‘Keep quiet. Hope no one notices you.’ He thought to himself. ‘Hope no one sees you. Just keep walking.’


            The lupine walked by, hoping no one in the park would notice as he passed through. He hated everyone who stayed in the park. All the idiots who couldn’t do anything else except bother everyone.  He walked quietly by but was stopped by a person yelling at him.


            “HEY, ALPHASHIT! WE TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT!” A voice yelled.


It was a familiar voice. One that had yelled that name to him many times over, each time making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The lupine turned around, a neutral look on his face.


“My name is Shaul. My call sign is ALPHAwolfOMEGA. Get it right or shut your fucking mouth.” The lupine said.

“Do you think we give a fuck?” A cat said back, mockingly. It was Onyx, the local asshole.

“It amazes me how you guys spend half your lives in this one area. If you guys don’t have any lives so that you spend all your time here at least go around and discover some new areas.

Onyx and a few others got up and walked over after I said this. “Are you calling us losers?” Onyx asked, with a tint of anger in his voice.

Shaul loosened up his arm to grab the nodachi behind him, should it come to that.  “No, you said that. Not me.”

The sounds of knuckles cracking could be heard in the group. “You got five seconds to take that back.”

I kept quiet.


Shaul stood his ground, eyeing the group. There was one wirehair cat, one vixen, and some other random morphic animals.






Onyx reached for something. Shaul jumped back and drew his nodachi, slashing forward with it, knocking a gun out of Onyx’s hands. He spun around, keeping his sword pressed against my chest and kicked outward, performing a spinning crescent kick into Onyx’s head. He went down like rag doll. The others stood there shocked, watching one of their own go down so easily. Shaul stood there; poised to strike with my nodachi above his head, ready to cut anything that stood in his way.

The vixen grabbed something, a katana. She drew it and struck at Shaul. He blocked it with his nodachi and spun around, backfisting her with my left hand.  She stumbled back a step then lunged at him then with her sword out. He jumped aside and turned to bring the handle of his sword down into her back.  She fell and stayed down, groaning in pain. The others in the group jumped at Shaul. He quickly dodged many of their attacks, spinning and blocking. One of the attackers went after Onyx’s gun.  Shaul ran after him and spun him around, forcing the coward to look the lupine in the eye.


“So you want to kill me, eh?” Shaul said, his face showing naked hate.


Shaul thrusted his sword into the coward’s gut and lifted upward, cutting open his stomach. He tossed him off the sword and spun around cutting another across the face, it was a coyote.  He fell to his knees, gripping his face, blood trickling through his fingertips. The group stopped as Shaul held his nodachi at the coyote’s throat.


“You can end this fighting now and save his life as well as your own, or you can continue and I can kill each and every one of you.” Shaul said, his voice giving no hint of any emotion.


The furs in the group eyed each other, worriedly. Shaul lifted the blade of his sword to dig into the coyote’s throat enough to draw a drop of blood. The group backed off and slowly disbanded. Shaul took his blade away and wiped it on the coyote’s coat, staining it with blood. Shaul turned, sheathed his nodachi, and continued on his way.


“I really wish they had left me alone…” He said to himself.



This never happened but I wish it did…