Loud music and colored flashing lights lit up the glasses on the bar of which Alex sat at. He turned on his stool smoothly to face the dance floor, leaving his elbow on the counter behind him. In front of the bandless stage, a half dozen or so people were together raving to the recorded music, the rest standing around talking, holding drinks in their paws. Alex shifted a bit, his leather shorts squeaking against the hard wooden seat below him as he glanced at a male lion, propped against the wall opposite to himself. "Good evening. Looking for something?" Alex jumped, a bit startled, turning his head in the direction of the voice which had spoken to him, seeing a tall figure, with a tight silver shirt on. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I thought I might warn you that his boyfriend is just in the bathroom." The kangaroo grinned after he had finished speaking, taking a sip of his drink. Alex chuckled softly, looking down at the roo's jeans, then back up to his face. "Thanks. Just caught me off guard. My name is Alex." "I'm Paul." Paul extended his right paw, which Alex gripped and shook firmly, smile still crossing his face. "So, where's your date, Paul?" Alex continued to look Paul in the eyes, his tail shifting a bit behind him. "Well, I was actually on the look out for one. Can I buy you a drink?" he winked and sat down on the empty bar stool next to Alex, whom nodded. "Sure, I'll have whatever you're having." Paul looked towards the bartender, a topless rottweiler, who was shining a glass. "Great. Bartender, we'll have two sex on the beaches please." The rottweiler nodded and proceeded to grab two glasses, flipping each into the air before grabbing the various bottles to create their drinks. Alex pulled some bills out of his tight jeans and folded them in half, passing them to the bartender in return for the now filled glasses. "Nice shorts by the way." Alex blushed underneath his fur and grabbed his drink, pulling it over to him. "Well thank you. And thank you for the drink." "My pleasure, believe me." He lifted the glass to his muzzle and took a drink. "Mm. Not bad." Alex picked up his own glass and took a sip, hiding his face. "So tell me, what's a cute guy like you doing without a date? Or are you here with someone?" Paul asked, as "Its Raining Men" began playing in the background. Alex lowered the glass quickly, making a loud thud on the bar counter. "Err..I'm not here with anyone." "Except me." Alex nodded sheepishly, nursing his cold glass with both paws, elbows against his belly, wrists on the bar. "Except you now." "Well then! We're perfect for each other. I'm single and you're single. That settles it. I have to have your number." Alex smiled and took a drink, swishing the sweet liquid around in his mouth before he swallowed it. He reached into his pocket, struggling to pull a business card out of the tight shorts, then laying it on the bar. Paul leaned over and read it, hmmming sarcastically. "Madame Bushe's cleaning service huh?" Alex giggled and pushed on Paul's nose lightly. "I take those things whenever I see them. Do you have a pen?" "Sure, hold on a second." He pulled a pen out of his shorts and handed it to Alex, who scribbled his name and home phone number down. "I'll take that if you don't want it!" The bartender grinned, his white fangs glistening red from the dance lights." Paul snatched the card up, being deliberately quick and deepening his voice to sound serious. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're speaking of!" Chuckling, the bartender moved to attend another couple who stopped kissing long enough to order before regaining. Alex was covering his face with his paws, laughing lightly. "You told him to do that." "I did no such thing! You're just so cute, you're irresistable!" He grabbed his glass and downed the rest of his drink. "Thanks for your company Alex. I should head home, have work tomorrow and all. I'll give you a call, ok?" Alex nodded and smiled, blushing again. "Oh whatever, I'm not cute. Thanks for the drink though. Good night." Paul rubbed the back of his paw against Alex's cheek, whom rubbed against it lightly, before standing up and heading out the door. Alone at the bar again, Alex watched Paul walk out in his tight blue 501's, disappearing after turning outside the door, he sighed happily. Alex jumped a bit feeling someone tapping on his shoulder, he turned, his face then being hit with a big red tongue. "Alex! Hey! Who was that? He was cute.." The kangaroo wiped his face off, bopping the shepherd's nose playfully. "Blech, Mark, you need a breath mint!" Mark held his paw up an breathed into it, covering his nose. "What? I don't smell anything abnormal! So who was that?" he sat down in Alex lap and leaned back against his chest. "Well, his name is Paul..he seems nice..and he is pretty hot." he wrapped his arms around his