The group circled the lone tiger, teasing him, sizing him up for the fight about to take place. The group was comprised of humanoid animals, mainly cougars and lynxes. There were seven people in the group; all of them were on the local lacrosse team. The tiger was in the classic fighting stance. His knees were bent, arms out and ready to block or strike, eyes alert, and his lips curled back to reveal his teeth.

"C'mon, take a swing." They would hiss at him.

The tiger looked around, waiting for one of them to strike.

"What's the matter, too scared?"

The tiger looked around and saw one of the lynxes leaning in a little more than he should. He swung his paw at him; claws extended he hit the poor bastard in the face. He went down instantly.

"Dude, he hit Eric\x85" One of the crowd said.

"Get him!" Another shouted, diving for the tiger.

The tiger leaped up and jumped right over the cougar that dove for him. He landed on top of him and stomped his foot on the cougar's arm. There was a crack as the bone snapped. The cougar screamed in pain and rolled away to take care of his arm without being hurt anymore. Two others ran at him, a lynx to his left and a cougar to his right. The tiger ran at the lynx and jumped, extending his leg to do a flying sidekick. His foot connected with the lynx's face and knocked him out instantly. He nearly did a backflip as the tiger drove through him. The tiger turned and punched the cougar in the stomach. The cougar bent over to grab his stomach and the tiger brought his elbow down onto his back. The cougar dropped to the floor, still clutching his stomach.

The remaining three looked at him, stunned. They all rushed at him and managed to take him down. Two of them, both cougars, pinned down the tiger, which was snarling and snapping at the air. The lynx straddled the tiger's chest and began to punch him in the face. The tiger took each blow and snarled back each time his assailant hit him. There was quite a commotion now.

The tiger grew silent as the hits got harder. He relaxed his muscles and let the cougars release their grip as they were lulled into a false sense of security. Soon, their grip wasn't strong enough to hold a fly. He immediately rolled over to his left, knocking the lynx off of him. The three were dumbfounded by the tiger's move. The tiger lunged at one of the cougars and caught him. He wrestled him to the ground and began to ruthlessly beat him into unconsciousness. The others were struggling to pull him off of their comrade.

The tiger then turned to the lynx, who was at his left, and bit into his hand. The lynx howled in pain and grabbed his hand. The tiger threw a left hook and hit the lynx in the temple. The lynx fell like a puppet without its strings. The cougar punched the tiger in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The cougar then kicked him in the face, sending him on his back. The cougar took a few steps toward the tiger so that he was a few feet away from him.

The tiger waited until he was in close range. The lynx was now only two feet away from the tiger. The tiger threw his hands back and shifted his wait to his hands. He arched his back and brought his feet up. He kicked outward and hit the cougar in the groin, sending him to the ground. The tiger got up quickly and went to the cougar, who was now on the ground crying. The tiger kicked the cougar in the face, knocking him out.

The coach could hear some noise from the locker room. He didn't think that was odd, the team usually fooled around after games, win or lose. He went to his office and saw a stack of flyers he meant to hand out earlier. He knew that the more popular ones on the team always stayed in the locker room late and didn't get out for another five minutes. He took the flyers and went tot he locker room. He was stopped in the hall by Xander, one of the better but less popular defenders. He was a fairly well built tiger who was known for his agility and speed.

"Xander! I need you to do me a favor. Could you hand some of these flyers out to the rest of the team?" The coach said.

"Sure. You might want to call a paramedic, coach Calicus." Xander said, casually.

"Pardon me?"

"Just trust me."

"What happened?"

"Just call."

The coach went into the locker room. He saw seven of his better midis and attackers beaten and torn up. He rushed to his office and called for medics. He went out into the hallways to find Xander but couldn't see him anywhere. This couldn't be good for anyone\x85