Katzy and the Reluctant Were-Herm Katzy was nervous. Well. Not so much nervous as she was embarrassed. Kat didn’t appear to be a late bloomer, far from it. She was already developing well. Voluptuous enough to inspire childish lust and envy in her classmates. All the other girls at St. Helna Catholic School had long sense been complaining of their monthly cycle. This forced Katzy to make false claims that trapped her in lies and misinformation. Confusion as to what color, what thickness, and what “type” she was using to counter-act nature’s blunder. Brown? Red? Thick? Watery? Pads or tampons? Her mother failed to talk to Kat about “female problems” or even offer to buy her something for them. Katzy was ashamed of all this lying about things she had no clue about. It made her feel like every time they laughed behind her back they were laughing at her. Every chance she got she said nothing instead of ending up looking stupid. But at an all girl school, this was kinda hard, if not impossible. One day, in the middle of Ms. Logan’s class, while she was suppose to be drawing a still life, which she had finished days ago, she decided to doodle the teacher. She was an ugly wolverine who had this… “Oh… stomach cramp…” Cramps. She’d thought maybe she’d eaten some bad vegetables (another reason to had green beans, she analogized), and last night she’d rode so many roller coasters at her little brother’s birthday party, she’d expected her stomach to be a little woozy. Now, though, as the words were coming out of her mouth, it dawned on her. And as the thought hit her mind, her body picked that moment to react, like it was waiting for her to get it. She could feel –something- hurting a little more. She felt moist around her mound. She assumed that it was going to spread as she sat there longer and longer She had to go check it out; curiosity was getting the better of this cat. She was squirming in her seat as she found herself with her hand in the air. When Ms. Logan acknowledged her from behind her piles of midterms at her desk, instead of thinking, Katzy blurted out “My panties are wet.” She quickly jerked down her hand, but it was to late. Everyone in the class turned and started laughing at her. Before even waiting for Ms. Logan to stop snickering herself, Katzy was dashing up the aisles. As she passed her tittering classmates, she felt like a giant: both because she felt like she stuck out like a laughable sore thumb, and also because she felt bigger, more mature and worldly. By the time she finally got to the bathroom, she felt sticky all over. She knew there had to be a big mess down there, but like any exploration, or any cat playing with a ball of yarn, it was worth a good bit of teasing first. She notice that with all her flushed expression, and running, she was a bit hot, and a little brow of sweat starting forming under her face fur. She carefully wet her paw from the basin and began patting down her face slowly and calmly, smiling proudly as she admired herself in the mirror for a moment. She wondered when she was gonna get a boyfriend, now that she was truly a teenager and all. She almost forgot the reason she’d came in the bathroom in the first place, and just seconds from opening the door to leave, she ‘oops’ed, and turned back toward the sinks. To this day, Katzy still can’t tell why she decided to stop and check it out in front of the sinks and mirror. Maybe because she figured she might have to wet her fur to keep from it getting tangled. Maybe because she had picked a little girls’ mirror just short enough to examine herself in. Whatever the reason, she still kicks herself. As she pulled up her skirt slowly, the first thing she noticed is that while the front of her crotch was wet and sticky, her lips themselves felt rather dry, on the outside, but the inside didn’t feel like a –bad- wet. She’d played a few games with herself that reminded her of the feeling she was having now. This started to make Katzy sweat again, both out of nervousness and out of some pleasure she didn’t quiet understand. When she looked in the mirror to see under her lifted skirt, the growing bulge in them wasn’t really noticed, because all she saw was the full on front view of the panties, with a large wet spot in the mid-center. A –clear- wet spot. A clear wet spot that showed a bit of yellow-peach, fleshy colored bulb pressing up against it. As she put her fingers on the top of her panties and started moving down there front she found the upward slope, and found a cooling wetness growing warmer, wetter and stickier as she moved toward the top, that bulb on the end of it. As she passed her fingers against the tip a wave of pleasure shot through Kat that stunned her, standing up, for several moments or more. This… feeling that the tip conveyed in her body was just like that soft nub on the outside of her labia. Though the panties, yes, it even kinda looked like it. Katzy first thought that maybe during her period this nub would grow this size, and she double checked it (and recovered, again), this firmness. The firmness was an idea that wasn’t fitting, so Kat had to check it out. Putting her hand into her panties she was shocked at what she found. The first thing she noticed was that it was not, in fact, attached to her lips. She could feel the base of it somewhere in the middle of her lap. It felt hard, like the fingers that had started stroking it without a conscious thought. The stroking made it feel better, as she welled with a need she had never felt before that was only being calmed and kept under by touching and petting this out-shoot of her crotch. She couldn’t touch the whole length up and down without her knees sinking lower and lower; she kept falling until her panties