Renah and his way of the world

by Travis brown

This work is for the vcl and should never be taken from it.


Renah was the son of Krensada. Krensada being the ruler of Farmillia was never really the father figure you would expect a ruler to be. He did everything with him, from fishing and hunting to even snow boarding!

Renah loved his father and enjoyed his attention. The world had finally been wiped clean of the last evil threat that would have destroyed them.

Yes, Renah was there to watch the evil Swerer become nothing more than a memory.

With The powerful holy sword of Farmillia Krensada destroyed the evil ship that was Swerer’s base of operations. Without that ship Swerer had no chance of surviving.

Renah; standing by a beach wondered about his destiny. It seemed that Renah would probably be the next ruler after his father. The idea of monarchy was hard on Renah’s mind like never before.

Renah bested the idea as much as he could and he still had his father with him. Nothing would change that for a very long time yet.

So here our hero sits. On a rock just outside his marvelous home here on Planet Farmillia more on the location of Kings Island is where we begin our story.

The year on earth would be 1900 but here its just a little bit beyond their first tenth century.

Lock was this worlds creator. He had the means of being their god. He however was not a god. In fact he was nothing without his magical capsules that covered his body.

Lock visited the royal family on many occasions just to see how well their life was doing. Today he decided to visit Renah.

Renah was chewing on some Icali reeds while watching a young group of Fronahs off in the distance.

Lock rose up out of the ground in front of Renah. Renah had already grown used to seeing this marvel and was not surprised to see Lock come to him. In fact he greatly expected it.

Hello Renah, how has your life treated you since the last time I visited?” Asked Lock eagerly.

Hello sir. I’m just a little bored this month. I can’t figure out why.” Said Renah. Then Renah sighed.

You know what Renah? I used to be bored off of my mind as well. But I reminded myself that a bored person is also an uninteresting person. I definitely think you are not such a Raca. Maybe It’s time I took you out on an adventure. One that would change your life. One full of danger and sword play. Or should I say axe play.” Said lock eyeing the blade of the huge double sided berserks axe that Renah carried with him everywhere that he went.

I would be delighted Lock! To no end. But It seems like there is nothing for me to do but watch the Fronah graze.” Said Renah.

Taking one of the pills from his body, Lock crushed it in his hand and threw it’s contents all over Renah.

Renah suddenly started glowing. Then his feet were surrounded by a small tornado. “Huh? What’s this?!” screamed Renah as he couldn’t feel his legs any longer. The tornado was now past his waist and rising fast past his head. Renah saw just before his head was shrouded by the tornado that lock had disappeared.

The tornado dissipated. And Renah found himself In a very thick Jungle.

I think I’m now on lush green island!” Said Renah To himself. “Why here Lock?! What’s so special about this place?” Asked Renah.

That is for you to discover Renah. I will be watching over you. Come to think of this as an adventure” Lock said like a Whisper in the trees around him.

With no judging as to where to go, Renah started walking off in the northern direction of Farmillia. “Hmm, I wonder If lock knows what I’m running into. No! I shouldn’t think like that. Lock has sent me on some weird adventure and I must figure out where he has led me!” Thought Renah.

Little did he know this adventure would be the first time he had ever been completely clueless to his surroundings.

Renah now walking off; not knowing the adventures before him. Not knowing the world before him. Renah took out his Lucky blue headband that His Mother Clemisha had so lovingly made for him and tied it around his head. Renah, for the first time in his entire life, was finally completely on his own.

End of Prologue.