Misfortune Can Be Fortunate By Duffin Caprous The sun had begun to go down and the sound of birds chirping was thinning in the small little park. Duffin sat reading the new science fiction book he had purchased earlier and was lounging under a tree. His tail flicked behind him, reading of the daring hero leaping from one ship to the other, trying to save the princess and smiled as the bad guy fell to his death. Duffin leaned against the tree trunk and set the book aside, dizziness beginning to set in. “Whew…I always forget I get dizzy when I read for too long,” he said to himself. He grabbed his book, slowly stood up; grunting as he had been sitting for a couple hours and made his way over to the public drinking fountain, taking a sip of the slightly warm water. Making a face, he spat the water out and wiped his muzzle across the paw of his paw. “Yuck, that water’s disgusting…” he said to himself again, turning to head out of the park, toward a convenience store. As he walked into the nearby “Quick-n-Save”, he headed toward the coolers which held the carbonated beverages and alcohol. He opened one of the doors and pulled out a Pepsi, taking it to the wolf at the counter. Duffin reached into his pocket, producing two crumpled bills, which he tossed onto the counter before he walked out, calling, “Keep the change!” He looked at himself in the window, adjusting his blue headfur and murring at the way he looked, pleased with himself. In fact, Duffin was blue all over. He was a blue fox. His body was completely royal blue on his arms and down his back and down three quarters of his tail. His chest, groin, and tail tip were sky blue, however. One his ears, were two piercings each. On each ear, there was a stud pierced onto the bottom base of his ear and a hoop on the tip of each ear, which sometimes bounced when he walked. However, for being a generally fruity gay fox, he was dressed pretty un-queerish today, wearing slightly tight jeans and a loose black t-shirt that had “Evanescence” printed on the front. The blue fox opened his Pepsi and took a quick swig before walking down the street, toward his house, which was about ten minutes away. The evening had begun, and the sun was almost down. It became a little chilly, being mid-September, and Duffin wasn’t wearing a jacket or anything. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, since he had his fur, but nonetheless, he hurried home to his one-bedroom apartment. Duffin walked up to the apartment building and walked in, not needing a key since it was too cheap to have any real security. Two weeks ago, Duffin had moved out of his parents’ house after they found out he was gay. It wasn’t that he was kicked out or that his parents hated him, he just felt that he was old enough, being 19, to move out of the house. So, after saying goodbye, he moved about a half hour away from his parents to move to this apartment. It was the cheapest he could find without moving into the ghetto. It did have a few minor problems with rust in the bathroom and old electrical outlets, but, it was still good for the price. The fox tugged his keys from his pocket and walked up the stair to the third floor, heading to his room at the end of the hall, only to find the door open. He tilted his head curiously and pushed it open with a blue paw, hearing it creak as it opened. He cautiously peered inside and gasped to see the place completely trashed. He slowly walked in and looked around. “M-my gods, what the…w-what happened?” he cries, exploring his apartment slowly in disbelief. He came to find that his stereo, his television set, the money hidden under his mattress was gone. He had been robbed. He slumped onto his couch and just stared blankly. For a moment, he was afraid that it was a gay bashing and hoped no one came back for him or was hiding in a corner, but he didn’t see any spray painted “Fag”s or “Queer”s anywhere, so he figured he was safe. The blue fox wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t have renter’s insurance as he couldn’t afford it. Suddenly, he heard a knocking on the door and looked up, his heart beating fast as he saw the biggest buffalo he’d ever seen standing in his door. Duffin whimpered, fearing this was the gay basher who stole his things, coming back to beat his ass. The buffalo walked in, eyes wide, “Hey, are you alright? What happened, I saw the door open and came to see what was wrong,” he said, his voice deep, but kind. Duffin swallowed, looking up at the buffalo, “I…I was robbed…” The bovine moved closer and looked around, “My gosh, is there anything I can do for you?” He