touched the floor. She could feel the cold floor, thankfully dry below her, and started to lean back. Doing so she popped her panties down over the tip of this bulge, and the band snaps down over something else new. The sharp snap it a little painful but the discovery is pleasurable. Her free hand start to rub these little orbs, pushing her panties down farther, now very busy with both her hands, she used her tail to wipe her sweating brow. By now, a good few minutes had passed, the laughter had died down, and Ms. Logan had started wondering what Katzy meant, and where she had gone. She called Gragion to her desk. Kat and Grag had been well known friends and sense the teacher didn’t quiet understand what Katzy had said, she thought sending a friend would be comforting no matter what the situation. She also wanted to keep it quiet from the rest of the class, figuring Katzy had put herself through enough embarrassment already. Now Gragion was your average jr. High student to a fault. She had budding breasts, a growingly annoying cycle, and a fascination for boys. Quiet polar to Katzy but they got along fine. So polar, was she, though, that the fascination was verging on lust. Not the same that the developing lesbians were having for Katzy. Enough lust to have already ‘gone through it’ with a few high schoolers, holding her age over their head after the fact. She was conniving for what she wanted, but her friendship with Katzy was sacred. How sacred, she was about to find out. She had no idea where Kat would have run to; unlike her friend, Grag was only beginning to understand art, and was buried deep in her bowl of fruits when Katzy made they comment. She herself look a good number of minutes before her subconscious mind let her remember what Katzy had said before running out, and that was plenty enough time for the new herm to get acquainted with her body. When they found each other, Katzy was moments away from her first sweet release, and didn’t here the door open. Grag could smell it. Male sex, in a female bathroom. As she peaked around the corner, there lay Katzy, with the largest (for a 12-year-old) shaft she’d ever seen. Katzy was furiously busy pumping away on it, her hands passing over the slick shaft, the furlessness made her hand seem like it was gliding on water. The huge smile plastered on her face soon jumped as she felt her friend’s griffin wing wrap around one side, her lap about to straddle her own. Katzy reared back and quickly leapt out of the way, her new cock ached from the sudden stop, knowing it was about to get a piece. She could smell Grag’s pheromones, and didn’t like being able to do so. As girl-friends, they had long sense been accustom to each other’s smells and this one Katzy knew, but for some reason, it was so different for her now. Grag could see in Kat’s eyes what was going on and quickly cooed. “So… now you know how I feel when you smell so good to me.” Grag stood slowly and blushed, continuing “I just never knew why you smelt so good to me.” “This is completely new and I don’t like it at all!” Katzy barked back, in a fearful voice. So fearful, because she was lying through her teeth, and if there’s one thing Grag knew, it was when she was lying. “So it’s new. Liking your smell was new to me when it first started happening. But then after a while, I couldn’t leave your house without sneaking off to do personal things” Gragion chuckled to Katzy’s “Gragion!” reply. She knew, in her mind, that her friend would be a little nervous at first, and probably wouldn’t want the more experienced griffin’s help, but she was willing to teach by force, if she had to. For now, she was trying to ease Kat into this sexual idea, by admitting her own fantasies. She eyed Kat’s crotch so much, that it forced her stick her wing into her own panties. At seeing this, Katzy quickly pulled up her own and backed away. “You don’t know what this feels like. I just want it to go away! I definitely don’t want in help with this.” For the first time in her life, she could hear this little voice in the back of her head… a male voice. Deep and dominating, echoing her own. “You need help with this.” At first, Katzy had though she’d said it out loud, herself, and quickly covered her own mouth. To Grag, this looked like she meant to take back the ‘I don’t need help with this’ part and quickly stalked toward the kitty mound, trying to place her hand on it. Katzy quickly refused and drew right against a stall, backing into it and tried to close the door. Grag sadly sighed from the other side as she watched her ‘lunch’ disappear. “Logan is waiting for you back in class. Everyone’s confused about what you said and I’m not going to explain it to them.” There was a little thankful sigh from the other side of the door. “But you’d better hurry up with Mr. Happy in there and get back to class. I can’t explain why you’d be to much later.” In the stall, Kat looked down at her lap. In all the fighting and depressing wails, ‘Mr. Happy’ as Grag called it was disappearing into limpness. Katzy wanted it to go back into her crotch, for good. Half a month later, much to Katzy’s delight, her period finally came. In the privacy of her own home, early in the morning. Early enough so she could sneak into the bathroom, examine, clean, and protect herself with some of her mother’s products, explaining later to her mom what happened. There was much laughing and hugging as Kat had finally matured into the woman she appeared to be from the outside. Katzy traced back in her mind the dates that these two things happened… and when her period lasted the exact 5 days that ‘Mr. Happy’ lasted, she began to worry, and marked her calendar 4 times for the next month. She needed to buy some baggier pants….