I'm sure a few of you are wondering why I'm still here. For starters... I realized what a great archive the VCL really is, compared to what I'd have to tolerate if I uploaded -everything- to Side7. Don't get me wrong, Side7 is a nice place. But they have very frustrating limits on descriptions, they're not very organized, the server is slower than a turtle in a cement block... I was selfish in some of my reasons for wanting to leave the VCL. For one thing, when I joined this archive, I was very aware that it was for -anthropomorphic- art. To destroy my archive because the administration wants to enforce this policy and ask humans, non- furries, and fanart to be taken down is childish. I have enough furry art to support my archive, and I can always upload art not appropriate for the VCL to Side7. For another thing, I was too quick to take second-hand information seriously, and assume that I would have been thrown out anyways because of the fact that most of my archive consisted of pokemorphs. Ch'marr has since e-mailed me to assure me this isn't true. Regardless, I've "retired" from pokemorphs as it is, and to have my archive deleted for something I didn't even participate in any more is pointess. I'm also reluctant to take myself off of the VCL because it seems a lot of people discover me through this archive, and many of them claim that they would hate to see my sketches and even my outdated art disappear. I actually have major qualms on this issue as well--it's always been hard for me to let go of art, even if it's old and, to put it simply, rather retarded. This archive was one of the best things to happen to me. Regardless of how many people may wish I'd pack the pokemorphs up and leave, I'm going to stick around a little longer. The fanart and humans are gone. I now have a directory especially for sketches, and one for my more ancient pieces. I'm planning on leaving the long winded, heartfelt, and, let's face it -annoying- speeches out of descriptions. It's a kinder, gentler Rai from now on. You'll never get rid of me. Ahh.. it's good to be back. --Rai-- rachthestampede@email.com http://velar.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Rai/ http://www.side7.com/art/rachwitt/