The otter slipped out of the water, quietly. His skin glistened in the moonlight as he took off his facemask and scuba gear. He pulled a small backpack out of the water and pulled out a set of woodland camouflage BDUs. He changed out of his wetsuit and into the BDUs and took out an M4 assault rifle and a headset.

"Gladiator, this is Blade. All clear on the northern head." The otter said into his headset.

"Blade, roger that. Proceed to the next area. You know what to do." A voice said from his headset.

"Roger that. Over and out."

Blade moved over the ground quickly and stealthily. He rarely made any sound, except for when he breathed in deeply. That was barely audible though. He moved into the jungle, his eyes alert, searching for any possible threats. His rifle ready to fire, pointing ahead of him, he moved toward his objective.

He moved through the jungle like this for three miles. Then he heard a noise. He ducked low and waited. Three enemy soldiers came through, they were all jaguars. Blade got his rifle ready to fire at the jaguars. The jaguars stopped and sniffed the night air. They looked around a little.

"You smell that?" The point man said.

"Yeah, Chef\x92s cooking something." The one to his left replied, jokingly.

"Very funny. Let\x92s finish checking the area." The point man said again.

The jaguars began moving away from Blade. In a few minutes, they were completely gone. Blade got up from his spot and continued north. Within ten minutes he came across a row of bunkers. There were four bunkers lined up. A building that looked heavily guarded by at least ten soldiers at each entrance and exit. A fence had been set up with guard towers at every corner.

'This should be easy.' Blade thought to himself, a twisted smile crawling across his face.

Blade reached into his backpack and pulled out a metal tube that fit onto his rifle. It was a specially made suppressor for his rifle. It would make the sound report of each shot less than 15 decibels, a significant sound reduction from over 90 decibels. Blade took out a small scope and attached it onto his rifle. He checked to make sure he could easily reach his handgun, which was securely strapped into a drop holster on his right leg, and his extra ammunition.

"Gladiator, Blade here. I found the enemy base. Proceeding with orders." Blade said.

"Roger that. Proceed to destruction of enemy bunkers. Good luck." Gladiator said.

Blade ran toward the base, staying low so as not to be easily seen. He got up to about twenty yards from the base before he got down and crawled the rest of the distance. He saw a tree that gave him cover from the guard towers. Blade crawled to the spot and got up to watch. Blade took out a pair of binoculars and watched what was happening.

A pair of guards stood watch at the gates. They were both armed with Ak-47 assault rifles. The guard towers had two people armed with what seemed like a minigun, a smaller version of the Vulcan cannon. There was a search light in each tower and each guard looked like they had a rifle slung across their shoulders. The guards at the gates moved toward each other. One of them pulled something out and then lit a match. They were both smokers.

'Good. This means their night vision isn't too good.' Blade thought.

Blade directed his attention to the guard towers. The men in them seemed like they weren't paying too much attention. Blade knew it was now or never. He raised his rifle up and steadied it as he took aim at the guards at the gate. He double tapped the trigger and saw the first guard get hit in the chest. There was a puff of red behind him and the second guard jumped. Blade double tapped on the second guard and saw the same results. The guards in the towers seemed not to notice what was going on around them.

Blade ran to the gates and rushed through them. The harder [art was over. Now he had to demolish the bunkers. He had enough explosives in his backpack to take out an entire city, he should easily be able to take out the four bunkers. He went to the first bunker and set up a large packet of C4 explosives on each corner where most of the support was. He had more difficulty on the corners closer to the main entrances. There were many people passing through. He finished setting up the charges and primed them to go off in ten minute.

Blade ran behind the bunker and went to the next one. He did the same thing, setting up the explosives and moving onto the next bunker. He finished off the fourth bunker when an alarm went off. Suddenly the base was in frenzy. Blade knew that the guard shifted duties and that they found out he killed the two at the gate. Soldiers were everywhere, dressed in full combat gear and ready to kill. Blade saw an opportunity as a group came by carrying the same type of rifle he had. They were most likely Special Forces.

Blade got into the group and followed them to the exit where they all fanned out. He broke from the group and ran to the extraction point. He looked back at the base as the four bunkers began to explode, one by one. He smiled as he saw them crumble to the ground, leaving the rest of the base to wonder how it happened.