CHRONICALS OF THE BLACK GUARD by Adrian Nunenkamp CHAPTER 3 A dull clang reverbrated through the dropshuttle as it connected with the fast frigate Alandair's Pride, the team's home for the duration of the mission. The Pride was a new ship, specifically designed to be a self-sufficient support for the special teams. Durable enough to get them in to a target, and fast enough to run as needs be. From where he stood, Cishu could see the hungry glimmer in Teg's eyes. "Easy there, hot shot. You're going to have your hands full with this beast, never mind that dagger we just landed in." Cishu's voice was full of humor. If there was one thing you could depend on, it was Teg's love of anything that flew... especially if he'd never seen anything like it. "I know, sir... but the size... I've never flown anything that big. I bet she's agile too, I mean, it *is* a ship of the line, but those lines she has...." The wonder and naked desire to fly the ship that the shuttle now rested in was almost too much for Cishu to keep from laughing at Teg. Fortunately, self-control was one of his strong points. "Well, who knows? You might get lucky enough to be asked to pilot her around. Just remember, though, that most of our time will be done in trans-space, so there's not much you'd be able to do. Unless, of course, you got your astrogator's rating and didn't tell anyone." "Uhm... actually...." Teg's voice was a combination of shy, worried, and proud. Cishu's response was to laugh softly and clap Teg on the shoulder. "Congratulations, Teg. I can't guarantee anything, but maybe if you spoke to the ship's pilot, you might get a chance." With another soft chuckle, Cishu made his way to the main portion of the dropshuttle, where most of the crew had already debarked, and the unloading had started. The landing bay on the Pride was different than most. To one side was the bay proper where the dropshuttle would rest, ready to be ejected from the ship towards its objective. The combined velocity of the launch, and the momentum gained from the frigate would allow for a high speed insertion. Also in the landing bay were the usual class of Alliance shuttles. These shuttles strongly resembled the Terran 'space shuttle' from the Terran late 20th and early 21st centuries. Though their aerodynamic shape was not required in space, it was of much benefit when they went into an atmosphere. Looking up into the cavernous ceiling area of the bay, Cishu could see the dark forms of four of the Alliances top interceptor type fighters. Lean and black, they hung like evil knives over the rest of the bay from their own launch tubes, ready to be manned at a moment's notice by the crack pilots assigned to fly them. Teg used to fly things like them before he was assigned to the unit, but from past experience, Cishu knew he had no regrets. Regrets. Regrets were something that Cishu understood all too well. They were something he lived with daily. The sight of the interceptors hanging over the bay as if in flight brought back quite a few regrets, one in particular almost overwhelming his mind.... * * * Blood... blood everywhere. She lay heavily in his arms, her breathing rapid and shallow. Her red hair mixing with the red and black on his arms. Her eyes were closed, and faintly he could feel her presence fading from all of those around him. "Hang on... please.... Hang on. You can't leave us... you can't leave *me*! You have to survive... please...." * * * "Ki?" A soft voice, and an even softer touch on his arm startled him back to the present. Swiftly his head snapped around towards where he had heard his name come from, and found himself looking directly into the deep sapphire eyes of Sengae. Her eyes glimmered strangely, and he noted almost absently that it was caused by tears. "You were remembering her again, weren't you?" Her question was not so much a question as a statement of fact. "Damn all of you empaths," Cishu said without rancor. A slight trace of his humor showing through the sadness that surrounded him. "Watching your leader to make sure he's still stable?" Sengae shook her head, her eyes not leaving his. "No. You were projecting slightly... not enough for just anyone to notice, but enough for me." Sighing heavily, Cishu turned to look out of the bay doors as they closed slowly. "It's still hard for me to accept she's gone. To be so close, so involved, then to lose her before anything could be said...." Sengae nodded once, and wiped her eyes on her uniform. Cishu's mood was truly starting to affect her more than it should. Removing her hand from his arm reduced the sensitivity to the raw emotions. Tucking her hands under her arms, she regarded her leader. He was such a roiling contradiction of emotions. He was hardened, yet sensitive to the needs of others. Cruel in combat, yet compassionate when it counted. A loner, but with a strong desire to have friends and family near. "Ki... eventually you will need to come to terms with the loss. I can only advise you to take the time and learn your heart in this matter. If you need someone to talk to... or even talk at... find me." Sengae winced as her voice caught on the last, his sorrow and loss getting stronger. Cishu nodded once. "I will Sin... you know that." The two of them stood in the bay for a few minutes longer, then Sengae turned and headed towards the