********************************************************** ** WARNING! THIS STORY CONTAINS GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF A ** ** SEXUAL NATURE. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO READ ** ** THIS STORY. IF THIS KIND OF STUFF BUGS YOU, DO NOT ** ** READ BEYOND THIS POINT -- AlaskanWolf ** ********************************************************** The only sound was that of Peter's hooves tapping the hard sidewalk as he returned home after another fabulous date with his new boyfriend. Their hands slightly slung as they walked side by side, holding one another, occasionally glancing and smiling, glad to be in each other's company. Matt leaned his head up and spoke softly, Peter cocking his ear back to listen, and leaning a bit to the side. "Did you have a good time?" His breath tickled Peter's hair, making him shiver a bit. "Well of course, why do you think I'm walking with you now?" he winked as he spoke, smiling softly over at Matt who returned the look, bumping him with his hip. "I was just making sure, hon, you know I like to please you." Peter turned and pressed his lips against Matt's cheek, resuming the short walk home, where his bed waited to be filled. They passed a few light poles and benches which were next to large planters with undersized plants filling them, and on one of those benches, sat a tall and built spotted appalooza with a mare next to him. Matt saw this and moved to Peter's other side, tugging at his arm, causing him to stop just in view of the seated horse. "Peter.. That's my ex over there.. Oh shit, he saw me.." Peter glanced over at the large stallion, who was now standing, after saying something to the girl sitting next to him. Peter stood protectively in front of Matt, watching the approaching figure. "HEY! Matt! Long time no see! I see you've already found another fag to fuck around with." he said with a derisive sneer. "Paul, go away. I'm through with you," Matt said, still standing behind Peter. "Yes, I'm sure your girl friend over there wouldn't like to find out you're a `fag' too, huh?" Paul glared at Peter, anger starting to visibly flare. He put his paw on Peter's chest and shoved him. Smack! The sound echoed clearly through the air as a hand from the side his Paul's cheek. "Don't you dare start something again! You promised that brawl in the bar was the last!" The mare had stood up , her fur bristling, and her face stern. "Jaqluin.. they started.." he started to say, but she grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from the other two males, pushing him a bit down the opposite way of the sidewalk. "I don't want to hear your lies now. We're going home." She turned to the slightly surprised couple. "I'm sorry about this guys.. I don't know what this was about but you better not try anything with him again, I might not be there to save his ass." She turned and caught up with Paul, who had begun walking away. Matt hugged Peter tightly, pushing his cheek against his shirt, sighing softly. "Thank you." Peter kissed Matt's forehead and wrapped his arms around him, swaying softly. "For what?" Matt looked up to Peter from his chest. "For being ready to stand up for me," he said, smiling softly. "Well, you know I like to please you." Matt giggled softly and broke the hug, his paw sliding back into place with Peter’s and they passed the bench which had been taken by Paul and Jaqluin. They rounded the corner and began walking up the cement steps with rusted rails on either side of them, the sound of jingling from Peter's keys breaking the eve's silence as he slid them into his lock, and turned, pushing the door open while turning the knob. They inhaled the familiar scent of his apartment, holding hands still until the door was shut. Peter flipped the lights on as he moved through his living room and sat down on his couch, Matt flomping down beside him. "Well, that Chinese wasn't too bad, was it?" Peter asked, pulling Matt against him, flipping the TV on to the news with his other hand. Matt shook his head and nuzzled Peter's shoulder, eyes focusing on the TV, a report about increasing violence droning the air. "But seriously Peter, I really appreciate what you did out there. I can't believe I ever went out with him.." Peter reached around and brushed his knuckles gently back and fourth against Matt's chest. "Don't worry about it hon. Just forget it ever happened. We all make mistakes." The smaller brown horse closed his eyes and placed his flattened out hand on Peter's leg, moving it in a slow circle. Peter leaned over and kissed Matt's neck, his hand slowly moving to rub his stomach as he snugged him firmly. "Yes, I have you now, and the biggest mistake I ever made was not asking you out the first time I saw you." Peter spoke softly, shifting a bit back against the couch, settling into its softness. Matt mm'ed , rubbing over the inside of Peter's leg, flexing his stomach. "Mmf. Nothing happening in the news, hon, nor is there anything else on I'll bet." "Well." Peter shivered softly feeling the rubbing against his leg. "Maybe we should head to bed." He stood up, smiling down at Matt, lifting his hand and waiting for him to stand. Matt stood up, his front pushing against his lover's, lifting one leg and leaning up to kiss Peter again. Peter craned his head down and began walking down the hall with his arms around Matt. They both smiled as they passed under the doorway to the bed room, Peter collapsing back on his bed, pulling Matt on top of him. Peter grinned up at Matt and placed his hand on the back of his head, pulling it down to kiss him. They held the kiss for several moments before letting their lips separate, the paw on Matt's head moving lower to his back, massaging it softly, moving his finger tips over the cloth of his t-shirt. "Mmmm... I love you Peter." Matt sat up for a moment, reaching down and gripping the bottom of his shirt, peeling it up slowly, the hair on his muzzle getting pushed to one side as the shirt rubbed it, coming off. He tossed it to the side of the bed, still