\x91I\x92m going to kill them all. I\x92m gonna kill every one of those fuckers\x85\x92 Jake thought to himself as he loaded a rifle. He finished loading the 30 round clip that went with his rifle and attached a scope to it.

\x91I\x92m going to kill every one of those faggots. Maybe now I\x92ll get some respect\x85\x92 He thought to himself.

There was a knock on his door. He hid his rifle underneath his bed and went t open it. A humanoid fox walked in. It was his best friend, Steph. He motioned for her to step into his room and she accepted his invitation.

"So, how\x92s my favorite jaguar?" She asked him, coyly.

He managed to grin and lie. "Doing fine. How about you?"

"Great. The movie theater is playing Lion in the Den. Wanna see it later tonight?"

"I\x92m going to be a bit busy, but yeah."

"Great, catch you there at 8:00?"


She gave him a hug and she left. He closed the door when she left the house and went to adjust the sights on his scope. He cocked the rifle and made sure the action was smooth. When he finished he unloaded it and took out the round in the chamber.

\x91They won\x92t fuck around with me anymore\x85\x92 He thought to himself.

He drove by his highschool to watch the people on his football team practicing in the field. He drove into the parking lot and got out a gym bag. He went through the school and out around the back to the woods. He found a spot that he could get a clear view of the football team. He took out the bag and took out the parts to his rifle. He assembled them and began to take aim at the quarterback.

\x91This is for all the times you kicked me and spat on my face\x92 He thought to himself, as he took aim at the lupine\x92s head.

He began to pull the trigger when a voice began to speak to him.

"You don\x92t have to do this." The voice said to him. It sounded like his own.

Jake looked around. He couldn\x92t see anyone. He went back to taking aim at the lupine.

"You don\x92t have to do this." The voice said to him.

"Yes I do." Jake replied, not looking up this time.

"No you don\x92t. They don\x92t deserve death. Not now, not like this."

"Yes they do. They all do. Each and every one of those bastards."

"What\x92d they do?"

"They wouldn\x92t learn to respect me. They wouldn\x92t learn that I have feelings too. Now I\x92ll teach them to pay."

"But is it worth the consequences?"


"No, it isn't. Think about not being able to see Steph anymore. You\x92ll be locked up in prison for your entire life and never be able to see the light of day as a free person."

"But I\x92ll be locked up and happy knowing I got even."

"Even for what? Being known as the person who killed others just because?"

"Because they hurt me. Not just physically. They deserve retribution. And I will deliver it to them all!"

Jake began to pull the trigger but stopped just before he could let loose a round. He looked up and screamed but not loudly enough for others to hear. He looked up and began to cry. He stopped feeling sorry for himself and began to take his rifle apart and away. He walked back to his car and began to look on the brighter side of life. He had a date with Steph and a new sense of respect for himself. He would get even, just not this way\x85