Of a Cat and Spider

by Change of SituationNormal.com

This story is Copyright © 2002 to Change. All rights reserved. If you like this story and would like to share please do not send this story onwards (via e-mail or newsgroups), but rather send people to this URL (or my VCL archive). Thank you!

(Adult themes, over 21 only)


     Before her bound and suspended form was a man that was physically as terrifying to behold as any squamous or slithering monster that had erupted forth in her dreams. He was too fast to run from, too strong to fight, and his arachnid countenance was so dark and hard that it seemed as if there could not possibly be a warm heart beating beneath. But most startling of all was that Marmalade wanted nothing more then to gently kiss him.

     It had began on a Wednesday afternoon. Marmalade had always considered it her civic duty to cause mischief mid-week so as to charitably add some excitement to her fellow citizens' work routines. Normally she would tie shoelaces together, swat hairpieces off, deftly steal luncheon meats, or discuss politics. The local monastery had never accomplished so much good work. However on this particular midweek charity excursion she was determined to REALLY spread some good old-fashioned thrills across the overworked cityscape via a particularly noticeable prank. In a fit of kokopellian logic she had determined that the best way to do her well-meaning public work was to disrupt a Public Work.

     Normally arachnid men and women would work behind the scenes for the military or police, crafting bullet proof garments and lightweight armor-cloths that were irreplaceably effective and efficient. The silk-producing folk were naturals at understanding the best ways to utilize their lifesaving stronger-then steel filaments. Many of them had an innate talent for crafting structures and cloth that was awesomely both delicate and virtually indestructible One arachnid, S'chithrro, had been more drawn to the possibilities of crafting rather then the allure of strength. He was an artist, and his structures spanned innumerable public spaces - gossamer constructs that invoked longing for heaven and hell both. His work was huge, innovative, and perfectly tempting for a prankster ginger cat.

     S'chithrro had procured a contract from city hall to construct a spiraling three-part sculpture that both represented the three-pronged Democracy for which it stood, and hid the stubbornly crumbling cement ceiling which was an embarrassment to the city. At night the young artist spun and wove a delicate yet forceful vision of higher philosophies. By day the citizens gawked and admired the sculpture. But the sculptor stayed out of sight, as many people still felt a primitive fear of seven foot spiders. For the time being there was the smallest of barriers discouraging the more curious of spectators from touching the gossamer threads, as the construct was still sticky since it had yet to be coated with an acrylic spray. Once protected visitors would be able to wander freely under and around the work just as if it had been made of metal.

      Marmalade had peeped and gawked at the structure since Day One. She'd at first been filled with a certain eager anticipation when she saw publicity shots of S'chithrro's work. Once she saw his art had begun to take shape in her city, folding and manifesting as if pulled from the ether itself, she could not help but feel somehow intertwined upwards with the growing sculpture. Her respect grew to awe, and her awe to a personal attachment, and with that came a familiar itching in her troublesome claws. This then became the focus of her oddly exuberant troublesome plan.

      Marmalade had learned early in her career that afternoon was the best time for mischief; there was always a large number of people out, but they were unfailingly too busy and stressed to pay attention to anything except themselves. That is until someone produced a spectacle actively worth observing. Which is why Marmalade had chosen this time to skip lightly over the barrier at town hall, and no one bothered to notice her doing so.

      She was clad in a tank and pants with efficiently deep pockets; not suspicious, but also not cumbersome. She carried a laundry bag over her shoulder- this perhaps was suspicious- but yet no one paid her any mind. She allowed herself a delicious moment of savoring the beauty of the unfinished sculpture from beneath before deftly slipping away into the shadows, close to the scaffolding that was being built so workers could coat the finished artwork in plastic. Marmalade backed up slightly, gauging leaping distance. Her three tails twitched merrily as she slowly lowered her sack to the ground. Crouching slightly she looped the drawstring of the sack around her belt before leaping to the topmost platform of the scaffolding...or at least that was the plan. Her left most twitchy tail had STUCK to the webbing as she leapt. Instead of graceful mischief the ginger cat swung hard into a gossamer triangle, and had become firmly stuck to the webbing. This was not the trouble Marmalade had planned on.

