This goes out to everyone who has pissed me off and hurt me. No, I'm not going to take you out. This is what I see happening. Senseless hate. It may not seem that bad at first, but it escalates. And when it escalates, someone is always going to get hurt\x85


The lupine fell to the ground as the tiger kicked him in the gut. He gripped his stomach, as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. They were alone in the halls of their high-school. The tiger paced around the lupine, looking at him with a look of naked hate. The lupine began to get up but the tiger kicked him in the face, sending the lupine back onto his knees.

"Stay down, you faggot piece of shit on the floor." The tiger snarled.

The lupine coughed, gasping for air. "Fuck off, Xander."

The tiger replied with a swipe across the lupine's face with his claws fully extended.

"You piece of shit! Why don't you fight me like a man instead of jumping me!"

"Shut your mouth, faggot."

'Get up, Jo. Don't let this asshole beat you." The lupine thought to himself. 'Get up, NOW!'

Jo began to get up but got punched in the jaw during his attempt. He fell to the ground, showing no more signs of resistance. Xander circled around him twice before realizing that Jo wasn't going to fight back. He just stood there, looking at the lupine, who was bleeding profusely.

"Lousy piece of shit. He couldn't even put up a decent fight." Xander said.

Xander began to walk out of the building. This wasn't the first time that Xander had assaulted Jo. The two had hated each other since they had met. This was the first time Xander had beaten Jo this badly though.

"I'm going to teach that bastard." Jo said to himself. He was in his room, cleaning off the blood that had matted his fur. His parents were out at work. He had an hour to clean himself up. "Tomorrow, I'll teach that fucker who's the alpha dog. When I finish with him, he will NEVER hurt anyone again\x85"

It was another day in high-school: bitchy teachers, tests, homework, friends, and enemies. Everyone was getting to their classes. Xander was in math class with one of the nicer teachers, Ms. Hoyas. Xander was at the board, setting up a calculus equation when Jo walked into the room. Ms. Hoyas went to go see why Jo was in her class but he pushed her aside. He walked up to Xander, who was dumbfounded. He reached to his side and drew a handgun. He put it to Xander's head and pulled the trigger. The shot could be heard four classes down. The back of Xander's head exploded into a cloud of blood and muck. He slumped to the floor, with the look of sheer horror locked onto his face. Jo stood there, a blank look on his face.

The class burst into a panic. Everyone stormed out of the room the moment Jo fired off his first shot. The entire school was in panic. Everyone was outside, watching, waiting. Jo looked at Xander, then at his gun. He put it to the bottom of his jaw and looked up.

"This is for everything that everyone has ever done to me." He whispered.

He looked strait outside and pulled the trigger. There was a cloud of blood that splattered on the ceiling. The gun fell from his hand and his body fell to the floor. The blood kept draining out from the hole in his head. Two people lay dead because of senseless hate. Why?