main portion of the ship. She knew that, when he felt he could, Cishu would seek her out for counsel. That was why he had made her his second after.... Sengae shook her head and quashed the thought. It was not something she could think about at that moment herself. * * * "Attention on deck!" The call rang out in the squad briefing room as Cishu stepped in, followed quickly by Sengae. The sound of eight sets of booted feet striking the deck echoed in the small room. "As you were." Cishu moved towards the front of the briefing room as Sengae moved towards the rear of the room. He knew he could count on her to keep the mood of the room under observation. Upon reaching the front, Cishu activated the holoscan for the upcoming mission. "This mission is a little different from the normal. We're not just doing a seek-and-destroy this time." Stopping long enough for the brief murmurs of suprise to die down, Cishu nodded then continued. "We're also to be ready to do a rescue mission." The uproar after that announcement was one of disbelief. Flicking his glance towards Sengae, she motioned that everything was fine so far, and to let it run for the time being. Moments later, some semblence of calm returned to the room. "Okay sir... what's the skinny on this mission?" This question from one of the more senior troopers on the team. "Well, Anderson, here it is." With a touch on the keypad, a galactic map spun into life. A green and a red dot appearing in relative positions. "As you know, green is us and red is the target. In this case, the red dot is one of ours. Three weeks ago, the ship Rhyzan's Fury lost contact with Headquarters. The area that they were travelling through was known to have some fairly heavy ion particle storms at the time, so nothing was though of it. When a week had come after the storms were over, the Fury still had not contacted HQ." "It is suspected that the Fury was ambushed, and with think she may be lost." Changing the view, a diagram of the Rhyzan's Fury appeared. "As you can see, the Fury is a Tamlin-class heavy cruiser. She was not outfitted with outrider fighters, being more of a recon cruiser than a heavy cruiser." "Our mission is to find out what happened to the Fury. If she was attacked, we are to find what survivors there may be and to either rescue them, or whatever we can do for them." Unspoken was the fact that if they could not be rescued, they would not survive their time. "Any questions?" Cishu waited for a minute or two, observing the faces of his people, then nodded once. "We will rendevouz with the last known position of the Fury in three days time. Dismissed." He watched quietly as everyone stepped out of the room, avoiding Sengae's gaze. Once the door had closed again, Cishu sat and remembered.... * * * "C'mon, slowpoke! For someone that looks like an animal, you're sure holding me up!" Amber's cheery voice sounded from just over the verdant rise ahead of Cishu. It was early summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and the first leave that his team had had since the start of their training. Amber had prevailed upon him to with her back to her homelands, the island called Ireland. Ireland, like the rest of Terra had regressed on the surface. Now, all one could see is the odd stone building... either cottage or church, and even time to time one could see even older stone structures, ones from the earliest history of the lands. The bleat of sheep from one of the many green fields made its way to Cishu's ears, even as the smell of fresh grass and an ocean breeze came to his nose. 'This is the way life is to be lived,' he mused to himself as he crested the hill. Just ahead, near a precipice facing the ocean, Amber stood, grinning at him. Her long auburn hair flowing around like a red halo, the light shining through to almost give an etherial aspect to her. "What took you so long, slow one?" Amber's emerald eyes glinted with merriment at him. Her head cocked slightly to one side as she waited for his answer. "Just admiring the view, furless one. The history surrounding this place must be thick." He turned slowly in a circle, noticing the well placed stone markers, including a beautifully detailed Celtic cross standing behind and to the side of Amber. Just off of the coast, a storm was starting to churn the waters, the slate gray forms of the clouds hovering over the near black ocean. "Oh... it is, most assuredly. As thick as the amount of my kin. And that's quite a lot, as you well know!" Amber's sly tone, caused Cishu to look at her suddenly, then relaxed as her infectious grin started to get to him. "Yes, you do have several kin, don't you?" Cishu kept his voice light, even though the pain of his lost family came back to haunt him. Amber must have sensed something, however, because she moved closer, placing her hand on his arm. "Cishu," she started, jumping slightly as he turned to regard her, hearing his name in full for the first time from her mouth. "Cishu, you don't talk about your family. I could tell that you like having family around, from the way you acted with my younger siblings. What about *your* family?" "I... I don't have one, Amber. I lost my family to the Iush when I was younger." Slowly the story of horror poured from him, and throughout it all, Amber sat, and listened to him. Never once critisizing or