shook his head, looking back down, blushing as he found himself staring at the massive buffalo, “N-n-not unless you can get my stuff back…” Duffin gasped as the buffalo reached out, grasping his paw in his massive hand and pulled him up. “Come over to my place, I live across the hall. We can sort things out.” Not sure what else he could do, Duffin followed the stranger to his apartment, which was also a one-bedroom place. Glancing around, he realized that it looked very Spartan. It really only had a bed and a table to sit at with two chairs. He set Duffin down and poured him a cup of grape juice, which he got from the little fridge on the counter. “Here, drink this to calm yourself,” he said, sitting down, “now…tell me what happened.” Duffin told him of his day and drank the juice. By the time he was finished with the juice, he had finished his story and looked up, teary eyed at the buffalo. “Hey, it’s alright, we’ll work things out,” the buffalo said, going to Duffin’s side. He looked up at him, “I’m Kaller, by the way.” “D-duffin,” the blue fox said shakily. Kaller gently took, Duffin’s paw, shaking it firmly, “A pleasure to meet you, Duffin, despite the circumstances. Now, let’s go get you something to eat.” Duffin nodded and went back to his apartment to get his jacket, which had not been stolen. They headed downstairs and walked a block to a restaurant. It was a nice local grille place. As Kaller walked in, he smiled to the hostess, “Evening, Tess. I was wondering if we could get my friend here something to eat. He’s had a bad day.” The small mouse girl smiled and nodded, “Sure thing, Kaller. This way,” she said as she lead the two to a table at the other end of the small restaurant. They were seated and she gave them both menus before walking off. They looked at the menus and s Tess came back, Kaller ordered a bowl of vegetable soup and Duffin ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with a large basket of French fries. She smiled, nodding and bounced off to get the food. Duffin looks up at Kaller, still looking upset, “T-thanks for helping me…” The buffalo smiled and shook his head a little, “Don’t worry about it, you would have done the same for me, I’m sure.” The fox smiled slightly, nodding, “Y-yeah, I g-guess so.” The mouse came back with the food and set them down with a Pepsi for Duffin and a water for Kaller. She nodded to Kaller and walked off. Duffin looked back at Kaller and blushed as he found himself looking over the muscular buffalo slowly, while absently eating his hamburger. The voice of Kaller suddenly broke his trance, “Penny for your thoughts.” Duffin looked up suddenly, “H-huh? What?” Kaller grinned softly, “Well, I figured since you were trying to eat the cheese sandwich through your neck that you were thinking about something.” Duffin blushed a deep red as he realized that he had been paying no attention at all, except to how Kaller looked, and was pressing the sandwich to his neck. He quickly put it down on the plate. “I, uh…I w-was just…” he stuttered nervously. Kaller gently placed his massive hand on Duffin’s paw, “It’s alright. I don’t mind if you look.” This made the blue fox blush even more and he looked down at his food as Kaller began to eat his sandwich again. Duffin did as well and they ate in silence for a few minutes. “Look, Duffin, you shouldn’t stay at your place. We need to call the police when we get home so they can check things out and we don’t want to disturb anything,” the big buffalo said to Duffin. “I-I don’t have anyplace to stay…” he said, whimpering softly. Kaller gently took Duffin’s paw again, giving it a squeeze, “Don’t worry, you’ll stay at my place tonight.” Whimpering a little, Duffin looked up at Kaller, “A-are you sure? Y-you don’t have a c-couch…” “Yeah, my place is a little Spartan, I know, but…I don’t mind if you sleep in bed with me…if you don’t mind either.” Duffin blushed deeply, not sure if it would be a good idea to sleep with the buffalo that was beginning to make his pants get a little tighter just from looking at him, but he nodded a little. Tess came back and set a check down on the table, for which Kaller picked it up and smiled. He stood up and gave the mouse girl a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and walked off, thanking Kaller. Duffin looked at the check curiously and at the bottom, where the total price should have been was the word “Kiss.” He looked up at Kaller, who grinned down at him. “Oh, a few years ago, the restaurant was held up and I stopped the guy. So, they give me free meals here,” he said, taking Duffin’s paw as he lead him