Oh no! A SPY! Artist: Tess Garman (Kenket) Website: http://www.kenket.com Email: moc.teknek@teknek (reverse!) LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/~kenket -- You have earned 200 Redundant Information points! -- Looking for Prints..? http://www.kenket.com/printsgallery.php Originals? http://shoppe.kenket.com/ BORING STUFF: And there was much rejoicing. Whoso putteth these files in this folder shall be forever bestowed with the copyright legality over them. All these everythings are therefore © to Tess Garman, aka Kenket, etc., and to their respective furries in the case that the characters depicted are not in fact figments of Kenket's deranged imagination. Congradulations! You completed this document.