friend. "Did you get his number?" Shaking his head, Alex replied, "No." "Aww. Well, better luck next time." "But he got mine." "Score! He'll call you back. Who could resist a face like yours?" Mark grabbed Alex's chin and shook it around a bit. Alex giggled and slid Mark off his lap. "You, go have fun. Im heading home, have a busy day tomorrow." Mark landed on his feet softly and turned around to face the roo. "President coming in tomorrow?" "Yeah. And the CEO and all of the mangers from our northern locations." "Well, good luck. With your job and Paul." "Thanks Mark." He stood up, kissing his cheek, and hugging him before making his way around the dance floor and out the door. It was quiet out, and plain, with the ordinary white street lamps as a pose to the brightly colored flashing club. He had a dull ringing in his ears from the loud music, only now hearing the shuffling of his feet on the sidewalk and the lazy drone of cars as he made his way back to his own. Paul opened the door to his apartment, shutting it behind him and locking the dead bolt. He set his wallet and keys along with Alex's phone number on the coffee table next to his couch. The air-conditioning unit kicked on, he heard its loud buzz as it spun up , followed by its never changing drone of blowing air. "He sure was a cutey." he spoke aloud, used to doing that now, he walked past his small clean kitchen and into his bed room. "Have to call him tomorrow." He unbuckled his belt and undid the first button on his 501's, pulling the cloth apart, causing the rest of the five buttons to pop open. He peeled them down his legs, the bed making a creaking noise as he sat on the edge of it, pulling the tight jeans all the way off, leaving them crumpled on the floor. His shirt was pulled over his head and then thrown on top of his jeans, his face fur making crackling noises from the static generated. Sighing, he laid back on the bed, his boxer briefs outlining the clear bulge in his crotch. He flexed his golden tail a little bit, snaking his paws down his muscular stomach. "Hrf. It's not too late. It'll help me get to sleep too." He gripped the waist of his boxers and arched his back, the cloth sliding off his tail and down his hips, leaving them on one foot and kicking them off to another corner of the room. He laid there naked, reaching over and grabbing a bottle of Eros from the table with his alarm clock and various other items, setting it next to him. Looking down at himself, he curled his fingers around his furry sheath, groaning softly at the warmness of his paw, he squeezed. His pink tip was already poking out from its golden retrieve, now continuing to slide out above his paw, growing a darker red. His breathing became heavier as his cock hardened fully, standing up right from his sheath, he moved his paw up to it, smearing the bead of pre that had formed over his tip and moving the bottle of Eros over his crotch with his left paw. The cap was slippery, but he managed to unscrew the bottle, letting the black cap fall to his side, before turning it over and squeezing, a thin stream of lubricant coating his cock head. He moved his right paw up and down slowly, spreading it over his length, closing his eyes tightly, he set the bottle down on the bed, leaning against his chest. He moved his paw quickly down to cup his ball sack which was tightening and drawing against his body as he began stroking himself, sliding his paw smoothly up and down over the pulsing red surface, he jerked his hips lightly upwards, dribbling pre cum which mixed in with the lube. Pleasure spread through out his groin while he rolled his balls in his paw, steadily humping into the air, he began to pant, flexing his cock. He thought about Alex and his tight leather pants which made it known he was obviously well endowed. He pictured the clear outline of his sheath and balls, and the way he moved. Paul tensed and groaned loudly, arching his back and spraying a ropey stream of cum into the air, which came back down on his chest. He held his balls, jerking his paw up and down quickly, several more hot streams coating his chest and tummy, white strings clinging to his fur, giving it a dark brown wet color. He shuddered, continuing to rub his dick until the spurting reduced to a dribble, his chest and paw soaked, he lowered back down to the bed, breathing heavily, his cock pulsing as it softened and withdrew back into his sheath. Letting out a deep happy sigh, he grabbed the bottle of eros and placed it on his night stand, leaning over the edge of the bed and grabbing a towel off the floor. He curled it up over his cum coated fur, then used the clean side to brush back and fourth over his chest and belly, finally drying off his paw. Throwing the towel away, he lifted his covers and pulled them over his body, closing his eyes, and dozing off in the afterglow, panting shallowly.