*Never bothered to write one of these INFO things before so ill prolly update this sometime in the future ----------------------------------- Do i take requests? ----------------------------------- sure, BUT since i get hundreds of those on a regular basis the likelyness on wich ones ill do are totaly random. Based on if i have a free moment amongst other things to squeeze one in. ----------------------------------- Commissions? ----------------------------------- Sure, since commissions involve other ppls money i take them much more seriously and it goes to the front of the priority list. Usually i just charge $20-$30 for two characters, inked. Depending on how many characters are involved, or how complexed the senario is will determine if i color it by hand or digitally. Also you can request one or the other. Weither or not i will accept the commission will depend on how unique or inspiring the idea is. And Please do not send mindlessly long MUCK descriptions of your charactes. ----------------------------------- Trades? ----------------------------------- I'd be honored to trade with other artists if interested :3 Im always keen on trying stuff i've never done before. you can contact me at mysterious_mr_glenn@yahoo.com