Sorry didnt want to put words in with this padge as well talk about one freakin LONG lesson page o.o; I'd probobly get my assets kicked for posting something so big. this is jsut to give a long and detailed exsplanation on each picture as far as exspressions are conserned. yes -.-; that's my ugly mug up there right next to the drawings. and YES I took it on my digi cam inthe mirro so that I could make sure it was being taken right. [this is why I'm a photographer, not the photographee o.O;. I did both a cat and canine to show the very suttle differances as also for fun ;P there's also the crosslines in the middle to show you what thouse would look like to get the results to eather side of it. the reson for the picture then a drawing is done in Hopes to give the viewer a chance to see why certain exspressions require small little changes int he face, and perhaps if little thigns are pointed out, the artists will beable to anilize an exspression themself and aply their observation to paper makeing better exspressions and form. *shrugs* First picture.... "sad/depression/anguish" a very practiced exspression. three thigns show this as the blue exspression it is. look at my face on the left, my eyes are clsoed or downcasted[closed in this instane] my head is tilted down and my brow is pulled in tight. the drawings have their eyes closed but the eye turns up and twards the middle of the face giveing a suttle squint feel. the eyebrows are pulled down and at tight curves trying to pull in close. the down tilted head and ears pulled back brings that low blue feeling to the picture. Second....Laugh ora smile. the eyes arch up a litle opening wider but at the bottom curve up with a happy look [that's why this ^-^ is often the net way of a happy/cute smile] the chin is Slightly angled up, msot people when happy will turn their head upwards, it shows more confedance and a lighter spirit. I tried hard ont eh mouths really I did, open in a laugh. jsut took a little of the thickness in the muzzle away pulled the bottom where Iw anted to put the jaw in an open exspression down and arched it n for a smile and well...yeah I'll shut up. the ears as well up and alert, yay happy. Taco bell break..... maybe math homework too... ok, Third picture is.... well the only exspression that comes to midn is "what the f....." or a Riiiiiight... sorta thing. you know what I'm talking about. well neither exspression really came out right, but I left it for a reason, sometimes it doesnt lookt he way you want it to, it comes close, but not quite. the questioning look, I guess you coudl say is potrapyed best by the small puple and a little " ) " arround it, sorta almost an insain look. the mouth pulled back on the cat and the =\ exspression makes it more or less the whole questioning look. I should have gone for a blank exspressino.... I'm really good at thouse irl o.o; Gee I wonder what the fourth exspression is =P anger I'm really good at that as well as the sad/sulking. Easily potrayed by the narrowed eyes, an upcurve of the bottom eyelid up, the low brow and narrow space between the two eyebrows. the lowered head and layed flat ears, thease ears are, rather should be typicaly flatter to the head then the sad or sulking exspressions. the mouth has a slight pull at the end of it, as you can see jsut in my picture alone, I BELIVE this is because the lower neck muscles are tenceing pulling on the side mouth musles and skin pulling it downwards. Ick, Fifth and yay last one [good cause it's now 11 and Iahve math and exsercise in themorning 6:00 am bright and early X.x] looking upwards. well I've got it down on the cat, but on the canine, forget it. but youc an see that my eye is sorta arched upwards as well as my eyebrows, I'm looking further away from the viewer, youc an see plenty of my chin. notice also on my neck how with my head turned up and to the left of the paper little soft shadeings show? I've deplicted that with small lines. that is caused my a muscle called the Sternocleidomastoideus, basicaly the muscle that connects from the madible[Jaw] to the clavical[colar bone] and sternum[chest plate] this is one of my favorite muscles as well as one of the most important. The reason is befcause it shows the direction you are faceing... it will smothly pop up when you turn your head. if you look to the left and feel the side of your neck most should feel a raise under the skin going from chest on up, sometimes fadeing, sometimes not. it shows up softly on women for a sentious look =} and strongly on men showing muscle and helping to defighn the adams aple which really shows up on men, next to never on women. ok kiddies go on out and exsplore, bed time for yours truely. ;P Email me @ with any comments or requests or ideas. no hate mail, I know I suck, no need to reenforce that knowlage. jsut be wasteing your time. [and no I will not spell or gramar check anything I do.] --LP `902