      She hung upside down, abysmally watching people pass by, fully realizing for the first time how sad it was that she could be in plain sight and not be noticed. When she tried to rotate her head to look for some way to free herself she had only become more firmly ensconced. Marmalade bobbed slightly when a large truck passed by, the road thrumming, and the sculpture quivered almost imperceptibly. She began to sob gently, the movement having dislodged her disappointment from the back of her throat. It was then that she noticed the slight rap tap tapping on her trapped laundry bag; just before a rubber chicken slipped out and clobbered her on the chin.

      "Oh well, I suppose you deserved that." murmured a soft deep voice that rang with a distinct crispness.

      Marmalade realized that hubris felled all great heroes, and so she sighed a resolute, "Please get me down before you arrest me."

      There was a gentle clicking as she felt the triangle of webbing begin to slacken, "I'm not the police" laughed the rich, strange voice. Marmalade realized that the voice had come closer, and in fact with the word "police" S'chithrro himself fell into view.

      He was also suspended, though his inversion was intentional. Marmalade could not help but think that even though he was upside-down, from her viewpoint he looked just right since she was also wrong-way up. He looked just right and a little terrifying. His body was lean and hard, not just from muscles but from his thin exoskeleton. His face was stern, his mouth an array of chelicerae and fangs that the little cat had never encountered before (at least not on anything that wasn't tolerably tiny), and his big black eyes were so deep that she felt like she was falling when she saw them. Marmalade shuddered, even though she knew she had nothing to fear from him. At least not any more so then from any artist whose sculpture she'd damaged.

      "OH! I've ruined your whole sculpture!"

      "Well..that's being a bit full of yourself...you've ruined a bit, but I can fix it.," S'chithrro swung closer, snipping away pieces of the web, which sent a shiver through Marmalade. As much as she tried to hide it, it still sent a tremor through the webbing that was unmistakable. S'chithrro looked up hurriedly, grabbing handfuls of webbing to prevent Marmalade from shaking her way to a nasty fall..

      "I've...I'm sorry. You're the first...I mean...You're big! No....I mean..."

      S'Chithrro snorted and finished releasing the section that had trapped Marmalade. He held it gently and lowered both of them to the floor, tactfully landing out of site so that she could right herself out of view (assuming anyone would notice).

      "You're the first three tailed cat I've ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the lesser gods had punished you."

      Marmalade cradled her web-covered tails close, trying to look dignified. She sniffled, "Oh...no. It was a, uhm, reward." She looked toward the floor, unwilling to admit to a stranger that he was right. Even if she had caused him an undue amount of trouble.
     "Yes...I see. It must be because you're so charming," he seemed amused. His chelicerae waggled slightly in an expression that was both terrifying and endearing.

      "Oh!..." Marmalade blinked and looked hurt but had a difficult time justifying a defense. She was beginning to feel terribly guilty, especially since she had caught a glance of where she had been trapped. It was obviously torn and ragged.

      "No...you really are...something. I've never had the pleasure of ensnaring a rubber chicken before, thank you for that." He drew a little closer, extending one of four hands, "Even though it did escape."

      Marmalade simply blinked dumbly. She looked at his hand, looked up at the damage she had done, looked down at the escaped rubber chicken, and then she started to sniffle.

      "OHHH...oh...oh.....! You're so nice and I'm so sorry I was scared and I'm sorry I ruined some of your sculpture and I'm sorry I was going to decorate it with dancing rubber chickens and you're so talented and funny and weirdly cute and I'm so sorry and I never say sorry and I'm sorry!"

      S'chithrro slowly withdrew his extended hand. "Why don't you go calm down? If you'd like you can meet me here Friday night and we can talk then."
     Marmalade nodded, but S'chithrro might never have seen; he had vanished into his creation just as a small crowd had finally gathered, noticing the damage. Marmalade humbly gathered her things and slunk unseen away from the damage, for the first time embarrassed instead of proud by the trouble she had caused.

      The rest of the week passed fitfully. Marmalade switched between either being excited by the prospect of seeing the successful artisan again and fretting about what she would wear,or buying new fur-care products, or realizing what she had done and wondering if she should just move to another city. In the end some vague feelings of honor and even more undeniable feelings of curiosity won out. On Friday evening Marmalade found herself trying to sit comfortably and calmly near the repaired sculpture (and generally failing).

      The setting sun and rising blood red moon had painted the surroundings in deep rich oranges and crimsons. S'chithrro's sculpture took on an organic quality - it seemed to quiver like the inside of an angry living beast in this light, or like the living thoughts of those that had built this world. It was eerie, but also a sight that Marmalade was thankful for. Even if it was boiling and angry, it was still beautiful. As she lost herself in the smallest of strands that made up the larger piece her ears twitched to one side, noticing before the rest of her that someone was there.

