Gen was in a coma, Jed was slightly pissed off at me, and I was beginning to get bronchitis. I’ve been in a pretty lousy mood lately. The entire village knew why and they, in turn, felt the same way I did. Gen was taken to a hospital in a nearby city. I wanted to follow but Jed has been pushing the lines outward deeper into Chattan territory. He knew what he was doing, but lately he’s been getting a little reckless with his raids. The last one his platoon did he almost got half of them killed in small mistakes. I’m not sure what was wrong, but something was happening with Jed. I had gotten permission to have me replaced by someone else and I go fight with Jed. I would be back in a month or so.

            I went quietly from the village to the drop-ship that was picking me up and dropping the new commander off. I waited for about five minutes before it landed. The door opened and out came a six foot tall Lupine. He looked like a mix between a German shepherd and a grey wolf. He had a dark grey coat on his chest and black on his back. His legs had patches of brown and his eyes were a soft white. He smiled and extended his hand. I shook it and we started to walk back to the village. Everyone knew I was going and I wasn’t to leave for another few hours. When I got to the village I found everyone waiting. Akume was in front of the crowd and had a jewel in his hands.

            "This is for Shaul, ALPHAwolfOMEGA." He said. "For extreme valor and bravery, for saving us all, for single handedly destroying an enemy base! We present to you this award, the Guardian Stone."

            There was applause from everyone. I blushed and went up to Akume and let him put the jewel around my neck. I shook his hand and gave him a quick hug. I looked at the jewel, it was like a diamond. It was tear shaped and had many facets. It was a clear stone, and was sharp at the end. I had heard that this was the highest honor any Loupian could bestow upon anyone. When the applause died down I found a tree stump to stand on and gave a speech.

            "Thank you, everyone. I can’t begin to tell you how honored I am. This award should go to all of you, though. I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without your help. It was, after all, you who rescued me when I needed to be saved. I accept this award, and I will award you all. Not with a medal or jewel, but with my friendship and devotion.

            It is because of some personal issues, however, that I must go and allow this man here to lead you. I give him my full trust and will return to you in 30 days time. I wish you all good luck in your journeys. Aye, I must leave, but for now let’s celebrate!"

            The crowd cheered me on when I finished my speech. I looked at the new leader. His name was Romulus. He was a First Lieutenant, like me, and had much combat experience. He specialized in guerilla warfare and had spent some time with the various Loupian Raider bands. The Raider bands are some of the most elite fighters. They are held in high honor, even with the SEALs.

            The entire village spent the next few hours celebrating the new commander. They drank, danced, and sang. It was an extremely happy occasion, which I’m sure boosted morale. I felt guilty that I was partying when Gen was still in a coma. I would go to her as soon as I met up with Jed. It had been an hour since Romulus arrived. I had gotten him acquainted with mostly everyone and had gotten Reiki to trust him. I told Romulus the basics of riding and hoped he would do well. I said goodbye to Akume, Axum, Xiangshua, and Dave and told them to make sure that they took care of themselves. I grabbed the gear I would need and left the rest behind. I took my weapons and rifles. The clothes could stay and so could most of the bedding. I would only need a sleeping bag.


            I departed for the drop-ship and leaned back in my seat while the pilot took off. I would be going to check with Jed and to get back with conventional warfare, mainly to check up on Jed. I had become worried about him. He had lost some of the friendliness I remember him having. He didn’t show it, but I knew something was bothering him.

            The ride to Jed’s camp was a long one. I fell asleep for most of the trip or just fazed out of reality. It was a relatively smooth ride. When we landed I looked around and saw we were in a modern military installation. It looked like we had taken over a Chattan base and not destroyed it. Either that or it had been abandoned. I got out of the drop-ship and ran over to the field officer and reported in. He directed me to a fairly large building surrounded by flak cannons and detectors with auto cannons.

