CHRONICALS OF THE BLACK GUARD By Adrian Nunenkamp CHAPTER 1 Wing Leader Cishu Eotae, known to his team as 'Ki', smiled slightly as he surveyed his squad. Across from him, a young felenoid Troop Leader smiled back, knowing what was going through her commander's mind... after all, besides being a telepath, she had also been with Ki since the beginning of this unit. The felenoid's name was Sengae Pheor, known as 'Sin' even though most of the team knew she was probably the purest of all of them. While the rest of the team would be off playing during downtime, she could always be found in the barracks, studying or perhaps practising some new move or psionic power she had developed over the past months. For all of that, she was also one of the warmest members of the team, always ready to lend a hand, or an ear. She was the heart of the team as much as Ki as the brain. The only other original member of their unit was the dropshuttle's pilot, Troop Leader Tegromo. Tegromo was also a felenoid, but of a different species than Sin. Sin was an Alcarian. To the human members of the team, she resembled nothing more than a bipedal snow leopard. Teg, on the other hand, was of the Tikal race, and looked like a black panther with 'sabre' teeth. For all his ferocious looks, Teg was a pilot, and nothing more. He couldn't even swat a fly... unless he was flying in combat against it. Then, it was just another blip on the screen, something mechanical shooting at him. As the dropshuttle hurtled along to meet up with their transport, Ki took the time to reminisce, remembering the first time he had met Sin and Teg, and how they came to be where they were.... # The year was 254 AFA; the war against the Iush had been raging for the past fourteen years. The leonid aggressor had been stomping colonies flat, then either recolonizing, or seeking survivors for food and slave labour. The only reason the Iush had for what they did was that their gods had declared them superior to all other races, and thus they could do what they wanted, for they were the true rulers of the universe. The Alliance disagreed, and had been fighting tooth and claw against the Iush, and losing. To combat this threat, the cream of the Alliance Armed Forces was selected to form a new combat group. This unit was composed of the best from all aspects of the Alliance Armed forces, be they Navy or Ground Forces, Special Forces or standard. The only requirement being that they were the best of their professions. Out of everyone, there were fifty persons selected. Every race in the Alliance was represented. Among the selectees was a young T'Sharan Captain by the name of Cishu Eotae. Cishu was born on a 1.4G colony world of his race. It was a quiet, agricultural planet. He grew up learning of martial arts and sciences. He dreamed of joining the Forces as a member of the Diplomatic Corps. That all changed when the Iush attacked. It was only a small raiding force, only about twenty ships. Small as it was, it was enough to destroy Cishu's world. As he watched, he saw his friends, his family, his parents die in a blaze of gunfire. He saw other members of the community die under the guns or claws of the invaders. The rage he felt allowing him to loose his race's natural abilities upon the Iush. He discovered for himself the way to use his mind to swirl up a crowd of dust to confuse the enemy. How to create ice around vital systems, or to light combustibles on fire. Once, he even tried freezing the torso of one of the Iush, then shattering the frozen body with merely his mind. The exhaustion that overtook him nearly killed him. It was as he did that kill that the Alliance Forces that had come to repel the enemy discovered him. After joining the Forces, Cishu was quickly trained in the ways of the Ground Forces, and was snapped up for Special Forces training immediately from boot camp. In that training he learned how to focus his abilities down to a very small area, making him extremely dangerous. He quickly stepped up the chain of command, rising from enlisted to officer within three years. He rose to Captain by the fifth anniversary of his joining the forces. His quick rise in rank is what brought him to Fort Rilea-Stevens on Terra, and to the new force he was to help form. He arrived at the Cascade Regional Spaceport without any fanfare. Terra had taken a path of surface technological regression in the late 2200's, Terran Calendar. All of their high technology was either centred in a spaceport such as the one he was landing at, on one of the five massive military complexes, or underground where it could not be seen. As emphasis of this fact, Cishu could not see any sign of buildings that had any materials more advanced than stone and mortar. Instead, what greeted his eyes was a stand of forest larger than any he'd seen in his life. The forest stretched for tens of miles, and that was just what he could see. The blast area for the jets was bare of any vegetation, but only the landing surface itself was other than dirt. Stepping out of the commercial transport, he inhaled deeply of the unrecycled