(c) 2005 Anthony Lion. All rights to story content reserved. All characters are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the authors express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 6: Good night.

Strange things go bump in the night...




Treel, accustomed to his mistress always trying to wake him with a kick and therefore sleeps very lightly, suddenly wakes for no discernible reason. Is something wrong? Did she call? As nothing seems to be wrong, he just pulls his blanket closer, closes his eyes and tries to get back to sleep again.


The sound was low, but it instantly pulls the raccoon back to full alertness. That was the mistress!

A few seconds later there's a creak from her room, then another moan.

Fearing that something is wrong, and even more importantly, that he will be blamed, he quickly gets up, balls up his blanket and pushes it aside, then scratches at the door. "Mistress?" he asks in a voice loud enough to be heard if she's awake, but low enough that it shouldn't wake her if not, "are you all right?"

There's no response, only another moan, this time slightly louder.

He debates with himself whether or not to run and get one of the guards -- there's always one at the front doors at night -- but decides against it as Remarra is likely to punish him severely if he lets one of them into her room, and instead pushes the door open as quietly as possible. As the door swings open he first notices the fireplace -- cold so no danger from it -- then the windows -- securely shut -- and finally her bed. Gasp! At first he can't believe his eyes; she's on all fours on the bed, tail in the air -- giving him a full view of what's happening, and also an instant hard-on -- her head resting on a pillow and one of her paws working hard between her legs.

"Mistress?" he mumbles, stepping slowly towards the bed. Then the scent of aroused coyote reaches him and all rational thought disappears. He drops his pants, then quickly steps up to and onto the bed, grabs her tail in both of his paws, aims his member at her cunt and slams it to the bottom in one quick thrust.

"What?" she grunts, then her instincts takes over and she begins to thrust against him.

She's so hot! Thrusting in and out of her wet, tight channel, he soon lets go of her tail and moves his paws to her hips, then slides them slowly up her sides as she lowers himself to lie almost flat against her back. Knowing that he's dead if she doesn't come, he slips one paw down and between her legs to stroke her clit, and the other to massage her breasts.

"Stop that!" she growls, slapping at the paw touching her left breast.

Desperately in search of ways of stimulating her he moves his paw to her back and begins to scritch along her spine, which she seems to like.

When she slips her right paw between her legs and grips his balls, though, he can't help it, shoots his load inside her, then slowly sags back.

"You!" she growls, turning to look at him, "You're dead!"

At least she's angry enough to do it quickly, he thinks, looking up at the enraged coyote.

Then she grabs his head and rubs it against her crotch. "Lick!" she orders. "Get me off or the last thing you'll ever see is me ripping off and eating your balls!"

And the alternative is? he thinks weakly.

"Lick!" she screams, mashing his muzzle against her cunt and covering it with the cum dripping out. "Lick!" she again screams, digging her claws so far into the back of his head that she draws blood.

Disgusted by the prospect of licking semen, but not entirely unused to it as some of the guards preferred males instead of females, Treel begins to lap at her slit, first slowly and gingerly, then as he gets her cleaned up, faster and deeper.

Soon the coyote's growls changes character, ending up as panting and moaning as the raccoon's agile tongue moves up and down, in and out, tickling and pleasing her all over her cunt.

As she nears her orgasm she shifts her body slightly, letting Treel's arms free, and he slips his right paw around to play with her tail, and the left to stroke her firm butt.

When her breath becomes staccato and she's about to orgasm, he snags her clit between his teeth and bites gently.

"Ohh!" she moans, shakes, then splashes his face with her juices as she comes violently. Then, moaning softly, she slides off to lie in a heap beside him.



A few minutes later, the coyote sit up again and looks at the raccoon with a menacing glint in her eyes.

Please let it be over quickly!

Then, to his surprise, she grabs his half-rigid member and instead of ripping it off as he expects, she rubs it a couple of times, getting cum on her paw and making him stiff as a pole. Then she straddles him and takes him to the hilt in one smooth move. "Last long enough, and I'll kill you quickly," she growls, "otherwise you know what happens!" Then she begins to move up and down.

Treel, terrified of what will happen as soon as she finishes, and swearing silently at his own folly, finds his paws moving as if they have a will of their own; first to her hips to support her movement, then sliding up her sides and towards her breasts. When she growls at him, his paws moves down to stroke her belly. Why do I find her belly so irresistible? he thinks, stroking the bulge over and over until she slaps his paws away.

Soon, guided by the burning inside her, the coyote speeds up, slamming down on the raccoon, growling and moaning between pants.

Treel can't help it and begins to thrust up to meet her and even places a paw on her crotch, one finger on each side and the middle slipping in to rub at the sensitive area at the top of her vagina.


Hearing the threat in her voice, the raccoon extends the claw on his middle finger and begins to scratch on her inside.

"Yessss!" she moans, then goes rigid, her cunt contracting rapidly around his member and finger, pulling him over the brink also, to send load after load of cum into her burning insides.

"Kill you later," she mumbles, then tips forward, slipping off his still stiff member, landing muzzle-first on her pillow and pressing her belly against his head.

"Uh... Mistress?" he whispers, but receiving no reply. Then he tries to shift her off so that he can get out, but finds that doesn't have the strength. Flailing about with his paws he happens to snag the duvet. By moving slowly, he manages to pull it over them both, covering her from the shoulders, and his feet sticking out at the bottom. Then, muzzle pressed against her belly and their unborn child, he's out like a light.





When Treel wakes he finds that the coyote has moved, and is now sleeping on her side, next to him. At first he considers his options, discarding them one by one, ending up with the only possible course of action. Leaning in, he licks her nipples, then he quietly gets out of bed and makes certain the duvet still covers her. Then he exits the room, rolls up and stores away the blanket he left last night, picks up his vest and brush and heads to the nearest bath to clean up.

When he emerges a few minutes later he hurries to the kitchen where he finds the raccoon female humming softly.

"Why are you so happy?" he asks.

"Nothing much," she grins, "the mistress borrowed a skunk from the pens to do some work last night."

And if she's happy about it, that must mean he managed to... "Did he survive?"

"Yes," she grins, "and the mistress may even borrow him again, later."

"Lucky for you," he mutters. Then he quickly assembles Remarra's breakfast, heaping those things he knows she loves onto the plate, before hurrying off.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" the female calls after him.

"I'm not hungry," he replies. I won't live long enough for hunger to be a problem, anyway, he thinks morosely. At least breakfast may temper Remarra's anger enough that she just kills me.

Reaching her door, he stops to take a deep breath, then slowly pushes the door open and enters. Puzzled, he notices that she's not in her bed.

Then, two strong arms wraps around him from the back, her breath washes across his neck and she whispers sensually, "Put the tray down on the table."

"Y-yes, mistress," he stutters, stepping towards the table and out of her embrace. Isn't she angry? Then he puts the tray down and turns to face her.

"Come here," she orders, smiling softly and stroking her bare belly with a paw.

Treel at first just stares at the naked coyote, then slowly pads towards her, stretching out a paw.

"Slave!" she suddenly screams, her face twisting in rage, smacking him across the muzzle with her right paw. Then she steps closer and rams her knee into his groin. "That was for entering my room without permission!" she growls. Then she shows him onto the floor and follows up with several kicks to his back. "And that was for fucking me!" Stepping around him, she kicks him to roll over, then adds another to his side, sending lances of pain through his body as she breaks and bruises his ribs.


"Silence!" she bellows. Then she rolls him onto his back and proceeds to kick him in the groin again and again until he blacks out.




"What? You're still alive?"
