To some of the people randomly placed in my life. You know who you are\x85


He sat there, kneeling in the shadows of the park. A glint of light falling across his eyes, he watched the others in the park as they spoke and had their fun. The lone wolf, the outcast of the group, the scapegoat of everything. The lupine looked to his right, at the assault rifle in the grass next to him. He stroked the barrel, looking at it. His eyes glazed with hate, he picked up the rifle and loaded it. His dark grey fur blended well with the shadows. Nobody saw him as he walked toward the group, the rifle slung behind him, out of sight.

"Hello all." The lupine said, trying to be as friendly as his mood would permit.

"Fuck off ALPHAwolfOMEGA." A cat scowled.

The rest of the group replied in a similar manner. Only two of the crowd had anything friendly to say to him. The lupine's left eye twitched as the group rejected his attempts at friendliness, yet again. He slowly reached for the rifle but calmed himself before he could reach the handle of his M4 carbine. A vixen walked up to the group and waved.

"Hey everyone." The vixen said.

"Hey Desee." A rabbit called out.

"Hey Alphawolf." Desee said.

"Hey." Alphawolf replied, in monotone.

"Alphawolf, we told you to fuck off." The cat yelled out.

"Onyx, leave him be." Desee said.

The lupine just stared ahead, his right hand grabbing something invisible. His right index finger twitched, making the motions of pulling a trigger. Desee looked at him, seeing he was angry. Another lupine walked toward the group.

"Hey Eric." Onyx called out.

"Yo, dude." The lupine replied.

"You guys win your game?"

"No, 'cause of that faggot." Eric said, pointing toward Alphawolf.

"What happened?"

"He didn't slide when he was supposed to. Made us lose the lacrosse game."

Alphawolf was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. He had been taking this type of abuse for over a year. He was finally reaching his breaking point. Desee walked over to him and pat his shoulder.

"Ignore them." She whispered into his ear.

"I'm trying." Alphawolf replied, his voice filled with hate.

"Alphawolf, what the hell are you doing here? Didn't you get the picture that we all hate you?" A female cat said to him.

Alphawolf's left eye twitched as his lips curled up. He snarled at her, taking a step forward. Desee jumped in front of him, as he was about to take another step. Onyx stood in front of the female cat.

"Vu, you didn't have to say that." Desee said.

"You think I care?" The female cat replied, giving Alphawolf the finger.

Alphawolf stepped back a little. His eyes went blank. The expression of sheer hate disappeared from his face and was replaced by one of serenity. Desee looked at him, in wonder of what was happening.

"Desee, run away. Leave this place." Alphawolf said, as he reached behind him.

"What are you doing?" Desee said, worry in her voice.

"Just run." Alphawolf said, the sound of rage deep in his voice.

Eric began to laugh as the group looked at Alphawolf. Desee looked at Alphawolf and realized what was happening. She began to shake her head and move away from everything. The air was filled with tension. The hate could be felt, it was like daggers digging deep into every part of one's body. The cold touch of death was everywhere. Alphawolf's eyes searched the group. He looked around everywhere, the world spinning out of his control. He opened him mouth and let out a scream just as reality came crashing back.

Alphawolf's right hand reached behind him, grabbing the handle of his rifle. He pulled it out from behind him, revealing the lethal look of the freshly polished weapon. The look of psychosis clear on his face, he let out the last words most of the group would ever hear again.

"Don\x92t bite a wolf and not expect to be bitten back." Alphawolf said.