air of this beautiful planet. The air held the tang of ozone, and the heady scent of earth after a rainstorm, a scent he remembered from the time before the Iush. Quickly he stepped out of the blast radius for the transport, so that it could lift off if needed. He then slowly looked about for where the terminal was. Doors in a nearby hillside slid silently open, a soft green light beckoning him inwards. Without a second thought, he trotted forward and into the gaping opening. Inside was the terminal he expected. Oddly, it was devoid of any other people save the staff. After a moment's conversation with the staff, Cishu made his way to the luggage area to retrieve his possessions, then headed to the MagLev. The ride to the station outside of Fort Rilea-Stevens was uneventful and short... taking no more than one half of a Terran hour. Upon stepping out of the MagLev and back onto the surface of the planet, it was as if he had been transported light-years away. A set of mountains he had seen in the distance from the spaceport were right there next to him. From the mountains the vastness of the military complex spread out before him, covering much of the coastal region from the Coastal Range to the Pacific Ocean. Though night was starting to come on, and the overcast sky made it darker than it should be, he could still make out some of what was going on below. GravTanks moved in deadly formation, almost like the fighters of old. He could see new recruits being put through their paces, being trained to fight a most implacable foe. To the north, near a river called the Columbia, he could see the detonation flash of practice bombs, an AttackFighter run being taught. He was also sure that there was probably a party going on down there somewhere... this *was* a military base. With a soft chuckle he made his way to the front gate. "Halt! Who is there?" Two weapons, definitely loaded and primed, were aimed directly at his chest. "Captain Cishu Eotae, Alliance Armed Forces, reporting to Fort Rilea Stevens for unit training." Cishu slowly raised his hands, his claws retracted as far as they could go. "Advance and be recognised." With that permission, Cishu stepped forward, keeping his hands high. "Where's your ID?" "Left breast pocket with my orders. The pocket is unsealed." One guard advanced from the side, pulling out Cishu's documents, then retreated to the guardhouse. After going over the papers, then making a comm call, he stepped back out, relief on his face. "Thank you sir, for putting up with this. Can't be too careful with the Iush out there." As he handed back the papers, he turned to the other guard, "He's clear, head back to the shack. Cishu took the papers, putting them away again. "No problem... sergeant? If you hadn't of challenged me, I would probably have been more upset." The sergeant grinned, "Exactly sir." He then pulled himself to attention and saluted Cishu in Terran fashion. "Welcome to Fort Rilea-Stevens sir. Will you need an escort?" Cishu crossed his right arm across his chest and bowed briefly, returning the salute in his people's fashion. "No, sergeant, just directions." Once he had got directions to the housing where he was to stay, Cishu left the gate for his new home. The housing at the Fort was different from anything he was familiar with. Instead of just a hallway with rooms off of it, the door from the hallway led into a common lounge, with five small apartments off of the lounge. There was even a door with his name already on it. One swipe of his ident and saying his name to kill the voicelock, and he was in. Most of his personal effects were already there, ready for him to arrange as he felt comfortable. Tossing his duty jacket to the side, he keyed his computer, checking to see what his schedule for the next day was. The only thing showing was for him to attend a function that evening at 1800. The only thing that made him flinch was the fact that it was a full mess dress function... *gods* but he hated formal events. Switching of the computer in disgust, he made his way to the bathing facilities to wash off the travel grime he always felt accompanied him, even if he travelled in a sterile environment. Once done with his after travel ablutions, he slipped into civilian garb... which for him consisted of a loose shirt of a forest green colour, black denim pants, and a pair of boots cut for his ditigrade legs. After making sure he looked okay, he grabbed his ident and stepped out of his apartment, ready to find the O-Club and relax. "'Ello... what do we have 'ere?" The soft voice stopped him cold. Rapidly his mind ran down an analysis: Terran, English, female, close, not threatening. "Well, bushy tailed one, you gonna introduce yourself?" Turning around, he saw pretty much what he expected, just not exactly. Indeed, it was a human female. She stood at about his own height, her hair was a much deeper auburn than his fur. Dipping his head in acknowledgement, he let his ears flick in a slight T'Sharan grin in response to her good natured Terran smile. "I am Captain Cishu Eotae, of the Alliance Armed