, or +100% for heavy. Special Limitation:You cannot move through optical fiber. You are restricted to electrical and magnetic travel. -5pts. If optic fiber is used rarely, -10 or more if it is wide spread. Special Limitation:You cannot switch out of your digital form. It is now a disadvantage worth -20pts. The enhancement to carry objects may not be taken, although the no optic fiber limitation may. Extra Head 20pts./level This advantage gives its user independently focusable eyes equal to its extra head level. Any damage to the brain is only done to one head at a time. Distribution of IQ, hit points, and skills between the heads is up to the GM.. Mimic Pokemon 150pts. This power allows the pokemon (or other creature with this power) to transform into a duplicate of any pokemon in its sight. The power lasts until the pokemon is unconscious or until it makes an easy skill roll to turn back. ST, and DX are replaced by the targets, HT is adjusted halfway, and IQ is unchanged. Skills and mental dis/advantages are not copied ,physical dis/advantages are. Pokeball Resistance 4pts./level A pokemon with this advantage is harder to catch than others. Its resistance level is added to its current HT score when hit with a pokeball. Speak Human 10pts. Normally, pokemon cannot speak any human tongue (they can speak with other pokemon, at the GMs permission), not because of intelligence (some pokemon are smarter than most humans) but that they don't have a voicebox like humans. This advantage is so rare that the GM may require an unusual background or a social stigma (in the comic series, Team Rockets meowth was considered weird by other pokemon and captured for experimentation by Dr. Oak). Speak Pokemon 10pts. This advantage is for humans and other creatures to communicate with pokemon. Tail 4 or 0pts. There are two types of tails. Light ones cannot be used for physical attacks, however if the pokemon has the Body of Fire advantage the tail will also be made of fire. Heavy tails can be used as a striker but are hard to aim (-1 to DX), the maneuver Tail Strike(Hard) defaults to Brawling. Viscous Body 45pts. Your body is composed of slime. Shape is maintained by surface tension. Normal crushing weapons do 25% less damage; Normal cutting, impaling and missile weapons do 1 point of damage per hit (regardless of DR). Dehydration and fire attacks do 1.5 times damage (after DR is subtracted). You may use super-abilities normally, but normal physical skills are at -4. Objects may be carried at no encumbrance or lower. Special Enhancement:Heavier objects may be carried. +10% for light, +20% for medium, +50% for heavy, or +100% for extra heavy. Special Limitation:You cannot switch out of Viscous Body. It is now a disadvantage worth -15pts. If you can carry heavy objects, use the percentage value of the enhancement to lower the cost of the disadvantage. Special Limitation:Leaves slime trail. You are easier to track in this mode, and can really ruin a carpet. This is a -10% disadvantage. Pokemon Bulbasaur -35pt. disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:10 0 IQ:6 -30pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Taste and Smell/2 4pts. Damage Resistance/1 3pts. Strikers/2(1 Hex, Flexible, Talons) 70pts DISADVANTAGES Reduced Hit Points/4 -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/15lbs. Ivysaur 43pt. Advantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:10 0 IQ:6 -30pts. HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Taste and Smell/2 4pts. Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Strikers/2(2 Hex, Flexible, Talons) 80pts DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Brawling Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/29lbs. Venusaur 220pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts.. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:15 60pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Taste and Smell/2 4pts. Damage Resistance/3 9pts. Strikers/2(2 Hex, Flexible, Talons) 80pts DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb(Light, Flower only, laser)/2 14pts. None Laser(Takes Extra Time)/3 25pts. Energy Beam (default, IQ-2) Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Brawling Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:6'7''/221lbs. Charmander -53pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:0 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Tail(-1 DX to attack) 4pts. Temperature Tolerance/3(vs. heat) 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsive -10pts. Reduced Hit Points/3 -15pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Short Arms -10pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5(Touch only, Always on) 15pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX+1 2pts Average Length/Weight:2'/19lbs. Charmelion 27pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Tail(-1 DX to attack) 4pts. Temperature Tolerance/4(vs. heat) 40pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsive -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5(Touch only, Always on) 15pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX+1 2pts Average Length/Weight:3'7/42lbs. Charizard 125pt. Advantage ST:14 45pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Extra Hit Points/1 5pts. Tail(-1 DX to attack) 4pts. Temperature Tolerance/4(vs. heat) 40pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Temper -10pts. Impulsive -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5(Touch only, Always on) 15pts. Brawling Flame Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX+1 2pts Average Length/Weight:5'7/200lbs. Squirtle -20pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Breath Holding/3 6pts. Damage Resistance/4 12pts. Nictating Membrane/1 10pts. Passive Defence/1(Shell) 25pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) 2pts. Breath Control Bonus +1 4pts. Average Length/Weight:1'8/20lbs. Wartortle 35pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts . ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Breath Holding/4 8pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Nictating Membrane/1 10pts. Passive Defence/1(Shell) 25pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) 2pts. Breath Control Bonus +1 4pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/50lbs. Blastoise 161pt. Advantage ST:14 45pts.. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:13 30pts . ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Breath Holding/4 8pts. Damage Resistance/7 21pts. Nictating Membrane/1 10pts. Passive Defence/1(Shell) 25pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) at IQ 2pts. Breath Control Bonus +1 4pts. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/189lbs. Caterpie -106pt. disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:5 -40pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Clinging 25pts. Extra Flexibility(body) 10pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Bind/5 30pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/6lbs. Metapod -81pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:3 -60pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Clinging 25pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. Rapid Healing 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/22lbs. Butterfree 129pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Peripheral Vision 15pts. Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. Rapid Healing 5pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack (M/A) Sonic Blast/5 35pts. Voice Attack Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts Brawling Whirlwind/5 20pts. Wing Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/71lbs. Weedle -91pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Clinging 25pts. Horn 5pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Bind/5 30pts Spray Venom(Poison)/1 15pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/7lbs. Kakuna -41pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:3 -60pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Clinging 25pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/1 15pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'/22lbs. Beedrill 79pt Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10 ADVANTAGES Psionic Resistance/3 6pts. Talons 40pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/65lbs. Pidgey -70pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts, POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/4lbs. Pidgeotto 15pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Whirlwind/5 25pts. Wing Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'7/66lbs. Pidgeot 56pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Telescopic Vision/3 18pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Whirlwind/5 25pts. Wing Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/87lbs. Rattata -86pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Vision/2 4pts. Fur 4pts. Increased Speed/1 25pts. Night Vision 10pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/1 -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX+1 2pts. Escape Bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/8lbs. Raticate 21pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Vision/2 4pts. Fur 4pts. Increased Speed/1 25pts. Night Vision 10pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX+2 2pts. Escape Bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/41lbs. Spearow -60pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Spear(Beak) 30pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -12pts. Fragile -20pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/4lbs. Fearow 61pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Spear(Beak) 30pts. Penetrating Call 5pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -12pts. Fragile -20pts. POWERS skills needed Mimic Super-Ability/5 35pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/84lbs. Ekans -81pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Taste and Smell/2 4pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Escape Bonus +1 2pts. Average Length/Weight:6'7''/15lbs. Arbok 77pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Taste and Smell/2 4pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Fangs 10pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Stare (M/E) Venom(Corrosive)/2 30pts. Brawling Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Escape Bonus +1 2pts. Average Length/Weight:11'6''/143lbs. Pikachu -80pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Fur 4pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/13lbs. Riachu 15pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts.. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/3 6pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Fur 4pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/66lbs. Sandshrew -20pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/5(Ablative/min) 10pts Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Tunnel(1hex) 50pts. None Sand Jet/5 20pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pts. Geology at IQ-1 2pts. Engineer(Mining) bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts Average Length/Weight:2'/26lbs. Sandslash 90pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Long Spines 15pts. Damage Resistance/5(Ablative/min) 10pts Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. Talons 40pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Tunnel(1hex) 50pts. None Sand Jet/5 20pts. Brawling Venom(Poison)/1 15pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pts. Geology at IQ-1 2pts. Engineer(Mining) bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts Average Length/Weight:3'3''/65lbs. Nidoran female -71pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:7 -20pts IQ:7 -20pts HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Butting Horn 5pts. Spines 5pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/15lbs. Nidorina -16pt. Disadvantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:9 -10pts IQ:7 -20pts HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Butting Horn 5pts. Spines 5pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/44lbs. Nidoqueen 96pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:9 -10pts IQ:8 -15pts HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. Butting Horn 5pts. Long Spines 15pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Semi-Upright -5pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Kicking at Brawling +1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/132lbs. Nidoran male ST:5 -40pts. DX:7 -20pts IQ:7 -20pts HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Butting Horn 5pts. Spines 5pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/15lbs. Nidorino -1pt. disadvantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:9 -10pts IQ:7 -20pts HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Long Horn(1hex) 25pts. Spines 5pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/43lbs. Nidoking 131pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:0 0 IQ:8 -15pts HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. Long Horn(1hex) 25pts. Long Spines 15pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Semi-Upright -5 Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Kicking at Brawling +1 1pt. Average Length/Weight: Clefairy -19pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Fur 4pts. Gliding 20pts. Tail(No Attack) 0pts. Voice 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Shyness -5pts. POWERS skills needed Passive Defense(Force Field) 25pts None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'/17lbs. Clefable +72pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:10 0 IQ:9 -10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Fur 4pts. Gliding 20pts. Tail(No Attack) 0pts. Voice 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Shyness -5pts. POWERS skills needed Mimic Super-Ability/5 35pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Passive Defense(Force Field) 25pts None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/88lbs. Vulpix -57pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Discriminatory Smell 15pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Temperature Tolerance(Heat)/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Proud -1pt. