Copyright Information All images, characters and artwork are © (copyright) of Ronald MacKinnon unless noted otherwise. Distribution, alteration, and/or use of any image without permission from Ronald MacKinnon and any other persons whom copyrighted characters appear in said images is prohibited. Okay, legal jargon aside. Basically, all the stuff on this page belongs to me, unless I put someone else's name somewhere on the picture or in the information to the right of the images. If you want to download a picture and keep it on your hard drive or show your friends or something, that's fine, but altering the picture or using it for posters, web sites etc. without my permission and/or the permission from artists whose characters may appear in these images is not allowed. To put it more simply; You can look, but no touchy. Fan art, cameos, tributes, etc. The characters that I myself have created are free to be used in other artworks so long as I am properly informed before or after the act. In the event that this new piece of art does not agree with my moral standards I reserve all right to request that it be removed from the archive or at least put in a special folder. I know that sounds like I'm being rather strict or something, but it really isn't. Basically, if you've done a picture with one of my characters in it, please tell me afterwards and provide a link or send me the picture so I may view it. I'm sure I'll love it. If you feel that the subject matter involved may be something I might disagree with, please e-mail me and ask, you never know, I might just agree with you entirely and no restrictions apply. Approved fan art material subject matter includes: Yiffy pictures; If you looked at my archive you may wonder why I would approve this when I don't have any yiffy pictures myself. Well, the answer is simple... there are no yiffy pictures because I can't draw them. Some "yiffy" subjects that I approve of are; kissing, cuddling, petting, masturbation, sex, some fetishes, humorous situations, size differences, hermaphrodite, non-furry, lesbian sex. If you want to feature a character of mine, feel free (with some restraints of course, they'll be mentioned below). Alternative character designs; Don't kill yourself trying to get the hair or face just right. I am always changing these characters as I learn to draw, there is no reason for you to try and go down a few levels. Also, if you would like to draw a male character as a female, or vise versa, feel free to do so. Material subject matter I do not approve of/restrictions apply are: ~Rape - No. Its wrong. I don't care if none of this is real, its still wrong. ~Gay sex - I don't want to seem like I am "anti homosexual rights" or anything, but I personally am not attracted to men, and neither are any of my male characters. Female characters, that's fine. I don't object to it because, well, I'm not female and thereby can't identify with it, or something. Or maybe I just think lesbianism is cool. ~Blood/excessive violence - None of these characters are violent, so they have no reason to pull their own hearts out, commit suicide or chop someone up with a chainsaw. I know some of my characters are police officers, so maybe some gunfire would be fine, but beating someone to death with a nightstick would not. ~Hermaphrodite - I don't have many restrictions with this, just that these pictures not be excessively violent (I.E. rape) in nature... and I would prefer if the Mycroft character was not yiffed up the out door. That's about it for that. ~Fetishes - If you have a character who falls into a fetish group and you want to have them in the same picture as one of my characters, please allow me to see this character first and/or a brief explanation of what the finished product's situation is. Scat is a definite no. If you want to have a male character writing his name in the snow, that's fine, but no one is eating poo or being peed on as long as I have something to say about it. Colouring Sketches If you wish to colour a sketch or picture of mine, feel free to do so. All I ask is to be credited for the original picture, and that I receive a link to or picture of the finished product. Parodies Parodies of my characters or using my characters in parodies of other works is ENCOURAGED. I love humour. I even love dirty humour. Feel free to use characters as the butt of your jokes, please. After all, I'm TRYING to be a cartoonist, these guys have to be funny. But as always, please credit me. Fan art, Art Trades & Commissions from me I'll be honest, a lot of my work is fan art for others whose work I simply love. But... I'm a busy guy, so any promises of fan art I give... don't expect it in a couple of hours. Heck, Brentos has been waiting MONTHS for the comic I promised him. ~Art Trades - I've done one, but like fan art I have to say that I'm very rarely up to it due to work and putting it off. That's not a definite NO mind you, but for some reason I doubt anyone will be begging me to do a trade. Commissions - I don't do them. Why you ask? Well there are 4 key reasons; 1) I suck and can't draw. 2) I don't have the artistic supplies (I use pencils and printer paper, folks). 3) I don't have a lot of time/it would take too long and not be fair to you. 4) I suck ass and can't draw for ass wax. A word of thanks I'd just like to take a moment to thank all of you who have helped me over the months. - Ryan Smith of for allowing me to use his style as the basis for my first sketches of Mycroft, from whom all of this has been made. - Isabel Gonzalez of, and a bunch of other great comics. Thank you for your encouragement and for giving me such great examples for my attempts to draw the fairer sex. You're the best comic artist ever, and I am proud to call myself one of your fan boys. - Stephanie "TabbieWolf" Krus of the VCL and for just being so cool. You've drawn so many pictures of Mycroft, probably even more than I have. I hope that you find the time to start your comic again, and I wish you nothing but success for the future. Oh, yeah... and the porn. - Neverm0re. You are the sweetest catgirl I have ever met, and my first big crush. Thank you so much for all the time we spent talking and for your incredibly beautiful pictures you've sent me. I still smile when I see them, and think of what a great friend you are. - Ravenworks, Skunkboy & Kyfera. Thank you all so much for your pieces of fan art. I treasure them all. - Charrio, for being my first art trade partner and for that wonderful picture of Vanilla Watson you did for me, simply fantastic. - And a special thanks to all of you who visit this little section of the vast VCL for whatever reason. If you get a smile or a laugh, that means I've done my job. Ronald "MacK" MacKinnon can be contacted by; ~e-mail at ~AOL Instant Messenger as MycroftNickel ~mIRC as either Agent_M (liberty and such) Ronald_MacK (WTnet & studio64) or Mycroft_N (Furnet)