A humanoid tiger sat in a field of grass, by a tree. He sat there, reflecting on his life and how pointless it had been to him. He thought about how everyone had seen him as an outcast, a menace to society when he had done nothing to deserve the animosity shown to him. Beside him lay a .45 handgun. He looked at it and then heard a voice yell to him. He quickly hid the gun and looked to see who it was.

"Jo! Jo, man, here you are." A Lupine yelled to him as he crossed the field.

"Hey, Dave." The tiger said to his friend.

"I\x92ve been trying to find you for the past hour! I got a really cool car I want you to see."

"Maybe later."

Dave frowned. "You Ok?"

"Yeah. I\x92ll catch up with you."

"Aight. Peace out."

Jo watched Dave walk away. When he was out of sight, Jo picked up his gun and looked at it. He thought about everything. How his girlfriend had left him, how his parents hated him, how his friends were betraying him, and how everyone was against him. He was the world\x92s scapegoat. Everything wrong happened because of him. That\x92s how Jo saw his life.

"I can end this in one swift move" Jo thought to himself.

"Yeah, but then what?" A voice inside Jo\x92s mind said to him.

"It\x92s not like anyone will care."

"What about Dave?"

"What about Dave?" Jo asked, questioningly.

"He\x92s your friend."

"He won\x92t be for long. He\x92ll hate me like all the others."

"But he doesn\x92t hate you."

"He will?"

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

"But you don\x92t."

Jo thought for a minute. "Big deal. One person in the world cares about me. Big fucking deal."

"Your parents care about you too."

"No they don\x92t."

"Yes they do. They may not show it now, but they do."

"Yeah, right\x85" Jo said to the voice, sarcastically.

"Why do you want to end your life?"

"Because it sucks."

"How so?"

"It does. You know it does. My point in life is to be the world\x92s bitch. Everything is always my fault. Everyone, except Dave, hates me."

"But are you really the world\x92s scapegoat? Is your life really that bad? Do you have to worry about where you\x92re going to sleep, where you\x92re going to eat, what your life can become?"

Jo thought for a minute. "No\x85"

And that\x92s when Joe realized, his life wasn\x92t so bad. He got up, picked up his gun, and unloaded it. He emptied the clip from all its bullets and put it back into the gun. He started walking to his house to put the gun away. Later, he would go visit Dave and check out his new car.