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'/22lbs. Ninetails 55pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:10 0 HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/3 6pts. Discriminatory Smell 15pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Temperature Tolerance(Heat)/4 40pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Proud -1pt. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack Flame Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/44lbs. Jigglypuff -23pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Vision/3 6pts. Bouncing(No Super-Jump)/3 27pts. Extra Hit Points/2 10pts. Voice 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Reduced Move(Running)/1 -5pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Jumping Bonus +2 1pt. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'8''/12lbs. Wigglytuff 49pt. Advantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:10 0 HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/1 2pts. Acute Vision/3 6pts. Bouncing(No Super-Jump)/3 27pts. Extra Hit Points/2 10pts. Passive Defense/1 25pts. Voice 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Reduced Move(Running)/1 -5pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Jumping Bonus +2 1pt. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/26lbs. Zubat -25 pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Disease Resistant 5pts. Winged Flight 30pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Sonar Vision(Only Vision) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. Subsonic Hearing 5pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Nocturnal -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Deafen/5 15pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/17lbs. Golbat 70pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Disease Resistant 5pts. Winged Flight 30pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. Sonar Vision 25pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. Subsonic Hearing 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Sight(Nearsighted) -25pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Nocturnal -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Deafen/5 15pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/121lbs. Oddish -77pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:5 -40pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Decreased Life Support 10pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. DISADVANTAGES No Arms -40pts. Reduced Hit Points/3 -15pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Plains) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'8''/12lbs. Gloom -17pt. Disadvantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Decreased Life Support 10pts. Resistant to Poison 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Short Arms -10pts. Reduced Hit Points/1 -5pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/1 20pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Plains) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/19lbs. Vileplume 74pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Decreased Life Support 10pts. Immunity to Poison 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Short Arms -10pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer Laser(Takes 2 Seconds)/5 41pts. Energy Attack Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/1 20pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Plains) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/41lbs. Paras -73pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:9 -10pts ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance(Ablative/Min)/3 6pts. Extra Encumbrance 5pts. Extra Legs/2 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'/12lbs. Parasect 40pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance(Ablative/Min)/3 6pts. Extra Encumbrance 5pts. Extra Legs/2 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -12pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/65lbs. Venovat 76pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Disease Resistance 5pts. Fur 4pts. Infravision 15pts. Resistance to Poison 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Reduced Move(Running)/1 -5pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forests) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/66lbs. Venomoth 173pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Bite 30pts. Disease Resistance 5pts. Extra Legs/4 10pts. Fur 4pts. Infravision 15pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Resistance to Poison 5pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move(Running)/1 -5pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Laser(Fatigue Only)/5 36pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forests) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/28lbs. Diglett -106pt. Disadvantage ST:1 -80pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Tunnel(1 hex) 50pts. None Sand Jet/5 20pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Geology at IQ 4pts. Engineer(Mining) bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:8''/2lbs. Dugtrio 98pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Extra Head/2 40pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Tunnel(1 hex) 50pts. None Sand Jet/5 20pts. Spray Shockwave(Ground Only)/5 37pts. Brawling SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Geology at IQ 4pts. Engineer(Mining) bonus +1 2pts. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/73lbs. Meowth -99pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Alertness/1 5pts. Claws 15pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Curious -5pts. Kleptomania -15pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -20pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Scrounging at IQ 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/91lbs. Persian -34pt. Disadvantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Alertness/1 5pts. Claws 15pts. Extra Hit Points/1 5pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Curious -5pts. Horizontal -10pts. Kleptomania -15pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Scrounging at IQ 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/71lbs. Psyduck -27pt. Disadvantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES Migraine -5pts. Poor Grip -5pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Drain Super Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/43lbs. Golduck 133pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:11 10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Sharp Teeth(Beak) 5pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES Poor Grip -5pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Drain Super Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/169lbs. Mankey -21pt. Disadvantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Brachiator 5pts. Feet Manipulators/2 20pts. Fur 4pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. Tail(Extra Flexibility, No Attack) 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Temper -10pts. Impulsive -10pts. Stubborn -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX + 1 2pts. Jumping bonus + 1 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'8''/62lbs. Primeape 41pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Brachiator 5pts. Feet Manipulators/2 20pts. Fur 4pts. Perfect Balance 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Temper -10pts. Impulsive -10pts. Stubborn -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX + 2 4pts. Jumping bonus + 1 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/71lbs. Growlithe -59pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Discriminatory Smell 15pts. Fur 4pts. Night Vision 10pts. Penetrating Call 5pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Color Blindness -10pts. Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Tracking bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/42lbs. Arcanine 96pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Discriminatory Smell 15pts. Fur 4pts. Night Vision 10pts. Penetrating Call 5pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Color Blindness -10pts. Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack Flame Jet/5 30pts Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Tracking bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:6'3''/342lbs. Polywag -66pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Super Swimming/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water only) 0 No Arms -40pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival (Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Hypnotism bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'/27lbs. Polywhirl 25pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:9 -10pts ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Super Swimming/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water only) 0 Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX + 1 2pt. Survival (Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Hypnotism bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'4''/44lbs. Polywrath 110pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. Super Swimming/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water only) 0 Bad Temper -10pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX +1 2pt. Survival (Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Hypnotism bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/119lbs. Abra -28pt. Disadvantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:6 -30pts. ADVANTAGES Danger Sense 15pts. Deep Sleeper 5pts. Tail(DX - 1) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Extra Sleep/8 -16pts. POWERS skills needed Teleport/10 50pts. See Basic Book SKILLS Autoteleport at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/43lbs. Kadabra 156pt. Advantage ST:10 0 DX:9 -10pts. IQ:11 10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Danger Sense 15pts. Slow Regeneration 10pts. Tail(DX - 1) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES None POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack Telepathy/5 25pts. See Basic Book Teleport/10 50pts. See Basic Book SKILLS Autoteleport at IQ 4pts. Mental Blow at IQ 4pts. Telesend at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/125lbs. Alakazam 222pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:14 45pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Danger Sense 15pts. Slow Regeneration 10pts. DISADVANTAGES None POWERS skills needed Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack Passive Defence(Force Field)/1 25pts. None Telepathy/5 25pts. See Basic Book Teleport/10 50pts. See Basic Book SKILLS Autoteleport at IQ 4pts. Mental Blow at IQ 4pts. Telesend at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/106lbs. Machop -75pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Combat Reflexes 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsive -10pts. Overconfidence -10pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX + 1 2pts. Karate bonus + 1 2pts. Wrestling bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/43lbs. Machoke -20pt. Disadvantage ST:11 10pts. DX:9 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Combat Reflexes 15pts. Modified Arm ST(All) + 1 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsive -10pts. Overconfidence -10pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX + 1 2pts. Karate bonus + 1 2pts. Wrestling bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/155lbs. Machamp ST:15 60pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Combat Reflexes 15pts. Extra Arms/2 20pts. Modified Arm ST(All) + 1 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsive -10pts. Overconfidence -10pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX + 1 2pts. Karate bonus + 1 2pts. Wrestling bonus + 1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/287lbs. Bellsprout -89pt. Disadvantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Sensitive Touch 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Invertebrate -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Stretching + 1 45pts. None Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'4''/11lbs. Weepingbell 51pt. Advantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Sensitive Touch 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Invertebrate -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Stretching + 2 60pts. None Venom(Corrosive, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/141lbs. Victreebell 96pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Sensitive Touch 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Invertebrate -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Stretching + 2 60pts. None Venom(Corrosive, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/34lbs. Tentacool 24pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Extra Flexibility(Arms) 5pts. Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Resistance to Poison 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. Invertebrate -20pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Voice Attack Flight(5-Foot Ceiling) 30pts. Flight(Float) Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/2 35pts. Spray Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/100lbs. Tentacruel 159pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Extra Arms/5 50pts. Extra Flexibility(Arms) 5pts. Immunity to Poison 15pts. Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. Invertebrate -20pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Voice Attack Flight(5-Foot Ceiling) 30pts. Flight(Float) Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/2 35pts. Spray Venom(Poison)/2 30pts. Brawling Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/121lbs. Geodude -40pt. Disadvantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Stone(Always On)/5 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Legless -35pts. Reduced Hit Points/1 -5pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(5-Foot Ceiling) 30pts. Flight(Float) Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 22pts. Detonate Stone Missile/5 30pts. Throw SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/44lbs. Graveler 51pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Body of Stone(Always On)/5 30pts. Increased Density/1 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Legless -35pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(5-Foot Ceiling) 30pts. Flight(Float) Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 22pts. Detonate Shockwave(Ground Only)/5 41pts. Earth Attack Stone Missile/5 30pts. Throw SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/232lbs. Golem 161pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts. DX:7 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Stone(Always On)/5 30pts. Increased Density/3 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 22pts. Detonate Shockwave(Ground Only)/5 41pts. Earth Attack Stone Missile/5 30pts. Throw SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'7''/662lbs. Pontya -20pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Fire(Always On)/2 6pts. Super Running/2 40pts. Fur 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hiking bonus + 1 1pt. Running at HT 4pts. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/66lbs. Rapidash 154pt. Advantage ST:14 45pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Body of Fire(Always On)/4 24pts. Horn(Cutting) 30pts. Super Running/3 60pts. Fur 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hiking bonus + 1 1pt. Running at HT 4pts. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/209lbs. Slowpoke -13pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:6 -30pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Breath Holding/2 4pts. High Pain Threshold 10pts. Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Short Attention Span -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack Drain Skill/5 15pts. Thought Attack Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Breath Control bonus + 1 4pts. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/79lbs. Slowbro 111pt. Advantage ST:12 20pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Breath Holding/2 4pts. High Pain Threshold 10pts. Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. Short Attention Span -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack Drain Skill/5 15pts. Thought Attack Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Breath Control bonus + 1 4pts. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/173lbs. Magnemite -73pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:5 -40pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Metal(Always On)/3 22pts. Field Sense 10pts. Magnetic Sense/3 15pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. One Eye -15pts. Legless -35pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack Flight(10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flying(Float) Magnetize/5 25pts. Energy Manipulation(M/A) Sonic Blast/5 35pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/13lbs. Magneton 137pt. Advantage ST:10 0 DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Metal(Always On)/3 22pts. Extra Head/2 40pts. Field Sense 10pts. Magnetic Sense/3 15pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Legless -35pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack Flight(10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flying(Float) Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack Magnetize/5 25pts. Energy Manipulation(M/A) Sonic Blast/5 35pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/132lbs. Farfetch'd -76pt. Disadventage ST:5 -40pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Flight(Winged) 30pts. Fur(Feathers) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -15pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Fencing or Shortsword at DX 2pts. Flight(Winged) at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/33lbs. Doduo -18pt. Disadvantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Extra Head/1 20pts. Spear(Beak) 30pts. Super-Running/1 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Cannot Climb 0 Fragile -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Running at HT 4pts. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'7''/86lbs. Dodrio 107pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Extra Head/2 40pts. Spear(Beak) 30pts. Super-Running/2 40pts. DISADVANTAGES Cannot Climb 0 Fragile -20pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Running at HT 4pts. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:5'11''/188lbs. Seel -76pt. Disadvantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Breath Holding/2 4pts. Extra Fatigue/2 6pts. Horn 5pts. Increased Density/1 5pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Super-Swimming/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Cannot Climb 0 Horizontal -10pts. One Leg(Tail) -25pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/198lbs. Dewgong 41pt. Advantage ST:13 30pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Breath Holding/3 6pts. Extra Fatigue/2 6pts. Horn 5pts. Increased Density/1 5pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Slow Regeneration 10pts. Super-Swimming/3 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Cannot Climb 0 Horizontal -10pts. One Leg(Tail) -25pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Cool/5 5pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Coastline) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/265lbs. Grimer -14pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Filter Lungs 5pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. Poor Grip -5pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Viscous Body(Always On, Med. Enc.)-12pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison, Sweat)/2 35pts. Brawling Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/1 25pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/66lbs. Muk 83pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Filter Lungs 5pts. Immunity to Poisons 15pts. Passive Defence/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. Poor Grip -5pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Viscous Body(Always On, Med. Enc.)-12pts. POWERS skills needed Venom(Poison, Sweat)/2 35pts. Brawling Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/1 25pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/66lbs. Shellder -107pt. Disadvantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:5 -40pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Horns 5pts. Gills 10pts. Super Swimming/1 10pts. Passive Defence(Armor)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water Only) 0 No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confusion(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack Cool/10 10pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'/9lbs. Cloyster 107pt. Advantage ST:12 20pts. DX:5 -40pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/8 24pts. Horns 5pts. Increased Density/1 5pts. Gills 10pts. Super Swimming/1 10pts. Passive Defence(Armor)/2 50pts. DISADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water Only) 0 No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Confusion(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack Cool/10 10pts. Energy Attack Ice Spears/5 45pts. Brawling or Throwing SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/292lbs. Ghastly -36pt. Disadvantage ST:1 -80pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Super Flight/1 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Body of Gas(Always On, No Enc.) -27lbs. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(IQ)/5 25pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Confuse(Mental)/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Create Darkness/5 15pts. Breath Attack Flight(Float) 40pts. Flight(Float) Illusion/2 10pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Flight at DX 2pts. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/.2lbs. Haunter 17pt. Advantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:10 0 HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Super Flight/1 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Body of Gas(Always On, Lht. Enc.) -24lbs. Legless -35pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(IQ)/5 25pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Confuse(Mental)/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Create Darkness/5 15pts. Breath Attack Flight(Float) 40pts. Flight(Float) Illusion/3 15pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Flight at DX 2pts. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/.2lbs. Gengar 151pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:11 10pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Super Flight/1 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Body of Gas(Always On, Med Enc.) -15lbs. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(IQ)/5 25pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Confuse(Mental)/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Create Darkness/5 15pts. Breath Attack Flight(Float) 40pts. Flight(Float) Illusion/4 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Flight at DX 2pts. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/86lbs. Onyx 55pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Stone(Always On)/4 32pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Horn 5pts. Increased Density/2 10pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underground) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:28'10''/463lbs. Drowzee 20pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:10 0 HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES None DISADVANTAGES Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/71lbs. Hypno 108pt. Advantage ST:10 0 DX:10 0 IQ:11 10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES None DISADVANTAGES None POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Drain Super-Ability/5 40pts. Thought Attack(M/A) Telepathy/5 25pts. See Basic Book SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Telesend at IQ 4pts. Mental Blow at IQ 4pts. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/167lbs. Krabby -73pt. Disadvantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:6 -30pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance(Abl. Min.)/5 10pts. Extra Legs/2 5pts. Gills 10pts. Modified Arm ST(Both)/2 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/14lbs. Kingler 27pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance(Abl. Min.)/5 10pts. Extra Legs/2 5pts. Gills 10pts. Modified Arm ST(Both)/2 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/132lbs. Voltorb -17pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Metal(Always On)/3 23pts. Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Radio Hearing 10pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(Float, 10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flight(Float) Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 23pts. Detonate Sonic Blast/5 35pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Float) at DX 2pts. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'8''/23lbs. Electrode 77pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Body of Metal(Always On)/5 37pts. Doesn't Breathe 20pts. Doesn't Eat/Drink 10pts. Radio Hearing 10pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(Float, 10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flight(Float) Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 23pts. Detonate Sonic Blast/5 35pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Float) at DX 2pts. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/147lbs. Exeggcute 8pt. Advantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Extra Head/4 80pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. Reduced Hit Points/3 -15pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(Float, 5-Foot Ceiling) 30pts. Flight(Float) Passive Defense(Force Field)/1 25pts. None Absorb Attribute(HT)/2 10pts. Transfer Venom(Irritant, Cloud)1 30pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)1 30pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/6lbs. Exeggutor 77pt. Advantage ST:14 45pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Extra Head/4 80pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hypnosis at IQ 4pts. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:6'7''/265lbs. Cubone -92pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Axe/Mace at DX 2pts. Sculpting(Bone) at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/14lbs. Marowak 22pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:9 -10pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws(Tail Only) 15pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/1 -3pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Axe/Mace at DX 2pts. Sculpting(Bone) at DX 2pts. Throwing Stick at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/99lbs. Hitmonlee 26pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Combat Reflexes 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsiveness -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Super-Jump/1 10pts. None Super-Running/1 20pts. None SKILLS Acrobatics at DX 4pts. Brawling at DX + 1 2pt. Jumping at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/110lbs. Hitmonchan 34pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Combat Reflexes 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Impulsiveness -10pts. POWERS skills needed Increased Speed/1 25pts. None SKILLS Boxing at DX + 1 4pts. Average Length/Weight:4'7''/111lbs. Lickitung 4pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Taste/Smell/1 2pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Striker(2 Hex, Flexibility) 20pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Gluttony -5pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Forest) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/144lbs. Koffing -42pt. Disadvantage ST:1 -80pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Immunity to Poison 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. Reduced Hit Points/4 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(Float, 10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flight(Float) Venom(Poison. Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/2 35pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'/2lbs. Weezing 71pt. Advantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Extra Head/1 20pts. Immunity to Poison 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Smell -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Flight(Float, 10-Foot Ceiling) 32pts. Flight(Float) Shockwave(10 Fatigue)/5 23pts. Detonate Smoke/5 15pts. Spray Venom(Poison. Cloud)/2 45pts. Spray Venom(Corrosive, Ranged)/2 35pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'11''/21lbs. Rhyhorn 11pt. Advantage ST:14 45pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Horn 5pts. Passive Defense(Armor)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/254lbs. Rhydon 81pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20 ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Horn 5pts. Passive Defense(Armor)/1 25pts. Temperature Tolerance/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Semi-Upright -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:6'3''/265lbs. Chansey -9pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Bouncing(No Super-Jump)/2 18pts. Collected 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -12pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Empathy 15pts. None Passive Defense(Force Field)/1 25pts. None SKILLS None Average Length/Weight:3'7''/76lbs. Tanglea 68pt. Advantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Constriction Attack 15pts. Long Arms(2 Hex) 20pts. Extra Flexibility(Arms) 5pts. Passive Defense(Tentacles)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. Shyness -5pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer Venom(Irritant, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray Venom(Poison, Cloud)/1 30pts. Spray SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Stealth at DX 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/77lbs. Kangaskhan 31pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS None SKILLS Boxing at DX 2pts. Brawling at DX 1pt. Jumping at DX 1pt. Survival(Plains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:7'3''/176lbs. Horsea -126pt. Disadvantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Super-Swimming/1 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. One Leg(Tail) -25pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/18lbs. Seadra 4pt. Advantage ST:6 -30pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Super-Swimming/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. One Leg(Tail) -25pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Bubbles)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'1''/55lbs. Goldeen -106pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Horn(Sharp) 20pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Super-Swimming/1 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pt. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'/33lbs. Seaking 4pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Horn(Sharp) 20pts. Nictating Membrane/2 20pts. Super-Swimming/1 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse(Sonic)/5 20pts. Voice Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pt. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/86lbs. Staryu -11pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Extra Limbs/1 10pts. Gills 10pts. Regeneration(Slow) 10pts. Regrowth 40pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. One Eye -15pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/76lbs. Starmie 74pt. Advantage ST:11 10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Extra Limbs/5 15pts. Gills 10pts. Regeneration(Regular) 25pts. Regrowth 40pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. One Eye -15pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/176lbs. Mr. Mime 12pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:11 10pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES None DISADVANTAGES Mute -25pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack Passive Defense(Force Field)/1 25pts. None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Dancing(Mime) at DX 2pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/120lbs. Scyther 37pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Long Talons 55pts. Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Winged Flight 30pts. DISADVANTAGES Bad Temper -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/123lbs. Jynx 47pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:10 0 HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES None DISADVANTAGES Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS skills needed Telepathy/5 25pts See Basic Book Confuse(Touch Only)/5 16pts. Brawling Ice Sphere/5 30pts. Throwing SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Hypnotism at IQ 4pts. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'7''/90lbs. Electrabuzz -1pt. Disadvantage ST:7 -20pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Tail(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack Surge(Touch Only)/5 16pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Urban) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'7''/66lbs. Magmar 88pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Body of Fire(Always On)/5 15pts. Claws 15pts. Temperature Tolerance(Heat)/5 50pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack Flame Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack Smoke/5 15pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Mountains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/98lbs. Pinsir 12pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:9 -10pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/3 9pts. Modified Strength(Strikers)/2 10pts. Psionic Resistance/2 4pts. Strikers/2 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/4 -12pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'11''/121lbs. Tauros -10pt. Disadvantage ST:14 45pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Extra Encumbrance 5pts. Fur 4pts. Horns 5pts. Tails(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES Bad Temper -10pts. Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'7''/195lbs. Magikarp -188pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Gills 10pts. Peripheral Vision 15pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. No Manipulators -50pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/22lbs. Gyarados 88pt. Advantage ST:18 125pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Damage Resistance/2 6pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Gills 10pts. Increased Density/1 5pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES Aquatic -40pts. Bad Temper -10pts. No Manipulators -50pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Cool/10 10pts. Energy Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Swimming at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:21'4''/518lbs. Lapras 162pt. Advantage ST:16 80pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious(Water Only) 0 Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Extra Encumbrance 5pts. Horn 5pts. Increased Density/1 10pts. Passive Defense(Shell)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Thought Attack Frost Jet/5 35pts. Breath Attack