BACKSTORY: Rayzor Payne, Final Revision, Furcadian Version Format: Transcript Last Revision: 8.06PM, 2 Aug 2002 DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Rayzor Payne(aka "You say", "You whisper") - Me Lythium - Rayzor's Mate, but not quite when this was logged =P [&] DogProxy - 6:29:47 PM - Player Lythium is online. (You see Rayzor Payne.) > Big, cranky, and feeling older by the moment, a jackal with a 135 IQ towering at seven-foot-four, massing over four hundred pounds, his presence will not allow itself to be denied. If there's anything out there that could stop him when he's onto something... Pray you never meet it... (You see Lythium.) > In my absence from Furcadia, everything has changed...Old faces have faded and new ones have appeared. I feel like a stranger to this place...The curse of being a traveler. I'm a poet, an artist, a dreamer, I'm a believer of all things seemingly impossible...In fact, I'm a little bit of everything :) [flirty_][skittlebitch][sexykitty_][unProfessional piercer...hehe] Rayzor Payne sniffs the air. "Good evening, Lythium." Lythium smiles "Good evening" You say, "And how are you, might I ask?" Lythium: I'm doing well...You? You say, "Bored stupid, but otherwise fine." Lythium chuckles "I wonder why." [ You whisper "You mentioned last night that you would be more comfortable holding a conversation about some topics in a more private area." to Lythium. ] [ Lythium whispers, "Lythium nods" to you. ] [ You whisper "I may have found us such a setting, if you wish." to Lythium. ] [ Lythium whispers, "Oh? By all means." to you. ] Rayzor Payne returns the smile with one of his own. "Follow me." Rayzor Payne waits patiently. Rayzor Payne watches Lythium silently, wondering just what she's up to. You say, "Would you like a seat?" Lythium smiles and nods "Thank you" You say, "So..." Lythium: Hmm? You say, "All I said was, 'So...'." Lythium: I know that :P You say, "Last night, you gave me the ultra-abbreviated version of your past... Mind telling me the whole story, now that we have some privacy?" Lythium: When I was very young...I was out with my mother wandering around picking flowers and such to take home... These big furres rode up and struck her down...I never found out if they killed her or not...But they took me away...I wasn't allowed to see where we were going, but during my escape, I know it was northeast of Furcadia... I was held as a slave for 14 years...The things he did were horrible...I was finally able to escape him thanks to the help of another slave... Rayzor Payne nods, leaning forward. "Mm-hmm..." Lythium: I came back to Furcadia about a year ago...He had sent a party out to find me, and they tracked me well... Trouble was started and I had to leave Furcadia and hide. I felt that it may be safe to return and finally made it back about 4 days ago...Please tell no one of my story... There is a very likely possibility that he is still searching for me. And should he find me...I don't even want to think of the consequences. Rayzor Payne nods. "You don't have anything to fear, Lythium." Rayzor Payne smirks. "I'll make sure of it." Lythium looks at Rayzor intently and nods "Thank you..." Rayzor Payne smiles. "Hey, I look out for my friends. They tend to live longer that way." Lythium smiles "I'll keep that in mind...I should hope to live much longer." Rayzor Payne nods. Lythium: So...Isn't there anything you remember of your past at all, Rayzor? Rayzor Payne laughs. "My past?" You say, "You never asked about MY past." Lythium: Your past...Your arrival to Furcadia...Anything? Lythium is asking now. You say, "You only asked me how I got here. I still don't have an answer to that." You say, "I remember my past pretty well, however." Lythium: Will you tell me about it? You say, "Well, yeah, sure; why not?" Lythium smiles and listens You say, "Well, I guess I should probably start telling you that I'm somewhere in the range of two to three hundred of your years old." Lythium blinks You say, "Y'see, I'm a Pa'Irii, and our life spans are about five or six times that of the average Furcadian." Lythium nods "That's quite a long time to be alive..." You say, "Yeah, it's a mixed blessing. Anyway, I spent the first portion of my life basking in the privelidges that came from being the son of a respected senator. Unfortunately, being in a sheltered environment like that doesn't give one the opportunity to live out among the people of the world, which made me a young naive asshole for quite some time." Lythium nods You say, "When I was around fourty years old, that changed, and much for the better, though I didn't realize it at the time. One night, I woke to the sounds of particle weapons firing, and looked out my window to see that the entire palace was under siege by