kneeling, wrapping his fingers around the bottom of Peter's shirt and doing the same, pulling it over his chest then his raised arms, tossing it on top of the other shirt. Matt then reached down, grabbing his zipper and lowering it, lifting a finger and flicking his button open. His pants dropped down as he stood up on the bed, kicking them away with a foot, standing fully exposed. Peter watched and licked his lips as Matt did the same with him, only having to tug them off due to his position. Matt knelt back down and smiled. Peter giggled and faked a shiver, folding his arms on his chest. "It's cold in here.." said Peter. Matt nodded and inched down Peter's legs a bit, brushing his palms over the tips of his lover's legs. "How's this?" Matt smiled at Peter as he spoke. Peter closed his eyes, turning his muzzle to the side and whinnying softly. "Mm, warming up a bit." Matt stepped back off the bed, leaving his top half laying between Peter's legs, his muzzle lowering to his crotch, nosing at the large black sheath. Peter wriggled a bit against the bed cover, causing a ruffling sound. "Yes.. I think the heater must have kicked on hon.." he said as his cock head slowly spread the slit at the top of his sheath. Matt smiled at Peter's reaction, placing his paw on the insides of his legs, pushing them apart lightly, his chin against the bed. "Let me make it a bit warmer.." At this, he lashed out with his wide stallion tongue, letting it slide between Peter's rump cheeks, rasping against his anus. "That's good." He shuddered, gripping the white bed covers in his hands which were clenched into fists, the little bits of fabric visible between his fingers as his pink and black shaft continued to grow from his sheath, laying against his stomach. Matt swayed his tail behind him, tasting Peter's sweetness fully as he pressed his tongue forward past his ring and into his hot insides. He glanced up at Peter's swelling penis then curled his tongue, creating a light suction, causing Peter's legs to tremble. Peter's cock now stood stiffly, approximately the length of his forearm, a slick line of pre running from the opening at his tip. The brown quarter horse crawled back onto the bed, his own hardness bumping his stomach as he moved, standing above Peter, who had relaxed and was now smiling slyly up at him. "What does Mr. Petey want?" Peter remained silent and only swung his tail up, against Matt's rump. Matt nodded and bent his knees, lowering his body until his ass hole pressed against Peter's wet cock tip. "Mmmf." Peter began to grip the top cover again with his left arm, his other reaching up and gripping Matt's shorter length, fingers wrapping its smooth warm surface, feeling it pulse. "Do you need any lube, Matt?" "No hon, just sit back and relax." Matt brushed the large cock tip between his rump cheeks, causing it to spurt a liberal amount of precum against his relaxing tail hole. Matt then guided himself down so the spurting dick slid into him, letting a bit of Peter's lube fill him. Peter squeezed the stallion on top as he guided his own hand over the tip of his cock, stopping to rub the underside of his finger just through his slit, promoting the ejaculation of pre, smearing it down over his thickness. "I'm ready for you, Peter." Matt closed his eyes and loosened himself as much he could by relaxing, beginning to slide down on Peter, feeling the resistance as it pressed against his insides. Peter whinnied and raised his hips, gripping Matt's leg and using his other hand to stroke his firm dick, moving over its quivering length, his head flaring deep inside of the brown stallion riding him. Matt whined a bit at the strange yet familiar feeling, settling down and getting used to it as his own penis flared and pulsed. "Go ahead, Peter.." Matt was on his knees now, Peter's shaft buried as deep as it would go, about 4" bent outside of his tight ass. The white stallion on the bed nodded and began slowly arching his back, his pink and black stallioness rubbing Matt's walls as it moved in and out of him, his large black sack contracted against his body, his muscles tense. Matt began lowering himself in rhythm with Peter's thrusting, his tail raised in the air behind him, groaning at the pressure against his prostate, a stream of pre spraying across his and his lover's chest as the horse below him quickened his jerking. Peter turned his head to the side, feeling his climax approaching as pleasure rippled through out his groin, breathing heavily through his nose, grabbing Matt with his paw and massaging the base of his length, his other frantically working up and down, barely bumping his flared head. Matt's vision blurred and he inhaled deeply as he shuddered, letting out a loud groan as he fired the first of his load, the stringy stream splashing against Peter's face and falling to his chest, his ass hole clenching tightly down on Peter's cock, which slammed upward and remained there. Peter grimaced and moaned as his rod flexed and shot his own hot wad, adding to the pressure. "Ungph!" Matt closed his eyes as he continued to cum, his hole contracting with each spurt which continued to soak Peter's chest, pumping another few stream before watching Peter collapse against the bed, panting. Matt settled down as well, white seed dribbling from his tip, letting himself lower as Peter's dick softened, until it slipped out of him, a bit of cum dribbling down his rear and balls, onto Peter's crotch. They sat there, quiet for a moment, before Matt leaned down, taking a slow lick from Peter's cum soaked belly to his chest, met his lover's muzzle and ended with a deep kiss. Peter breathed softly but heavily through his flaring nostrils, pushing his tongue into Matt's mouth, tasting his strong cum. Matt pulled his muzzle back slowly and smiled dreamily down. "Mmm. I love you." "I love you too hon." Matt rolled onto his side and hugged Peter tightly, who hugged back in return. Their eyes closed and they slowly drew into sleep in each others grasp. Copyright AlaskanWolf 2000 tj@sowutt.com