      S'chithrro looked uncomfortable this far away from the shadows of the building. He jumped slightly when Marmalade turned to see him, and shifted uncomfortably in her gaze. Even if he did have a slight case of agoraphobia Marmalade was glad to have a chance to see him in this light. The rich red light cast warm patterns over his hard body. He looked fiery and magnificent, his humanoid form was less frightening when he was on the street, as opposed to dangling upside down in his giant web. Marmalade was glad for the view of him, even if it was to be shortly followed by a lecture, and maybe a summons to court. For this one prank gone wrong she felt like she deserved any punishment she got. In fact, she'd probably feel the better for it.

      S'chithrro shifted uncomfortably, "You look much lovelier in this light then you did covered in webbing in the shadows," he nervously murmured in his peculiarly crisp rich voice.

      For the second time in her life Marmalade could merely blink stupidly. This wasn't how an angry artist was supposed to act, was it?

     S'chithrro looked startled by his own statement, and glanced over his shoulder at the growing sculpture. "In a lot of ways I think this is a lot more pretentious then my other works." He glanced back at Marmalade, "I can see why you'd want to vandalize it. I can't punish you for something I almost want to do myself."

      "Oh no! I wanted to cause mischief because I love the sculpture so much! I don't know how to explain it, I just wanted to have a connection with it I think. Please don't think it's pretentious!" Marmalade felt even guiltier. Not only had she damaged something so lovely, but she'd reinforced S'chithrro's ugly self-doubt about his latest work. That was much worse.

      "You don't have to say sweet things. I've already decided not to report the incident," he sounded slightly annoyed, uncertain.

      Marmalade's ears fell back, her tails twitched emphatically, and she couldn't help but leap towards him, clasping one of his hands tightly in her comparatively small paw. "Oh please! I'm never sweet unless it's by accident! Please please understand how remarkable I think you are!"

      If S'chithrro looked startled then Marmalade looked shocked.Neither had expected the light touch to feel so electric. Its meaning was unavoidable, and the little cat and huge arachnid began a tentative and tender romance. Like many of the great romances this one had begun by accident, the result of unplanned circumstances. But unlike most greats it had yet to culminate in the passionate throws that every poet gleefully writes delicate poetry about (the perverts). Months passed, the sculpture was completed perfectly, and yet Marmalade parried where there should have been thrusts.

      Several months later they lay close on his bed, a single candle casting deep shadows, the enticing smell of incense wafted gently around them. It had been a particularly tender evening. S'Chithrro had arrived at her place in a horse-drawn carriage. The seats had been covered in rose petals, and he romanced her with small trinkets he had crafted and champagne. He'd taken her to her favorite restaurant where they were graced with a private table, and she'd giggled and danced and whispered that it was time to seek his place. Once alone in his room Marmalade had tenderly undressed him and covered him with the gentlest of kitty kisses. When S'chithrro had tried to reciprocate she had danced away and curled up at the far end of the bed. S'chithrro lay near and they gazed at each other. Marmalade gave a contented sigh and reached out, tickling the inside of S'chithrro's thigh with an unsheathed claw.

      "Oh how you touch me Marmy...," his voice was deeper then usual, it rumbled with desire.

      The ginger cat giggled and teased him with two of her tails in a move that was obviously designed to drive a man crazy. The spider clicked and began to caress her side and belly insistently and tenderly, and then Marmalade scooted away just far enough to make it obvious that she didn't want to be petted...just as she always did. Only this time instead of accepting her teasing with a sigh and slight trembling of disappointed limbs, S'chithrro asked the question she didn't want to answer.

      "Why does my touch repel you?"

      Marmalade turned and gazed at her dejected lover. Her wide amber eyes reflected back from S'chithrro's own deep as wells black eyes as pinpricks of sad fire. She didn't want to think of the awful trick she'd almost played on him, of dancing rubber chickens, of how kind and understanding he'd been of something that should have outraged him. But now she had to.

      "I...I still feel guilty for getting stuck in your sculpture...," her ears drooped, as did her whiskers. "You should have been mad at me."

