Astral Type Thesis (V:1.0) By: Melissa Jewell (Well it is my fan-type after all ^_^;;)) Author's Notes: I have a feeling that some of you are probably thinking it's not quite kosher to do a fan Pokemon/morph type. If you do feel this way, then I doubt that I can convince you otherwise... but if you do read this you'll see that I tried really, really hard not to God Mode with it (if anything, I crippled the type a bit). Personally, I am really pleased with the results. I think the type is doable.. if very, very limited. It also combines some elements of traditional sorcery/magic... of which I am a very, very big fan ^_^;. Anyhow... this info might help you understand several of my RP characters' powers and weaknesses a little bit better.. since they're psychic/astral. Oh well... that's enough of a note for me! ^_^ *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Part 1: Overview I: Strengths, Weaknesses, Resistance and Susceptibility II: Characteristics of Astral Types III: Psychic/Astral Mix and Myuujins IV: Astral Plane V: Astral Pokemon VI: Familiars VII: Colors and Symbol Part 2: Astral Type Moves I: Offensive Class Moves II: Defensive Class Moves III: Healing Class Moves *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* PART I: OVERVIEW I. Strengths, Weaknesses, Resistance and Susceptibility Astral types attacks are strong against Psychic, Evil and Ghost types, doubling the attacks damage power. However, they aren't very effective against Fighting, Steel and Poison, halving the damage the move inflicts. In a fight against a creature that had both Psychic and Evil characteristics, the damage dealt would be four times the base damage. However, any creature half susceptible and half strong versus the attack will still suffer the super effective hit. On the defensive side of things, Astral types have several susceptibilities; Bug, Poison and Ghost all do x2 damage to them. Considering that the most commonly found form of Astral types is the Psychic/Astral myuujin, these weaknesses are very crippling. The weaknesses to poison balances out with the Psychic type's resistance, normalizing that hit. Far worse though, Psychics and Astrals are both weak to Bug and Ghost, causing that dual type to take x4 damage from both of them. Regrettably, Astral type has no resistances. II. Characteristics of Astral Types Only one characteristic is shared between both the Pure Astrals and the half Astrals. It is this characteristic which allows them to harnesses astral power and use it in their attacks. In the blood of all Astral types there is a protein, known as the SC factor, which gives them immunity to the detrimental effects Astral forces have on living things. This protective agent not only stops the Astral powers they take in from destroying their bodies, but also attracts the energies to be absorbed for later use. This necessary blood characteristic can be tested for to determine if one is a true Astral type even before Astral abilities have developed. Astral type Myuujin anxiously perform this blood test when their children are born to make sure they inherit this rare element. It is rumored that if one could extract the SC factor found in the blood of Astral types, and inject it into their own bloodstream, they would gain Astral powers, at least temporarily. Their is evidence to support this theory, since cases have been reported where individuals have gained very weak astral abilities after having blood transfused to them from Astral donors. The SC factor does not seem to react negatively with SC negative individuals. Pure Astral types come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and breeds. However, they due share some characteristics in common. All pure Astrals inhabit the astral plane, along with an assortment of spirits and other aligned creatures (Psychics, Evils and Ghosts) who are capable of actually living in that zone. Though this alternative plane of existence is their motherland, they can live in the physical plane as well. Though they rarely leave the astral plane by their own initiative, some are sent to the physical plane as assistants, known as Familiars, to the half Astrals. Half Astrals all share a lot in common. All known half Astrals are Psychic/Astral mixes. The Psychic/Astral trait developed among a small group of the myuujin race of mew'morphs, and is highly valued. Due to strict interbreeding (not inbreeding now :p) amongst this one population, 99.5% of them are myuujin. Astrality has yet to take in other populations. It is considered to be the rarest of alignments, which is why it is so highly desirable. III. Psychic/Astral Mix and Myuujins As mentioned above, all known half Astrals are a mix of Psychic and Astral and nearly all of these are myuujin. The reason for this is that the skill first originated amongst the myuujin race, a sub sect to the mew'morphs. The first time these strange abilities appeared in a set of fraternal twins, no one knew quite what to make of them. Once it was learned that these powers could overcome evil types, which had always been seen as a threat by these pure psychics, they became the most sought after skills in the myuujin homeland. The children of the first two Psychic/Astrals were monitored carefully. It was discovered about half these children gained the Astral powers that one of their parents possessed. However, their powers were only about half as strong as the first generation's had been. Each subsequent pairing of a half Astral with a non Astral seemed to cut the power level in half. Astral powers would have soon faded out if not for the fact that every 10 years another pair of Astral twins were born.. and every 30 years that pair bore truly exceptional powers. Once the slowly growing numbers