back to the apartment. As they reached his apartment, Kaller went to the phone and called the police to report the robbery in Duffin’s apartment. After the police came and took Duffin and Kaller’s statements, they began to go over the room. Duffin and Kaller went to the buffalo’s apartment to wait. “Your place is kind of…empty,” Duffin told Kaller as they sat at the table. “Yes, I know. You see, I have taken a Vow of Poverty,” he told the fox. “How do you afford this place?” he asked curiously. Kaller chuckled, “Well, I help the superintendent with any repairs that are needed and he gives me the place free.” “W-wow, so you…l-live here alone? Must be b-boring.” The buffalo shook his head, “No, not really. I only stay here at night. During the day, I’m off helping others and such. Doing odd jobs for charities.” The fox was surprised at finding someone so kind and caring, “T-that’s great, Kaller.” There came a knock on the door. Kaller went to open it and Sergeant McKenzie, a cheetah, stood in the door, the one in charge of searching his room. “Well, Mr. Caprous, we found some prints on the door knobs and mirrors in your bathroom. It doesn’t appear that these were professionals, so we’ll run the prints through our computer and let you know of any matches. We’d appreciate if you didn’t stay at your apartment tonight, however,” the police officer said. Duffin nodded, “A-alright, officer. I-I’ll be staying here tonight.” McKenzie got Kaller’s phone number and nodded a goodbye as the police walked down the hallway. The buffalo closed the door and looked to Duffin, walking back to the table. “Well, that’s good news. If the robbers have a record, the police may be able to get your stuff back, Duffin,” Kaller said and Duffin smiled a little. “Y-yeah, I hope so,” Duffin replied. “Well, it’s about time for bed, Duffin. Do you need to take a shower or anything before bed?” Kaller asked him. He shook his head a little and Kaller nodded, leading the fox to his bedroom, sitting down on the bed. Unabashedly, Kaller pulled his shirt up and off, revealing his chiseled chest and abdominal muscles, making Duffin swallows and blush deeply, hoping he could keep himself down. The buffalo unbuttoned and tugged off his jeans and tossed them to the side, standing in a pair of black boxer shorts. “You can take your clothes off too if it’d make you more comfortable, Duffin. It doesn’t matter,” Kaller said as he slipped into the big bed. Duffin blushed as he pulled his own t-shirt off and tossed it to the side, revealing his toned chest. Kaller watched him, seemingly uninterested in Duffin in the way Duffin was in Kaller. Duffin slipped into the bed, about as far away as he could get to Kaller as he then pulled his jeans off and tossed them away from under the covers. Kaller smiled a little, “Shy, huh? Well, that’s alright. Well, goodnight.” The buffalo reached over, turning the light off as they both went to sleep. Duffin, however could not fall asleep. He laid on his back, looking up at the white ceiling, swallowing as he imagined what Kaller might look like without the boxers on and shakes his head, getting no indication from Kaller that he was interested in that way. He kept thinking of Kaller, though and as he did, the bed sheet began to tent some, which made Duffin blush and he quickly looked to Kaller in the gloom, whom appeared to be sleeping. Still looking at Kaller, he slowly lowered his paw under the sheets to his crotch, rubbing it gently. He swallows nervously as he slowly rubs his growing erection. The blue fox suddenly got a crazy notion and looks to Kaller. He felt the need to see just what the buffalo had hiding in his boxers and blushed deeply at thinking that. He slowly and carefully scooted closer to Kaller, who was also laying on his back with his hands under his head. “K-kaller?” Duffin whispered loudly and didn’t get a response from the buffalo. Duffin slowly pulled the covers down past Kaller’s crotch to his thighs and swallowed nervously. A little of his blue foxhood was poking from the hole in his boxers as he reached out a shaking paw to grasp the elastic of Kaller’s waistband. He blushed deeply as he carefully lifted up the waistband and took a peek inside, but found the black boxers masked his view. He knew to see, he would have to pull them down. He knew he should have stopped right there, but his arousal was growing and he had to see the buffalo’s sheath. Moving over Kaller a little, Duffin grasped both sides of Kaller’s boxers and slowly pulled them down, trying not to wake the buffalo. He swallows as he is able to pull them to just below the