      S'chithrro ran a gentle finger along her jaw line, rubbing her head gently near her neck, a small touch that was usually allowed to him. Ordinarily this would have evoked gleeful purrs, but now his Marmy's ears barely flicked upwards before descending again and she turned her face away. "Oh my kitten, I'm GLAD you did it. How else would we have each other now?" he whispered, a gentle smile trying to spread from his face to hers.

      Marmalade looked down, her eyes glistening from unwelcome tears that were overtaking her throat. "I don't deserve to have you! Don't you see?" she choked out, managing to hold her guilty sobs in check.

      S'chithrro crouched further down, trying to look Marmalade in the eyes from below her drooping frame. "No...no I don't see."

      Marmalade shivered. She hated crying, she hated feeling guilty, she hated that one of her pranks had gone wrong. She straightened up and futilely beat tiny fists against his armored chest, "WHY? Why weren't you mad at me? Why did you never punish me? Why do you give me all this love and respect when I did wrong? No matter how much I love you back it will never be equal. I did wrong and I felt bad and I wanted you to call the police but instead you LOVED me and I got away with it and having you make me feel good when I was so wrong feels AWFUL!"

      S'chithrro looked tenderly at her, clasping her angry hands against his heart. "Can't you just let it go?" Her angry and hurt face gave him the answer.

      He gazed at her so intently that Marmalade could almost hear the look as well as feel it. He gently took hold of her shoulders, and he also gently surrounded her waist with his second set of big strong sculptor's hands. As usual Marmalade tried to pull away, but for the first time ever his strength overpowered her. His gaze was as steady as ever, but the reflection of her own eyes revealed how startled she was. She opened her lips to speak, but found her breath gone as she was lifted and forcibly pressed into the webbing that encircled S'chithrro's room.

      "I'm not going to lose you over broken webbing...I'll keep you with it if I must!" S'chithrro forced himself to appear strong, but he was shaking.
      Quickly but skillfully he began to trap her limbs in strong silk, keeping her from moving, trapping her spread eagle. His touch was strong, but gentle; Marmalade both wanted to run and to hold him and soothe his fear away. But she knew that if she did either she'd once again feel like she had somehow undeservedly escaped from an argument, ran from something she needed to own up to. Things would have ended up feeling even more unequal then they did now.

      "I know that you want to be punished my Marmy. I know that this relationship can not last unless you let me love you fully. So I will punish you the only way a spider knows how. With silk, with tight binding, with having you be my sweet helpless prey."

      Marmalade caught her breath and watched his web take a new shape, beautiful even as it trapped her. He was terrifying. He was trapping her here...and even as the bonds grew she realized that this was the first man to ever try to give her exactly what she wanted. Not that she had always craved bondage, but she had always asked for something, some sign of understanding from every man, and it had never come. They had always been interested in their own pleasure. And here was a man whom she heaped pleasure onto, and he could not be happy because he only wanted to give her everything.

      "Cith...this is weird...let me go...,"she whined halfheartedly.

      The spider backed away from her, knowing that she could still wiggle free if she wanted to. "No...if you truly wanted to go you never would have answered my question. If you wanted to be reported to the police you would have done it yourself. If you'd wanted a fight you would have picked one..." his voice trailed off as he watched her reaction, ready to let her go as soon as she gave any sign that was what she honestly wanted.

    "Then what do I want?" Marmalade tried to wiggle free, but soon halted when she realized that she had almost escaped. She waited for an answer. And then she found it within herself, "I...I...want you to punish me as if I was still trapped in your sculpture. As if I was doing the damage all over again. I want you to be upset so that I can know that you really understand how beautiful and meaningful your work is..." Marmalade gasped for breath, as the truth had rushed out of her body like a trapped demon. By the time her eyes had refocused S'chithrro had vanished from sight.

      Marmalade felt the slightest of tremors in the webbing, and then she felt a rap tap tapping along her right arm. She tried to turn to see him, but she was firmly trapped in place. Marmalade shuddered slightly and the gentle touch on her arm vanished.

      "Cith...?" Marmalade's voice was small against the vast webbing holding her. "CITH!!"

      The giant spider swung into view, he was suspended before her in exactly the same manner in which she had first seen him. "Cith, you SCARED me..." Marmalade halted as she sensed displeasure radiating from the web weaver.

