This is a word puzzle for everyone to puzzle over, e-mail me if you think you figure it out, my e-mail addy is The puzzle is as follows the following 38 words form a joke, perhaps not a good one but a joke, when put into the proper order. There are no other words used to form this joke, and each word is used once, the letters in the words are not rearanged, only the order in which the words appear. The trick is that none of the words in the joke appear on this list. For your convenience I have a hint prepared. Hint: Ike Ant Hell Pew Ale Anon Antoinne Arthur Atoll Cathey Dew Droll Ed Eight Eye Grist Gwen Head Hen Hover Knee Know Lease Lowered Mane None Off Once Pen Set She’s Sin Terse Theodore Theory Thesis Tin Tomb Too Toothey Uh When