of Psychic/Astrals was noted, a breeding program was started to promote the Astral type. The program was a success, and soon a sustainable population of Astrals was present amongst the myuujins. Unfortunately, their powers were not all that strong, so the next phase was initiated. Families began arranging marriages to boost their lines astral powers. Highly competitive, this created strata in the subgroup and helped create a growing feeling of superiority in the Astral clans. Astrals with a higher pedigree viewed themselves as superior to the weaker Astrals, and all classes of Astrals viewed themselves as better then the plain Psychic myuujin. This belief was only strengthened by the myuujins reliance on the Astral's power for their own defense. However, these elitist families still have a reason to be humbled. Still once every 30 years a pair of myuujin are born to plain psychic types, bearing Astral skills that greatly surpass those of even the most selectively chosen family tree. IV. Astral Plane The Astral Plane is another level of existence that lies parallel to the physical world. When living things die, their essences are transported to the Astral Plane where they exist in the next phase of life or wait until they can be reborn if they so choose. There are several sectors of the Astral Plane, one which could be termed as "Heaven" and another as "Hell". The Astral Plane itself is boundless... between the two previously mentioned zones lies the part of the Astral Plane where a little bit of all living souls resides. Every living thing is linked to the Astral planes from the moment they gain consciousness. Also inhabiting this region are the various "Aligned" creatures, including Astral type Pokemon. V. Astral Pokemon The Astral Plane is filled with a variety of creatures. One of the most successful sets of these creatures are the Astral type Pokemon. These creatures come in a variety of shapes, sizes types and breeds. However, since they are never really seen outside of the Astral Plane save as familiars to the half Astrals, it is very hard to classify them or to estimate just how many different species there are. Astral type Pokemon are unique among the Pokemon world in the fact that all species are strikingly intelligent and all possess the ability to speak verbally with other beings. As familiars, they have even been known to act as translators for their masters if one is needed. VI. Familiars A familiar is a special kind of pet that assists a half Astral. These pets are assigned to their half Astral right as they begin to hone Astral type abilities. The breed that is selected to be a familiar varies by the personality traits of the recipient. Compatibility is of the highest importance, though a particularly reckless young half Astral might be given a familiar that could help keep them in line rather then the one they were strictly the most compatible with. These creatures are far more than just pets. They can assist their masters with a variety of their own attacks, give advice, act as guards, and even help to focus and channel Astral powers more efficiently. Familiars are whole heartily devoted to their masters. Most would gladly give their own lives if it could save their master's. This is perhaps one of their greatest gifts. If their master is slain a familiar has the option of trading their own life in place for that of their masters. Once a half Astral loses their familiar, there is no replacing it. One is all each person can ever get. VII. Colors and Symbol The Astral element is symbolized by an indigo four point start (picture a shuriken), surrounded by a pale bluish purple aura. There is not much else that can be said on the topic, except that the symbol is used decoratively by the Astral Myuujins. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* PART II: ASTRAL TYPE MOVES I. Offensive Class Moves All the moves that deal direct physical damage to the opponent. Listed from the weakest move to the most powerful. Info is given in the following format: Name of attack Damage dealt by attack Number of times the attack can be used without resting. Details on Attack ASTRAL PIN Attack Power: 10 (per pin) Usage: Can be used dozens of times without exhaustion. When used, this attack sends 2-5 small projectiles (that look very much like glowing pale blue pine needles) at the target. Though this attack does little damage, it is good for a distraction. ASTRAL NEEDLE Attack Power: 25 (per needle) Usage: Can be used about 20 times before the user will need to rest. When used, this attack sends 2 projectiles (again, glowing pale blue in color, though this time much larger, about 6" long, but still narrow) at the target. This attack does a decent amount of damage, and is the middle ranged needle attack. ASTRAL FLAME Attack Power: 80 Usage: Can be used 15 times without exaugstion When used, this attack creates blue flames. The flame can take the form of a fireball, a jet of flames, or a wall or small field of fire. This attack possesses two properties, Fire and Astral. Much like wavicles, which only display one nature at a time (by what ever one looks for), Astral Flame can only be used as one type at a time. However, the user has complete control on whether each use is counted as a Fire or Astral attack. Immunity to one of the properties does not grant general immunity to the attack. ASTRAL BOLT Attack Power: 80 Usage: Can be used 15 times without exhaustion When used, this attack creates blue bolts of lightning. This electric energy can be conducted into a traditional bolt, several smaller bolts, a field of lightning or even a ball. This attack possesses two properties, Electric and Astral. Much like wavicles, which only display one nature at a time (by what