The lupine walked onto the field, a fierce look in his eyes. His six feet of height was only added to with all the padding he wore. He looked at the other two defenders on his lacrosse team and nodded. He looked at the attackman he was covering, number 39, and glared at him.

"We're not going to give up any shots, not today, not ever!" The goalie yelled. He was a lion.

"Hell no, Sosha!" The lupine yelled back.

"Jake, you take point!" Sosha yelled.

"Right!" The lupine replied, taking the center attackman.

"You know what to do?" The defender to his right asked. He too was a lupine.

"Yeah. How 'bout you John?"

"More than the twits on the other end know."

The defender to Jake's left laughed. He was, yet another, lupine. "Let's tag 'em and bag 'em!" He yelled out.

"Hell yes, Web!" Sosha yelled out.

The three defenders were the three best on the varsity team. They were all lupines and were nicknamed "The Pack". They got in their positions as the referee blew his whistle, signaling for the center midis to begin the face off. Poskay, a cougar, was the star midi. He often took face-offs. He and his opponent tackled each other, locking up. They kept each other from successfully taking the ball without dropping it. Their teammates rushed over to help but had trouble getting the ball. Finally, someone had the ball. It was going white, Jake's team's. Poskay had the ball and ran toward the goal. A defender rushed at him from the side, catching him and every other player off guard. The defender slammed into Poskay, knocking him and the ball to the ground.

The defender scooped up the ball and ran downfield, creating a fast-break. Jake got into the triangle formation and prepared to slide. The defender was cocky, he tried to run past Jake. The decision was a bad one. Jake slid forward and rammed his shoulder into the oncoming defender's chest. He lifted up and knocked the defender off his feet and onto the ground. The attackman who Jake was supposed to cover ran to the ball and grabbed it before Jake could do anything. By now all the midis were in position and running the formation of the 3-2-1, three at the top, two at the crease of the goal, one behind the cage.

Number 39 threw the ball to a midi that was up at top. Jake went and picked up his man, keeping him covered. Number 39 went behind the cage. Jake stayed at the crease, acting as an extended goal line. The top right midi caught the ball and drove hard toward the goal. Web was taking the attackman at the right of the crease. It was his slide and he knew it. He slid forward and scared off the midi. He passed to number 39 and Jake went to play him.

Jake ran toward the attackman who was going to the side of the goal so he could get a good shooting angle. Jake intercepted him on his way and forced 39 to reverse direction and lose some footing. Jake took advantage of his slip and sprinted in front of him as soon as he recovered. Web positioned himself so he could rail 39 if he tried to come toward the goal and cover his man at the same time. The attackman had no choice except to try to beat Jake now.

39 faked right but Jake knew better and kept going left. 39 tried to run and cut straight to the goal but Jake pushed him outward. The attackman dodged in and out, making it hard to track him. Jake kept a steady pace on him and rushed toward his man. He met with him, shoulder to shoulder. Jake backed off and saw 39 was about to shoot. He saw the attackman bring his stick back, leaving it open. Jake brought his stick down and knocked the ball out of 39's stick. Jake scooped it up and ran downfield.

Jake dodged every midi that tried to stop him, usually by spinning right around them. The attackmen on his team were in formation for a fast-break. Jake faked throwing the ball left and the defender fell for it. He went to cover the attackman rather than slide to Jake, leaving a perfect shot. Jake sprinted forward and wound up for the shot. A defender slid forward, driving the head of his stick into Jake's chest. Jake jumped upward and threw the ball right past the goalie and into the goal. The white team erupted into cheers. Jake ran down the field back to his position on point guard.

"Nice goal." Sosha said to Jake.

"Yeah, more luck actually." Jake said.

"Maybe. Now do it again."