Greetings all!

Since you don't want to know who I am I'll skip that part and go to whatever is left...

What you'll find here are the stories that are too mature(read: Yiffy :-) for my PlanetFurry site

The storyline of Kerr the White was something I thought up a day I was REALLY bored...
And, for those that wonder, no it's not a fantasy, but a Sci-fi story.

In time there may be other storylines here, possibly even a story or two that takes place in my 'United Earth Chronicles' universe.

Recommended order of reading....

Yes, the stories are best read in a certain order...
I recommend that you start with the Kerr stories, and in numerological order.
Then, as you pass chapter 10, you can start on the Skunk Tails storyline as the main character of that is introduced in that chapter.
This is also a good point to start on the Leeta series, as she demanded and got her own series at that point, so to better cause mayhem...
The AnOtter series is a bit of sillyness I wrote to show that you could cram both eroticism and humour into a story without being explicit. At the moment it doesn't have a fixed timeline in relation to the Kerr story, so it can be read whenever suits you.

Later on I might set up a table with links to the files in the order they should be read, though.

Questions and answers

But... The stories here are full of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Why?
No, the stories here aren't as well edited as the stories on PlanetFurry, but this is because they've never been edited by my editor. (After all he's an published author and I don't want to cause him any problems.)

I have this story where some of your characters would fit in exactly. Can I use them?
No. Not a chance in hell. Make up your own characters...
(If you can't make up a character, how do you expect to be able to write an entire story?)

Will there be any Male/Male action?

Will there be blood and gore?

How often will the Kerr story be updated?
Whenever I damn well feel like it, all right?

Can I send you fan-mail?
Finally! I thought you'd never ask! Of course, just take a look at my profile, then remove the obvious bit in the address listed there.
Or you could check the PlanetFurry AfterDark forum, and maybe comment there?

people have been nosy enough to read this...