Forces... but you can call me Cishu." "Ki, right." She winked playfully at him. "I'm Leftenant Amberle Matheson, Amber to m'friends. I'm glad to meet ya. May I ask where you're going at this hour?" "I'm headed down to the O-Club. I just got on base, and thought I'd relax prior to some formal dinner tonight." "You're a part of the project too, eh? Well then, I guess we'll get to know eachother a bit better as I've got to go to the same dinner. What say we go to the O-Club together, an' then come back and do that dinner thing? Sound like a plan?" Ki considered for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, that *does* sound good. I assume you know where the O-Club is?" "Of course. That was the *first* thing I found. My quarters came afterwards." With a lopsided grin, she took Cishu's arm, and drug him off in the direction of the club. Like most clubs, it was fairly crowded and noisy. The loud music blaring in the background was circa the 1990's (Terran calendar), and was louder than most could hear over. It positively *hurt* Cishu's ears, and he just about turned around and headed to his quarters again. Amber, however, drug him on inexorably into the living morass of individuals. Stepping up to the bar, she grinned at Cishu before turning to the bartender and ordering two Guinness... whatever that was. As she ordered, Cishu looked around the room. The walls were a stark white, dotted with momentos of various fighting forces, predominately from the old United States of America... though there were a few from the United Kingdom's Special Air Service and the Israeli Mossad. Some were signed pictures, others were caps or covers, sometimes it was insignia, other times it was a simple flag. All were tributes to those who had gone before. Amber slipped back up next to Cishu, carrying two mugs of a dark brown liquid, each having thick foam on the top. "C'mon... I see a free table." Keeping his eyes locked on her, he followed a winding path through all the people on the floor until they reached a raised table with four stools around it. Amber grinned and pushed one of the mugs to him. "Here ya are. Welcome to Terra!" She raised her mug, and took a hearty draft from it. Cishu, on the other hand, was a bit more hesitant. Sniffing at the drink, the smell of alcohol and grain nearly knocked him over. So as not to upset Amber, he held his breath as he took his first pull at the Guinness. The taste surprised him. It was bitter, yes, but still quite good... mellow in fact. "Interesting. This is one of the major creations of this planet?" Amber's eyes lit with mirth, "Only to the Irish. This is a beer that is liked by some, disliked by others, and worshipped by those from the Emerald Isle." Cishu's eyebrows furrowed, "You mean some of your people worship an alcoholic beverage? How strange...." Amber's ringing laugh caused him to look up. "No, no... that was a figure of speech. They don't actually *worship* the drink, it's just very popular... so much so that they have got into fist fights with others to prove that it's the best." Cishu oh'ed softly. "I see. I don't understand how a beverage could engender such loyalty...." With an enigmatic grin, Amber just shook her head. "Give it time. You'll understand eventually." The hour spent in the club was a learning experience for Cishu. In that time, he learned not only about his drinking partner, but also of the planet he had been stationed too. Amber, it seems, was born in Liverpool, England to a fairly well to do family. They had been insisting that she become a doctor or a barrister, or some such, but Amber would have nothing of it. Instead, she had dedicated herself to joining the military. Her focus in University had been history with emphasis on military history. She also joined the Terran Defence Forces Officer Training Program and graduated top of the Cadet class. Starting off as a Sub-Leftenant (ranks were the same as the nation of origin), she started in small actions against the Iush at various locations that Cishu recognised. It was in one of these actions that the young Sub-Leftenant was found and selected for the project to which the two of them belonged. It seemed, from what he could tell, that Amber specialised in heavy weaponry, compared to his speciality in close combat. Just as Cishu started to finish off his Guinness, Amber checked her wrist chronometer. "Ack! C'mon Ki, we need to hurry! We've only got about an hour to get ready for the dinner!" Cishu had only enough time to get the mug back on the table before he was hauled bodily through the crowd and out into the cool evening air of the Pacific Coast. The jog back to quarters went swiftly. Cishu was surprised to see that Amber was in the same quad of quarters he was, but he dismissed it just as readily. With two taps on his carrysak, he opened it up to expose his immaculately maintained dress uniform. To look at it, one would not be overly impressed by it. It was a simple black dress tunic and black breeches cut to his oddly (for a plantigrade species) shaped leg. It was after he unfolded the overtunic that one would