a rival faction, the F'Erai. Now, I had nothing against the F'Erai, I just knew that they were the bad guys and all the other standard propaganda they try to fill your mind with your whole life." Lythium listens, quite fascinated You say, "Within four hours, the whole place was either reduced to rubble or just plain worthless, and the entire senate was forcibly deposed by our opponents, who then got together all their captive government officials and proceeded to execute them, one by one. I guess they must not have considered us younger ones much of a threat, as they left us mostly alone, save for some who tried to save their parents and other relatives and unfortunately got in the way of a PPG beam or two." You say, "I spent the next few years trying to make a living for myself in the street-life, and failed pretty miserably. Then, one day, I realized that some arrogant doof in the occupying goverment didn't check to see if anyone had set up private bank accounts under false aliases. My daddy didn't raise me to be THAT stupid, and I quickly withdrew every credit I had and got the hell outta Dodge really fast." Lythium: Smart. You say, "I had enough to live comfortably for a long time, but after spending a few years among the people of the city... I dunno, I guess it just grew on me. I spent almost a century of your time travelling all over the formerly great nation of Pa'Ir, hitching rides with travelling caravans, gypsies, whatever was available and living among the people I was taught to look down on." Lythium nods You say, "Turned out my father and his friends weren't as smart as they wanted us to believe. Most of the people I met were more intelligent than a hundred senators combined, and I learned a lot from spending time with them. I even spent some time fighting for survival, literally, and learned to channel my body's natural energies into tangible force under the tutelage of one town's resident high hermit." Lythium smiles "Wow..." You say, "After a while, though, it was time to move on once again, and then I got wind of a "new" technology that had actually been developed hundreds of years before, but was put away because it was too dangerous at the time. This technology was incorporated into chambers that could send people great distances in the blink of an eye, and across entire worlds in moments." Lythium stares, amazed You say, "When this stuff started getting popular, hundreds upon hundreds of valiant explorer-types ventured to distant worlds in hopes of finding other races to trade with and learn from. Turned out that the other races were a lot like us. In fact, some worlds, like Furcadia, were in fact colonized eons ago by our ancestors, who first developed the devices." You say, "We were told these devices had been made safe. That was, unfortunately, a gross overestimation. I spent some time using the transport pods to get around and study more cultures, but ultimately everyone gets struck once by the hand of Fate, and I had a mis-jump." You say, "I didn't arrive here, though; where I first found myself was much worse." Lythium: You say, "On the edge of the range of the furthest pod was a little world inhabited by a disgustingly backward race of primates who called themselves "humans". These creatures were so insanely primitive that they barely had any technology at all. Hell, the little-minded fools still used internal combustion engines to power their methods of transportation! Anyway, I found myself in a land they called "Egypt". A group of local zealots spotted me first, and declared me the "reincarnation of Anubis" or some other silly thing. Apparently, this death-god of theirs..." You say, "...and I shared more than a passing resemblance, what with us both being black-furred jackal-furres and such. However, I wanted no part of their crazy little fantasy, and resolved to get the hell out of there as soon as I could." You say, "One night, I made my way into one of their pyramids, and came across a rather startling discovery: a transport pod was in the deepest, darkest room in the catacombs beneath the building, and it still worked! Unfortunately, my adoring public, who by now had realized that I was indeed quite mortal and quite uninterested in posing as a godlike entity, had followed me there. Just as I was about to activate the pod and get out of there, I was struck by something big and hard, and blacked out. I guess I must have hit the wrong controls, as when I came to..." You say, "I was here." Lythium: How odd... You say, "So, now I'm here, sitting at this table, telling my life story to a girl who looks like the cutest halloween decoration ever, and desperately in need of a drink." Rayzor Payne grins. Lythium grins and blushes "Eh...what can I say? Halloween is the best." -END-