Well, I'm Strix Varius (Hunter), and this is my VCL gallery... Feel free to contact me for any reason - questions, comments, critiques, art trades, interest in buying something, etc. MSN Messenger - Strix_Varius@hotmail.com Generally I try to use as few MS products as possible ;) but from time-to-time I get on this Yahoo - Strix_Varius I don't use this much, except when I'm playing pool or some such game on Yahoo! servers ICQ - 79096621 Neither do I use ICQ much any more, although I might in the future, especially with Trillian AIM - Strix Varius A couple years ago I wouldn't even touch AIM, but, as everybody who I know (IRL) uses nothing else, I don't have much choice. *sigh* I'm on here all the time. Literally. If I'm awake, I'm probably on AIM ;) E-Mail - Strix@carolina.rr.com If you E-Mail me and expect a response, please insert "BEEEP" (3 E's!) somewhere in the body of your message... I have these filtered into my "priority" folder (I gave up trying to filter out spam =) Thanks!