            I went inside and found an officer behind a desk. I asked for Jed and he directed me to an office in the west wing. I went in the direction he told me, following the lines painted on the tile floor. They led the way to the different areas within the building. I finally found Jed’s office and knocked on the door. I was told to come in by a familiar voice and entered the room. When I entered I expected an office. Whet I found was a war room. There was a communications array, radar, sonar, weapons systems, everything needed to wage an offensive and defensive strike. I looked at the main table that had a holographic map and saw Jed. He was with a group of people who were busy studying the map and arguing. I went over and saluted to all of them. They saluted back and told me to be at ease. Jed broke the ice by shaking my hand with a smile.

            "It’s been a long time, Jed." I said.

            "Yes, it has, Shaul." Jed replied.

            "Who are these people?" I asked, pointing to the Lupines.

            "These, are our commanders." Jed said. "There are Generals Grafton, Dominico, and Reaver. The man next to me is Colonel Falco."

            "It’s an honor." I said, as I shook their hands. They looked at me and nodded.

            Jed excused himself and asked that I join him. We walked out to the hallways and went outside the building. We began to walk around the base. I looked around and found it looked surprisingly like M-100. The layout of the buildings was the same, and everyone was just as busy. I was wondering if we had extended our base of operations to A’Blam.

            "I hear you’re the one who took out that Chattan base." Jed said.


            "With one mech, too. I didn’t know you knew how to pilot one of those."

            "I didn’t. I just learned. Sergeant O’Neil taught me how as long as I cooked for him."

            Jed laughed at this. "You just learned from a real pro. He’s a damned good pilot and leader."

            "Speaking of leading, I hear you’re getting a little reckless."

            Jed quieted at this.

            "I know something’s wrong."

            Jed stayed quiet, quickening his pace.

            I caught up with him. "Tell me what’s wrong."

            He slowed down and let out a sigh. "I lost ten of my men in a POW camp. They tortured them to death. I'm trying to get even. The guy who did it was Colonel Hriss."

            I stopped. Jed looked at me. I was in total shock and rage.

            "Something tells me you know him."

            "He was the bastard that got away on my assault of Chez Chattan."

            "I was wondering why you looked a little pissed off despite having a successful mission."

            "He was the fucker who tortured me half the time."

            Jed looked down. "I’m sorry."

            "Yeah, well… I’m gonna nail that bastard."

            "Not if I get him first."

            "I got a better idea. We nail him together."

            "I’ll shake to that."

            We shook hands and made a pact that we would hunt down Hriss and kill him together, if possible. We walked back to the war room, which was now busy. The technicians were in a panic and the generals were yelling over something. I looked at the radar panels and saw five large blips moving toward the base from the north. There was another equally large force coming from the south.

            "Status report!" Jed yelled.

            "We have two large enemy forces moving in on the base from the north and the south. They consist of fifty heavy tanks, each, and 100 infantry of unknown strength." One of the technicians yelled back.


            I looked at the holo map. We had some extremely heavy defenses in the south, so we shouldn’t have to worry about that. The north, however, was already weakened by a previous assault on the base. I’m guessing that’s how we got the base and were still rebuilding it.

            "The south is pretty secure. I think we need to send troops up to the north." I said to one of the generals.

            The generals looked at the maps and then at me. "Yes, that true."

            "If we sent out snipers to take out some of the infantry at long range and then regulars when they get in medium range we could get the infantry taken care of. We can counter the heavy tanks at long range with heavy lasers. At medium ranges we have rockets and close range… There shouldn’t be any left at close range."

            The general looked at me. "You think you can make this work?"

            "Aye, sir!"

            "I’m letting you take command in the field. If anything happens, though, I will lead. Understood?"


            "Go. Get your gear ready. You have less than ten minutes to get your snipers in position."


            There was a frenzy at the base. I got all the snipers rounded up. There were fifty in all, a decent amount. We could easily take out whatever came our way using only the snipers. I knew that you should never underestimate your opponent and decided to use every soldier we could. The grunts would be in position to provide cover fire should things get ugly. The heavy laser turrets were set up in position and we had air support. There were ten mechs to help us out with the tanks and anything else that came our way.