Smoke(Mist)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Singing at HT 1pt. Average Length/Weight:8'2''/485lbs. Ditto ST:2 -70pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:7 -20pts. ADVANTAGES Viscous Body 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Reduced Move/1 -5pts. POWERS skills needed Mimic Pokemon 150pts. Transformation(P/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'/9lbs. Eevee -71pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. Increased Speed/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'/14lbs. Vaporeon 62pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Amphibious 10pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. Increased Speed/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Electricity)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Smoke(Mist)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack Chameleon(Water Only)/3 15pts. Transformation(P/A) SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/64lbs. Jolteon 68pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Sharp Teeth 5pts. Spiny Fur 33pts. Increased Speed/2 50pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attank SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/54lbs. Flareon 49pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Acute Hearing/2 4pts. Fur 4pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 Temperature Tolerance(Heat)/2 20pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. Increased Speed/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Vulnerable(Water)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Fireball/5 30pts. Breath Attack Flame Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'11''/55lbs. Porygon 23pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:9 -10pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Peripheral Vision 15pts. Claws 15pts. Tail(No Attack) 0 DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Reduced Move/1 -5 POWERS skills needed Digital Transformation 50pts. Transformation(P/A) Laser(Fatigue Damage Only)/5 36pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Computer Operation at IQ 1pt. Average Length/Weight:2'7''/80lbs. Omanyte -8pt. Disadvantage ST:3 -60pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:9 -10pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Extra Arms/8 40pts. Gills 10pts. Passive Defense(Armor)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Dying Race -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'4''/17lbs. Omastar 117pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Extra Arms/8 40pts. Gills 10pts. Passive Defense(Armor)/1 25pts. DISADVANTAGES Dying Race -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Water Cannon/5 30pts. Breath Attack Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:3'3''/77lbs. Kabuto -77pt. Disadvantage ST:4 -50pts. DX:8 -15pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Claws 15pts. Gills 10pts. Damage Resistance/4 12pts. DISADVANTAGES Horizontal -10pts. No Fine Manipulators -30pts. Short Arms -10pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:1'8''/25lbs. Kabutops 96pt. Advantage ST:8 -15pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Gills 10pts. Damage Resistance/5 15pts. Talons 40pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS skills needed Absorb Attribute(HT)/5 25pts. Transfer Water Jet/5 25pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:4'3''/89lbs. Aerodactyl 35pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:13 30pts. ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Damage Resistance/3 9pts. Flight(Winged) 30pts. Sharp Teeth 5pts. DISADVANTAGES No Fine Manipulators -30pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'11''/130lbs. Snorlax 29pt. Advantage ST:17 100pts. DX:7 -20pts. IQ:7 -20pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Increased Density/3 15pts. Deep Sleeper 5pts. Fur 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Fat -20pts. Laziness -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/2 -6pts. Sleepy(50%) -10pts. POWERS None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Average Length/Weight:6'11''/1,014lbs. Articuno 66pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Flight(Winged) 30pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. Temperature Tolerance(Cold)/2 20pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. Vulnerable(Fire)/2 -20pts. POWERS skills needed Cool/10 10pts. Energy Attack Frost Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack Smoke(Mist)/5 15pts. Breath Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) bonus +1 1pt. Survival(Mountains) at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:5'7''/122lbs. Zapdos 69pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Claws 15pts. Flight(Winged) 30pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. Vulnerable(Water)/1 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack Passive Defense(Force Field)/1 25pts. None SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) bonus +1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/116lbs. Moltres 66pt. Advantage ST:9 -10pts. DX:11 10pts. IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Body of Fire(Always On)/4 12pts. Claws 15pts. Flight(Winged) 30pts. Telescopic Vision/2 12pts. DISADVANTAGES Fragile -20pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Flame Jet/5 30pts. Breath Attack Ring of Fire/5 15pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Flight(Winged) bonus +1 1pt. Average Length/Weight:6'7''/132lbs. Dratini -82pt. Disadvantage ST:2 -70pts. DX:10 0 IQ:7 -20pts. HT:8 -15pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Gills 10pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. Reduced Hit Points/2 -10pts. POWERS skills needed Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:5'3''/71lbs. Dragonair 3pt. Advantage ST:5 -40pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:10 0 ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Extra Flexibility(Body) 10pts. Gills 10pts. DISADVANTAGES No Manipulators -50pts. POWERS skills needed Control Weather/5 25pt. Energy Manipulation Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:13'1''/36lbs. Dragonite 208pt. Advantage ST:17 80pts. DX:10 0 IQ:8 -15pts. HT:12 20pts. ADVANTAGES Amphibious 10pts. Constriction Attack 15pts. Flight(Winged) 30pts. Gills 10pts. Increased Density/2 10pts. DISADVANTAGES Reduced Manual Dexterity/5 -15pts. POWERS skills needed Control Weather/5 25pt. Energy Manipulation Lightning/5 35pts. Energy Attack SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Survival(Underwater) 2pts. Average Length/Weight:7'3''/463pts. Mewtwo 217pt. Advantage ST:15 60pts. DX:12 20pts. IQ:13 30pts. HT:11 10pts. ADVANTAGES Alertness/2 10pts. Slow Regeneration 10pts. Tail(-1 DX) 4pts. DISADVANTAGES Dying Race -10pts. Reduced Manual Dexterity/3 -9pts. POWERS skills needed Confuse/5 20pts. Mental Attack(M/A) Passive Defense(Force Field)/1 25pts. None Smoke(Mist)/5 15pts. Breath Attack Telepathy/5 25pts. See Basic Book SKILLS Brawling at DX 1pt. Mental Blow at IQ 4pts. Telesend at IQ 2pts. Average Length/Weight:6'7''/269lbs.