complaining that he should have done this or that. What suprised him most was, as he finished, he felt her arms slide around his shoulders, hugging him softly from behind. Amber tried to form words, but her throat was too constricted by emotion. Finally, she found her voice. "Cishu... I'm sorry. I shouldnae ha' asked ye tae speak o' it. But I want ye tae ken... should ye want a family, ye got one in mine. M'whole clan enjoyed meeting ye, an' I know they would be proud tae ha' ye... nae matter yer past, or the fact that ye arenae human." Slowly, tears started to fall from Cishu's eyes. He had not expected this, not in his wildest dreams. To lose one family, then to gain another, it was something he would not have been able to conceive of, except that it was happening to him at that moment. For the first time, in several years, Cishu began to weep openly. The sound of his tears striking the stone base of the cross mixing with the sound of the first raindrops of the storm.... * * * The sound of tears striking the plascrete surface of the briefing table brought Cishu back to the present once more. His Terran family, yes, they were that. They only knew he was off on another of those 'damned fool missions', as Grandpa Douglas would say. Though his work was often a source of consternation and amusement for the family, they all knew the import of what it was that his team did, even if they never knew the specifics. Using his sleeve to wipe up the track of tears, Cishu pushed himself upright, then wiped his eyes. It would not be good for morale to see the commander of the unit crying, even if they understood the whyfor of the emotional response. Mercifully, the walk to his quarters was short. The briefing room was just off of 'Officer's Country', and his own quarters were about half the distance into the corridor. Sengae was just a few doors down herself, and briefly he considered knocking on her door. He then decided that it would probably be best that he not disturb her with the memories he carried. It was hard enough for him to carry them, he didn't want to add to the burden of another. Palming the lock, Cishu stepped into his quarters. A few moments later, he realised something was different. The lights, though low, were already on. Music, soft and soothing was playing, and a drink was already resting on a nearby coaster. Next to the drink was a small note. It read, 'Ki- I figured you might need this, and Sin agreed. -Teg'. With a half grin, Cishu through his duty jacket onto one of the chairs, snatched up the drink, and flopped down on his couch. It was just like those two felines to keep an eye out for him. They, like he, had taken to heart that this was a family. A dysfunctional one, to be sure, but a family none the less. Raising his glass to those of the team no longer with them, be they reassigned, or gone to a greater glory, Cishu downed the contents. He then stood and moved towards where he knew the carafe to be. Pouring another glass, he moved back to the sofa, and sat down. Taking a few moments, he allowed himself to relax, then sat back up and put the glass to the side. Reaching out, he found the data pad with the latest reports on what HQ thought happened to the Fury. Though thinking back allowed him to remember friends, it was no longer the time for him to think of that. Keying the reports, he sat back once more, pad in one hand and his drink in the other. First was the report from a scouter that made a high speed flight through the probable area of disappearance. The traces of the ion storms still lingered, but what they could pick up showed that there was a high concentration of hull materials within a parsec of the last known position. They could not get a solid fix, but early estimates showed that the amount *could* constitute the majority of a Tamlin-class cruiser. There were also photon emission trails fairly consistent with Iush standard space propulsion systems cris-crossing the area. The enemy was out there somewhere. The question was, did they have anything to do with the disappearance of the Rhyzan's Fury? Perversely, Cishu hoped they did have something to do with the diappearance. It would allow him to add to the total that the Iush owed him, not that they didn't owe him enough for his family and for.... Shaking his heard to clear his thoughts, as well as to stop the incipient tears from starting again, Cishu then switched to the second report. This report was from a research vessel that was 10 parsecs away from where the Fury may have disappeared. They had detected a large energy flash, and some subsequent smaller flashes, from the general area where the scouter had detected the metal masses. More and more, a picture of what may have occurred started to form in his mind. The signs, the hallmarks of an Iush attack, were there, plain as a dead moon. But still, the part of his mind that still argued fairness even for enemies, still there was the chance that the Iush had nothing to do with the report, and that their presence was merely coincidental. With a snort, he pushed that idea to the side. There was nothing coincidental in the way the Iush did things. They knew what they were doing, and what they were after. The Fury would be a definite prize, if they could take her in one piece. That though, was more than enough to make Cishu's blood run cold.