            I went to check the battlements. They were solid enough and gave decent cover. They were like pillboxes, except they were in converted bunkers that formed walls around the camp. I got the snipers in place. They were spaced apart so that if a shell went off only one would die. I got the other teams in position and readied my sniper rifle. I could see the soldiers traveling in APCs and aimed for the treads on the first APC to come in range. I took aim and gave the order to fire at will.

            There was a loud roar as the snipers fired off their rifles, almost in unison. I could swear there was a wall of bullets traveling toward the same APC. The slugs hit their mark and tore the vehicle into a chunk of metal, riddled full of holes. I looked for other targets and could see the other APCs coming toward the base. Each sniper called theirs in and began to fire on them. One by one they fell. Each APC that came into view was either completely destroyed or put out of action. The surviving soldiers would rush out and either get sniped or mowed down by the supporting fire of the grunts behind the sharpshooters. The mechs were already firing on the heavy tanks. I could hear the distant explosions and then saw the first of many heavy tanks heading toward our base, their laser turrets firing wildly at the battlements.

            I told the snipers to hold their position and the grunts to retreat. Each sniper aimed at separate tanks and aimed for the treads. We all knew that if we hit the armor, we would have little effect on it, unless more than four snipers aimed for the same tank. The laser turrets were already firing at the approaching enemy. It seemed almost random how the tanks were destroyed but it wasn’t. The turrets were aiming for the tanks that were closer and moving faster. They would be the larger and more present threat. The slower ones could be dealt with later. The tanks were being torn apart. A few turrets had been destroyed but not enough. Then one of the mechs was hit by something, something very powerful. The mech went down in a smoldering wreck. I looked around the battlefield but saw nothing. I switched to infrared and saw a cloaked mech. I yelled in its position through the headset I had on and the mech next to the one that had been hit adjusted his fire. He shot a volley of missiles at the enemy mech and nailed it. It was obliterated into a pile of twisted metal.

            The enemy was either retreating or dead. I told the snipers, mechs, and turrets to hold their fire. I ordered the regular infantry to go out with some tank support and check for anything useful. I let the rest go back to their bunks and clean their gear. I went to the war room to check with our leaders and to see how we did. Then there was an alert.


            The loudspeakers all over the base blasted out an alert. The enemy was within the danger zone of our defenses. All personnel were to gear up for combat and prepare to fight. I immediately sprinted to the weapons bunker. I put my sniper rifle in its designated spot and grabbed a pulse rifle. I had my katana ready and ran for the southern battlements. I was joined by four platoons of infantrymen who had just cleared the northern fields and three mechs were behind us.

            We got into the battlements and could see the Chattan figures getting out of their APCs. I yelled for the others to open fire and I began shooting at anything that moved. We mowed down hordes of infantry as the mechs blasted away tanks. I checked through the infrared sights for any cloaked mechs but didn’t spot any. I returned my attention to the infantry that was advancing slowly on our position. I noticed that they had their swords drawn. I kept firing until the enemy reached the battlements. Then I ordered to draw swords and fight hand to hand.

            I drew my katana as the others drew their spathas. The Chattans jumped into the battlements where we were waiting. We finished off the ammunition in our rifles and then rushed the remaining Chattans. I saw three Chattans run toward me. I held my katana above my head, ready to strike. They were a foot in front of me when I slashed down and drew a deep cut into the first Chattan’s face. The others came from the side and I stepped back so the one to my left would miss. The one to my right aimed at my head as I moved back. I ducked, barely missing a fatal blow and swept his legs out with my sword. I cut deep into his thigh and rolled forward. The Chattan to my left thrusted at me as soon as I got up. I blocked his move with my sword and slid the blade of my katana along the serrated edges of his broadsword. As the blade of my katana slid along his serrated edge, it cut off the ridges, smoothening out his edge to a blunt stick of metal. He looked at his sword, looked at me, and gave a battle cry before charging me. I waited until he was six inches away from me before I thrusted into his gut, driving the blade of my sword deep into his stomach. I slid the blade out and let him drop to the floor.