buffalo’s rear end and gasps softly as he stares at the massive sheath. At the tip of the sheath, he saw a silver piercing and swallowed nervously, feeling his blue cock slide out of his boxers as it hardens out of the hole in them. He suddenly feels the need to smell it and leans down, sniffing at the buffalo’s sheath, blushing deeply at what he is doing, hoping Kaller won’t wake up to see him like this. Without thinking, he swipes his tongue across the buffalo’s sheath which produces a groan from Kaller and Duffin jumps back to the other side of the bed, his heart beating quickly, not seeming to realize that Kaller will know something is up when his boxers are pulled to his knees. After a few moment that Kaller doesn’t bolt up in bed to accuse Duffin of molesting him, he slowly goes back over in the bed and blushes deeply as he sees that Kaller has begun to slide from the sheath and get hard. He notices a second piercing on the tip of his cock. Pre leaks from the blue fox’s own shaft as he stares. He suddenly feels something warm wrap around his shaft and gasps, looking down to see Kaller’s whole hand enclosing his blue shaft in it. “I guess you can’t sleep either, hmm?” Kaller said softly, which caused Duffin to blush deeply. “I-i-I, uh, I’m, uh…g-gosh, I’m s-sorry, Kaller, I j-just…” Duffin sputtered out. Kaller’s hand began to slowly stroke Duffin’s shaft and smiled up at him, “Don’t worry, Duffin. I liked it. And you’re very cute. Don’t let me keep you,” Kaller said up to him. Duffin, blushed, looking to the big buffalo and then down at his know throbbing hard cock. It was black and about 11 inches long, the piercing glittering at the end. Without a word, Duffin slowly lowered his head and slid his tongue along the tip, causing Kaller to groan softly and pre to leak from the tip. Duffin quickly lapped up the pre as Kaller stroked his hard cock with his big hand. He pushes his blue muzzle down onto the large head, which begins to fill his muzzle, groaning at the musky taste of the buffalo, suckling gently. The buffalo moans softly and leans over to lap at the blue foxcock in front of him. “Mmm…never seen a blue cock before, Duffin. You’re special,” The buffalo says as Duffin blushes. Kaller takes the shaft into his muzzle, easily taking all seven inches of foxmeat, causing Duffin to moan out as his cock is gobbled down. The fox slides down and is able to get maybe 5 inches of the massive shaft before it hits the back of his throat, causing him to gag. He pulls back and Kaller releases Duffin’s shaft to look at him. “You alright, hun? Not used to sucking cock, are you?” He asks. Duffin blushes and shakes his head. Kaller smiles and pushes Duffin back onto the bed as he moved between the fox’s legs, “Well, allow me to show you.” The buffalo slid his large tongue from the base to the tip of Duffin’s cock before sliding back down to lap at his blue furry balls. Duffin moans out loudly, spreading his legs for Kaller as he feels to buffalos’ hand stroke his pre-slicked shaft. Releasing, Duffin’s shaft again, Kaller pushes Duffin’s thighs up into the air and lifts his rear up a little. Duffin looks baffled but suddenly moans out loudly and grips the bedsheets as the buffalo begins to lap at his exposed tailhole, whimpering at the immense pleasure he feels from the tail rimming. “O-oh Kaller! Oh my gosh, that f-feels good!” Duffin gasps out, his legs being held in the air as Kaller rims him out. The buffalo rumbles as he pushes harder against Duffin’s tailhole, forcing his tongue into the tight opening and wiggling it around as the fox writhes above him in pleasure. After a few moments, he pulling back, grinning, “How’s that, Duffin?” Duffin panted heavily, his shaft dribbling pre all over his stomach as he looks at the buffalo between his legs and smiles weakly, “S-s-so good…” Kaller slowly moved up the small fox’s body and pressed his large muzzle to Duffin’s, kissing him softly. Duffin squirmed and moaned as the buffalo kissed him and wrapped his arms around Kaller’s neck, kissing back deeply as their tongues danced together. The buffalo gently broke the kiss, looking down at Duffin and smiles softly. Duffin gets the courage to speak, “K-kaller will…will you t-t-take me?” Kaller smiled and nodded gently, giving the fox another kiss, “I would be honored, Duffin.” The buffalo reached under the bed and produced a bottle of lube, which he knew would be required for mounting the small fox. He squirted some onto his hands and slathered it all over his massive prick and rubbed some around Duffin’s tailhole. Duffin moaned out as he felt the fingers on his