be impressed. Besides his large array of medals, qualifications, and honours, his insignia of rank was just as impressive. Indeed, it glittered like a golden explosion on his shoulder. Once he had the basics fitted, including his strangely shaped boots, he belted on the last accoutrement he was entitled to wear as a member of the Alliance Special Ground Forces... a long, gold hilted sabre. Once he was assured that everything was in its proper place and pristine, he stepped from his quarters, mumbling something about 'getting this farce over with'. # The dining hall was *huge*, even by Cishu's standards. Even the mixture of individuals was more than he expected. As far as the Captain could tell, every race in the Alliance was represented. Upon entering, he was handed a card with his name on it. He was told that the card would be needed later. The dinner itself was one of those leisurely affairs. It started with cocktails, appetisers, and dancing, then slowly segued into the dinner itself. During the dinner, Cishu found himself between a shy Alcarian female and a Vralm, which to Cishu resembled nothing more than a black version of the mythical Terran beast called a 'unicorn'. The fare of the dinner was designed for all eating preferences... carnivore like Cishu and the Alcarian, herbivore like the Vralm, and omnivore like the humans that speckled the room. The quality of the food, of course, was excellent... a definite tribute to the chefs who worked on the meal. Throughout the small talk that always accompanied a mess-dress dinner there was an undercurrent of rumour and dark speculation. No one was exactly sure as to *why* they had all been gathered. It was just after the dessert course had been finished by all that the rumours stopped and the facts began. Leading one of the most impressive delegations to be seen short of the awarding of the Star of Peace, the highest award in the Alliance, an elderly white B'Hou stepped up to a pedestal with a microphone. "Beings... please. May I have your attention?" The room went silent as everyone realised that the speaker was one of the Alliance's highest military leaders. "Thank you. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Admiral-General Shou z'Rakan. And I would like to welcome you all to Terra." "You have all been selected on the basis of your outstanding records of service, and your special abilities. Some of you are special in that you have skills and knowledge that no other has. Others are special in that they have qualities that go above and beyond what was ever asked of any. You all come from different places, different organizations. Some are of the Alliance Military, be it ground forces or fleet, regular forces or Special Ops. Others are homeguard forces, or even just from warrior clans on their world... but you are *all* special members of our society." "You may, at this time, be wondering 'what were we selected for'? Simply put, you are to be the core for a new special operations organization. As you can see, there are fifty of you, making ten teams of five. In a moment, I will have you all look at the cards you hold in your hands, then come up to this podium as the number upon the card is called. You are no longer Alliance, homeguard, clan, or individual... you are all one family, one unit, one mind... you are now the Black Guard, our defence against the Iush. The other commanders, and I, salute you all." His speech winding down, the Admiral-General stepped back, and saluted the room, as did the other flag rank officers behind him. In instinctive response, the newly christened Black Guard stood and returned the salute, already standing proud as a unit. After dropping the salute, the Admiral-General returned to the microphone. "Will all those with a one on their card please climb to the podium." With a single glance, Cishu knew that he was one of the ones with that number, and immediately made his way to where the Admiral-General stood. As he arrived, so did Amber, the Alcarian with whom he sat during dinner, a Tikal, and a Vrikul... which was a species of anthropomorphic skunk. Captain Cishu Eotae... you have been designated the leader of First Squad, First Company of the Black Guard, from this day on, you are no longer a Captain. You are now a Force Leader, which is the equivalent rank. The members of your squad are.... Troop Leader Amberle Matheson, your second; Group Sergeant Sengae Pheor, the Alcarian; Group Sergeant Tegromo, the Tikal; and Section Leader Jyih Naylmul, the Vrikul. Report to the base training centre the day after tomorrow; spend tomorrow getting to know eachother and everyone's capabilities. You'll be relying on eachother for your lives... remember that. Dismissed." The newly minted First Squad saluted the Admiral-General as one, then left for the officer's quarters. When they arrived, their belongings were not in their quarters. Rather, a message had been left on their terminals stating that they were to move to a different area of the base... and apartment setup, their new home. Indeed, there was much to learn, and little time to learn it.