            I looked around and saw the Chattan forces being brutally defeated. I saw another charge at me. It was a cheetah. He was a fast one. He swung his sword at my, trying to hit my neck. I ducked and moved back. I thrusted forward but he blocked my blow and slashed to my side. I recovered and stopped his sword before it hit me. I kicked his stomach, sending him back a little. He ran at me again and dove at me. I jumped strait over him and did a flip. I landed behind him. I drove my sword behind me and struck something. I turned around and it was the cheetah. He had his sword raised above his head, as if to stab me in the back. He dropped his sword and fell to the ground. I pulled my katana out of him and looked for any remaining Chattans. By now, they were all dead. The ones that didn’t enter were retreating.

            Then I heard a rumble. I looked up and saw a squadron of fighter/bombers descending on the base. The mech’s had their flak cannons firing on the enemy fighters. The fighters pulled up and headed toward the inner base. Just as they approached the building Jed was in, a battery of AA guns appeared from a spot in front of the buildings. They fired a deadly hail of explosive shells into the air, tearing the fighters apart. The ones that weren’t hit tried to take out the AA guns. I saw the first turret fall as a fighter dropped a payload of bombs onto it. Out of nowhere, a squadron of Lupine fighters descended on the enemy aircraft. I could see missiles fly and machineguns fire. I didn’t know who was winning until the smoke from the explosions cleared. I saw Lupine fighters soar across the sky. I let out a howl and was joined in by every other Lupine soldier in the area.


            I walked back to the weapons bunker and put my pulse rifle away. I walked to the war room and was met with applause. Jed came over and shook my hand. The generals saluted me and shook my hand. They were all smiling. Colonel Falco walked into the room with a basket. He opened it and took out a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork and poured a glass for the brass and me. Jed stood on a chair and began giving a toast.


            "This is to Shaul, the ALPHAwolfOMEGA. May he lead us into many more victories and win us the war!"

            The room cheered and began chanting "SPEECH, SPEECH, SPEECH!" Jed got down and motioned for me to make a speech. I grinned and shook my head but that just made the people in the room yell louder. I meekly got up on the chair and cleared my throat.

            "I don’t know what to say. It wasn’t anything special what I did out there. I just did my duty. I wish to thank all the troops that helped fight with me. They deserve this more than I do."

            The room erupted into applause and we tapped glasses and drank. Jed and I walked out of the room after shaking hands with the Generals again. Colonel Falco just nodded to me and smiled. We walked out of the room and to the barracks. Jed showed me where I was staying for the month. It was the usual military barracks. Whitewashed walls, concrete floor, bunk beds lined neatly, all the gear needed on the soldiers’ footlockers. It reminded me of Basics. I had the last bunk in my row. I would take the bottom one. Most of the soldiers were out in the mess hall. It was about dinnertime and people were eating. We went over to the mess hall where I was met by yet another round of applause.

            The line cleared and I was given a large helping of everything. I sat down with Jed and we began to catch up on the past. We avoided the subject of Gen getting shot completely until I brought it up.

            "So, do you know how she’s doing?" I asked.

            Jed became silent. Whenever he becomes silent like this, it’s never good news.

            "Tell me."

            He opened his mouth, but then shut it.

            "If I don’t find out from you, I’ll find out from someone else."

            "We need to find a good doctor." He said, his voice trembling.


            "Unless we can find a doctor who specializes on her condition, she isn't…" His voice trailed off.


            "I’m sorry."

            "No… not again. I won’t lose her."

            "I’m sorry. I wish I cold do something…"

            "I can. Let me have an APC and three days."

            "Are you sure?"

            "I need this. If I don’t get your permission, I’ll take one without it."

            "Fine. I know I can’t stop you."

            "Thank you. I promise you, you will not regret this."

            I sprinted out the building and toward the garage. I jumped into a jeep. I drove off the base armed with a shield, pulse rifle, and katana. I drove out west for about fifty miles. I knew there was a lake around here. I would only hope the Guardian was listening to me.