hole and gasped loudly as they slipped into him, two fingers spreading him open widely. His blue cock throbbed hard as Kaller pumped the two fingers into him for a few moments. Finally they were pulled out and Kaller had Duffin roll onto his paws and knees. He did so and Kaller moved up behind the fox, lifting his bushy blue tail. “Ready, Duffin?” Kaller asked. He got a nod in return as Duffin stayed as still as possible. He groaned as he felt the large buffalocock press up under his tail and moans out even more as it pushed forward, spreading him open slowly. Kaller tried his best to go slowly in filling the fox with his cock. Pre spurted against his hole, lubing him up even more. He groans as he feels the very tight foxhole clench around him as he slides his cock slowly up into his tailhole. The blue fox grips the bedsheets as he is mounted by the massive buffalo. He closes his eyes, feeling the buffalomeat spread him open widely. He feels Kaller grasp his hips with his large hands and yips as the last two or so inches are thrust firmly into him. Kaller holds himself inside Duffin and groans softly, licking the fox’s ear. He can’t believe he fit all of his cock into Duffin’s tailhole and murrs softly. “You doing alright, Duffin.” He asked the blue vulpine under him. “O-oh gosh…f-feels wonderful, Kaller,” Duffin replied. The scent of sex began to fill the room as the two just stayed there for a moment. Eventually, Kaller began to pull back and moaned as he thrust back into the fox below him. Duffin gasped, griping the sheets tighter as the buffalo moved above him, thrusting into him. His own blue cock still throbbed under him and leaked pre onto Kaller’s bed. In a few more moments, Kaller sped up the thrusts into the tight foxhole. He held onto Duffin’s waist and moaned, sliding the thick buffalocock in and out of Duffin’s hole. Duffin moaned loudly as Kaller gripped him harder and prepared for the ride of his life. The hulking bovine grunted as he begin to thrust harder and harder into Duffin’s hot tailhole, his pre leaking into it. He leaned down, pressing his massive chest to Duffin’s back as he wrapped his lubed hand around Duffin’s throbbing foxhood. Duffin moaned out loudly, feeling the big hand grasping and stroking his cock. Pre leaked over the buffalo’s hand and found himself humping back at the big dick invading his rear. He felt the big buffalo nuts slapping against his blue furred thighs as his knot grew at the base of his shaft. Kaller’s other hand gripped the growing knot, squeezing it as he pounded himself deep into the fox, filling him up with his beef stick. The sounds and smells of sex permeated the room. The two rocked back and forth against each other, Kaller’s cock spearing Duffin with each hard thrust. Duffin shivered under Kaller as he felt his orgasm coming quickly. Kaller knew right away that Duffin was about to blow and squeezed that knot harder before pulling the hand away to wrap around the blue chest. He squeezed his hand along Duffin’s cock like a tailhole and began to push hard, pulling down at Duffin’s knot before pulling his hand over the knot and squeezing the base behind the knot, making Duffin feel like he had knotted in a tailhole. This caused the fox to yelp loudly and suddenly spew thick blue fox cum all over the bedsheets to feel Kaller do that. All the while, Kaller is still pumping away, fucking Duffin’s ass. As Duffin came, his hole squeezed and gripped Kaller’s tightly, rippling around the thick buffalo dick. This sent him over and Kaller bellowed out, stroking Duffin’s shaft quickly to milk it of cum, as he gave a final hard slam into Duffin. His large balls drew in, forcing his gooey white buffalospunk deep into the cumming fox’s asshole. He held Duffin tightly as he came deep into him, filling him quickly. “Oh…oh, Duffin…oh gosh, yes…” Kaller panted as he held tightly to Duffin. The two collapsed onto the bed, Duffin’s own cum slicking under him and into his fur as they both panted in post-orgasmic bliss. Kaller licked Duffin’s neck softly and murred into his ear as he held himself deep into the fox. “Mmm…now it’s time for bed, Duffin,” Kaller rumbled softly. Duffin nodded weakly as he turned his muzzle to kiss Kaller softly before they both lay on their sides in a spooning position. Kaller kept himself planted firmly in Duffin’s rear as they drifted off to sleep. Author’s Notes: This was my first writing in a very long time and I’m proud of myself. It’s dedicated to my favorite otter, Krominof! Yay! Hope you enjoyed it, you can email me at duffincaprous@fuse.net for comments or questions. Thanks!