ever one looks for), Astral Bolt can only be used as one type at a time. However, the user has complete control on whether each use is counted as an Electric or Astral attack. Immunity to one of the properties does not grant general immunity to the attack. ASTRAL LANCE Attack Power: 90 Usage: Can be used ten times without exhaustion. When used, this attack sends one large (about 2' long and a 1 1/2" in diameter) pale blue javelin like projectile at the target. Since it is just a type of energy though, it can't really impale an individual, but will still harm them while present in their bodies. ASTRAL BEAM Attack Power: 120 Usage: Can be used 5 times, but rest is required. When used, this attack creates a wide beam of potent Astral energy. Since it is so strong, the user can easily lose control, making this attack a bit hard to aim. After its use, the user becomes so tired that they need to rest for several minutes. SPIRIT BREAKER Attack Power: Results in death, if successful Usage: Takes 5 years off the user's life. This attack is much different from other Astral attacks. The user slips into a trance when this attack is initiated and then starts to gather a bluish purple haze around them. The attack itself is delivered in the form of a powerful punch. If the punch makes contact with its victim, their soul will be shoved out of their body, resulting in clinical death. If CPR is preformed, their is a chance the victim can be saved. This attack is consider to be the strongest of all Astral abilities. II. Defensive Class Moves All the moves that neither deal direct physical damage to the enemy nor heal the user. They're listed in no particular order, since I could never think of one. Info is given in the following format: Name of the move Number of times the move can be used without resting Details on move REFLECTOR Usage: Can be used 15 times without exhaustion When activated, this technique creates a shield of Astral energy in front of the user. Any incoming attacks will first contact the shield... saving the caster from 75% of the damage. However, 1/4 of the attack will pass through the shield and damage the user despite this barrier. Another 1/4 is absorbed by the shield, but the final 1/2 of the attack's strength is reflected back to the opponent for some damage. SPIRIT SNARE Usage: Can be used 5 times without exhaustion When activated, the victim's soul is frozen in place on the Astral Plane. The result in the physical world is that they become frozen as they are, and will be unable to move again until their spirit either breaks free of the void or the caster loses their concentration. This can be anywhere from a minute to ten. WILL POWER Usage: Can be used 5 times without exhaustion When activated, an Astral aura forms around the user. For the next few minutes any Astral attack they use will be 50% stronger. DISHEARTEN Usage: Can be used 10 times without exhaustion When activated, a dark fog of Astral energy forms around the victim. It will soon disperse, but the effects of its presence lingers for between 10 and 15 minutes. This effect is a drastic decrease in the will to fight of the victim, causing them to have a 1 in 3 chance of sulking instead of attacking whenever get they try to act in battle. III. Healing Class Moves All the moves that restore the health to the user. They're listed in no particular order, since I could never think of one. Info is given in the following format: Name of the move Restoration of the move Number of times the move can be used without resting Details on the move SPIRIT TAP Restorative Power: Returns 1/2 the energy taken from opponent Usage: Can be used 10 times without exhaustion This ability is activated by the Astral type first making physical contact with the victim. This contact is usually in the form a hand on the shoulder or forehead. Once the link is made, the user proceeds to draw away strength from the victim's soul, dealing damage to the opponent at the level of an attack with a power of 60. This method is very wasteful, and only half of the energy stolen can be processes and used to heal the caster. PRAYER Restorative Power: At the first use, recovers 10% of health Usage: Can be used 5 times without exhaustion A very peculiar healing technique. The user activates the attack by bowing their head and getting into a praying posture while they concentrate their astral powers. The same light bluish purple aura surrounds them, but it is softer and wispier than in the attacks. Upon the first use of this ability, only 10% of the wounds are healed and strength returned. After the next use, 20% recovery results. The third use yields 40%, fourth 80%, and the final use will recover the user back to perfect health. RESURRECTION Restorative Power: Revives any comatose/deceased targeted individual Usage: Caster loses years off of their life, depending on the difficulty of the task. One of the Astral Types most guarded abilities. Very few Astrals can even use this ability without sacrificing themselves to bring back the lost individual. This technique has rarely ever been witnessed in action. It is said that once engaged, the user will slip into a trance as their body is saturated by the full powers of the Astral Plane. Three sets of wings formed from Astral energy are said to appear on the caster's back as their body is used as a passageway back to the physical world for the soul that had previously passed over, or become lost in the Astral Plane. It is believed that the wings act as a beacon for the summoned spirit. Any damage done to the body is repaired, and the corpse returned to its state before death. This is the most dangerous part of the technique, since the greater the damage, the greater the loss of lifespan of the caster.