   He reached out four strong hands and held her head and shoulders tightly,"Oh well, I suppose you deserve it. Do you think it should be FUN to ruin my work?! Some spiders save lives...but all I have to give is this sculpture and you've DAMAGED it. I should call the police!" S'chithrro's voice had risen steadily from a low mocking town to an outright outraged yell. This scene was so much like the first, when she'd met him. But different- it was as Marmalade had always thought it should have been. Marmalade started to cry, both scared and relieved that guilt was melting away - broken off from her memories by S'chithrro's angry eyes.

      The arachnid outstretched his long limbs and gracefully climbed onto the webbing, straddling over the trapped feline. "What was damaged can never be undamaged, merely repaired and built upon. Do you understand that?" he whispered mere inches from her ears, his fangs menacingly grazing across her fur.

      Marmalade paused, hearing the meaning behind the acted menace, "Yes...for the first time I do...We can build?"

     The eight limbed man descended upon the strong body of the little feline, easily dwarfing her, covering her with his mass. "No...for now I will do the repairing. You got away with something you shouldn't have. That puts us on uneven ground, and I need to fix it, don't I? Like a delicate orange butterfly you were trapped in my web -- but then you were set free as a butterfly never should. And then you flitted and fluttered around me, free of the web but captivated by the web weaver. So now I've trapped you again, and I will taste you like a spider should, and things will be right between us." He pressed down into her, gently nibbling her soft neck and caressing her fur with strong determined arms. He wiped her tears away, careful not to reveal how scared he was of driving her away from him even more. How desperate he was for this to work, for this to set the ghosts of the past for him instead of against him.

     For the first time in months Marmalade did not protest, at least not until she realized that she could not return any affection. At first she whined, then begged, and then finally moaned helplessly as S'chithrro took in every curve and nuance of her form. For months he had been denied this, and now he reaped in the pleasures of bringing pleasure. His large fingers gently traced the grain of her fur, then he slowly pushed upwards against her smooth belly and curving sides. He traced the patterns of her hidden skin, gently kissing every freckle he discovered. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply her rich thick scent that was like warm milk and freesia. And then he began to work his way downwards.

      First he kissed his way down her chest, his ears deaf for her pleads to be allowed to kiss him. He kissed, and licked her taut nipples. Then he gently massaged them while working small bits of sticky silk across them. He bound them tight, then he pulled off the silk while gently suckling. Her breasts grew plump and flush with the attentions, and her scent grew muskier and intoxicating. Marmalade's muscles quivered as she yelped and moaned and begged for more, but the webbing did not give.

      The determined man worked downwards; his hard hands gently scraped down Marmalade's flanks as she whimpered helpless to the delicious tickling. He crouched with one set of feet circling her ankles, emphasizing the tactile sensation of being trapped. He massaged the insides of her strong silky thighs, ignoring her pleas to be allowed to bring him pleasure. And then he very slowly leaned in, gently and tenderly grasping her labia in his mandibles, gently massaging them until they became plump and they blossomed outwards. S'chithrro reverently grasped her clit in his chelicerae, and then gently moved up and down, massaging both sides with firm gentle skill. His harmless but nonetheless huge fangs were folded inward, but they still delicately slid along the delicate pink tissue as he worked.

      Marmalade screamed in delight. Nothing had ever felt this good, this encompassing. Every muscle in her body burned, and then she felt a brighter fire igniting deep inside. She yearned to buck, to wiggle, to move, but she was trapped and that made it all the more delicious. She would have told S'chithrro that she was close, but has machinations had melted away her power of speech. But as the feeling grew, so did the man's insistent touch...he knew. Marmalade was on the verge, so close, so painfully close, and then S'chithrro gently probed a single thick finger inside of her. He rubbed gently and wetly, his finger curved upwards. Within seconds he had found her G-spot and Marmalade was peaking harder then she had ever before. It exploded outwards like salvation. And still the webbing did not give.

      S'chithrro glided upwards, gently caressing his panting catch. Marmalade gazed in mixed wonder and love at her spider, her pseudo-captor. He gently nuzzled her and lifted himself upwards to kiss her forehead. As he did so she felt his stiff erection brush against her thigh.

      "Aren't you going to make love to me?" she murmured dreamily.

      "My darling...I....didn't want to push you too far. I was worried that this was already too much."

      "I love you. And now I feel that things are even between us. There's nothing more I want then to be with you..."she trailed off, her meaning clear.

      S'chithrro kissed her gently, freed her limbs, and finally then they were joined as lovers should.