He’d been working on this lead for only a few weeks.  The feline likes to stalk this club and pick up unsuspecting males for her own little bit of fun. The management was paid off well, but loyalty to money is such a fickle thing. What can’t be bought off can be easily be changed with a gun to the head. The bulky Doberman of a manager shivered; the black wolf holding a gun to the Doberman’s temple seemed like a demon. There was no emotion to his voice, only an unsettling calm.  Yes, the wolf got exactly the information he wanted, and in a hurry too. The cold, distant, and callous look in his eyes showed he meant it when he said that any problems during this hunt would result in the manager’s death. He nods to the feline bouncer on the way out, getting an anxious look in return.

            The wolf left the nightclub in search of the hotel that the feline he was hunting had checked in at. It wasn’t a shabby place, but definitely not a Hyatt. The clerk behind the desk gave a stupid grin and asked if he could help; the sound of a rough porno could be heard on a TV screen behind the counter. The wolf returned the grin and shook his head.

            “Nah, I’m expected…” the wolf said.

            “Which room?” the clerk asked, that grin never leaving. Damned hyenas always have that damned grin, though with this one it’d probably be there still, hyena or not.

            “None of your business.” The wolf said with a smirk.

            Pffft… prude.”

            The wolf started for the elevators down the hallway but stopped at the door leading into the main offices instead. Picking the lock with the lockpick gun was easy work, and led the canine down another hallway. It was off hours, and it seemed as though the only ones here were the clerk and the night manager. The feline manager was sleeping in front of a small TV showing a bad porno.  The nameplate on the desk read “Mario”; yes, this was one of his marks. The wolf drew his silenced USP and fired two rounds into the sleeping feline’s head: one between the eyes, the other in the forehead. He quietly walked out of the office to the front desk and slowly opened the door. The hyena was too distracted by what the porno and was dead before he hit the ground.  Two rounds to back of the head; it’d be a closed casket funeral. That’s if anyone even cared about the mutt. The wolf went to the logbook and used his claw to flip the pages until he found his mark. Room 409, bingo.

            The wolf took the stairs, avoiding the elevators and the security cameras that may be in them. Up the stairs and out into the hallway to his target.  He knew it: the room was right next to the stairs for an easy escape. She liked to rape males, rough them up, claw them up, leave them a bloody mess, and let the hotel management dump the victim. The nightclub was her favorite stalk, and he’d deal with them later.  He wanted to catch this cunt before she picked someone up but was too late in that. He’d deal with her first and then go back to the club. Aiding a serial rapist was as bad as being on in his eyes.

            He could hear grunts, screams, and the headboard bumping the walls. He was late.  She always roughed them up after she finished, though, so he wasn’t too late. No time for any real subtlety anymore, so with a firm kick the door came down and he went in with his weapon at the ready. She was too shocked to do anything, still holding a whip and buried halfway into the bound husky. He looked like a mess, face bruised and showing it through his thick fur and cuts from the whip down his back and flanks. He didn’t hesitate and fired a round through her head. Headshots bleed explosively, and are normally traumatizing to someone not expecting it. Lucky for the husky he was blindfolded and didn’t see it. The wolf went over to the body and fired a second round through her head again to make sure the deed was done before going to the husky to help him out.

            Thirty minutes later the husky was cleaned up, though he’d probably need stitches for a few of the cuts on his back. He was kept blindfolded, but was acting relatively calm for someone who had just been raped and in the room where someone was shot.

            “When we stop you can go into the ER and get stitched up and checked out.” The wolf said.

            The husky was silent for a moment. “Thank you.” He managed to say.

            “No. I’m sorry I didn’t find you earlier.”

            The husky was silent again for a few minutes.

            “Who are you?” the husky asked.

            “You don’t need to know.” The wolf replied.

            “What do I tell my friends? The police?”

            “That’s up to you. You won’t have to worry about her anymore, though.”

            “You killed her, didn’t you?”

            “Yes, I did.”

            There was a pause. “Thank you.”

            The car stopped short of the hospital, thankfully in one of the better parts of the city. The husky stepped out without a word and took his blindfold off. The car had already peeled out and sped off, though, leaving the husky behind. There was some cash in the jacket the wolf had given the husky, enough to help with any medical expenses. That’s all that the husky would have from the wolf. The hunter was on his way back to the nightclub now. He had a few things to settle with the management. Aiding a serial rapist was just as bad as being the rapist, in his eyes. And the client who had been a victim wanted revenge on all who had a part in his rape.  The hunter had a few more marks to take care of, and it was closing time for the club so there wouldn’t be any innocents around. This hunt would be over soon…