(c) 2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to story content reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma and Miera the black Panther are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the authors express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Bath time.

When Kerr wakes the next morning he finds the panther laying there, staring predatorily at him. "Leeta told me you helped bath her yesterday," she states. "Today you'll wash me. Fill the cauldron with water. You can eat while it heats." Then she gets up, stretches and pads silently into the kitchen.

When Kerr enters the kitchen he finds the panther sitting at the table, sipping a hot liquid and a fire already blazing in the fireplace. Knowing what to do he grabs the bucket and hurries outside to fill it. When the cauldron is full he adds a few logs to the fire, then digs out some vegetables from a sack and starts chewing.

"You can sit down if you want to," the panther states, pointing to a chair opposite her.

"Thank you, mistress," he mumbles, sitting down on the chair.

"Do you like tea?" she suddenly asks, pointing to a pot standing on a thick coaster. Then, as he nods uncertainly, she adds,

"There are cups in the cabinet in the corner and sweetener in the jar."

Taking it as permission he gets a cup and fills it with the steaming liquid, then picks a lump from the jar and dips it in the tea a few times. "Mistress?" he asks timidly.

"Yes, what is it?"

"When my food runs out," he begins slowly, "what happens then? Are you going to eat me?"

"No," she replies. "Before we bought this house a pair of badgers lived here. They planted a garden in the back. Maybe some of it can be salvaged. Besides, you eat fruit, right?"

"Badgers?" he asks, ignoring her question. "But... They're herbivores! How could they live here?"

"Who told you badgers are herbivores?" she asks, laughing. "They're omnivores. And even if they were herbivores, there aren't any predators who want to tackle them. They're strong and mean spirited! A friendly badger is about as nice as Leeta on a bad day!"

"B... but..." he stutters, "they are always welcome in my village."

"Of course they are," she states. "Not many other traders traveling in that area, are there? And I bet your elders always tell you to be very polite to them, right?" Then, before he can reply, she continues, "They know that there's nothing that can stop an irate badger. They also knows that those who irritate them tends to disappear!" Then she drains her cup in a single swallow, gets up and heads for the bathroom.

Realising that the water is almost boiling, Kerr hurriedly swallows down his tea, then grabs the bucket and quickly fills it.

"Leeta is a slob!" Kerr hears the panther exclaim when he enters the bath. "What's wrong?" he asks timidly.

"The towels should have been hung up to dry out and the bath is full of dirt!" the panther growls. Handing him a brush and a sponge she commands, "Scrub and rinse the tub, then bring more water." snorting angrily she then begins to gather towels from the floor.

When the bath is filled, at last, the panther looks at Kerr for a moment before asking, "You haven't had a bath in a while, have you?"

"No," he admits, thinking back to a dip in the cold river with some friends several days before he was caught.

"Well, get in!" she orders, pointing at the warm water. "Sit in the end, there."

No sooner has he lowered himself into the water than she enters, sitting down with her back against his chest.

At first she seems content to just lie there, then she grabs his right paw in hers and places it on her belly. "A belly-rub would feel good just about now," she purrs.

"Yes, mistress," he responds quietly.

"You can call me Miera when we're relaxing together."

"Yes," he whispers hesitantly, "Miera."

Later, after he has washed her fur thoroughly she sit down again but this time she drags Kerr down to sit in her lap, instead of she in his. "Your lap was getting too bumpy to sit in," she purrs, "but this is nice, too, isn't it?"

"Y... yes," he stutters nervously.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," she whispers before nipping one of his long ears and making him yelp. Then she puts her paws around his chest and pulls him back at the same time as she leans as far back as she can. When he stops resisting she begins to scritch his chest with her left paw, claws barely extended, while her right slowly glides lower and lower until it grabs around his sheath, making him gasp nervously and tense up.

"Relax," she whispers in his ear, then runs her long, rough tongue along it. Then she moves her paw even further down, to touch his balls. Purring softly she begins to scratch at his most sensitive parts with her claws.

At first Kerr tenses up again, then relaxes as she doesn't seem to want to hurt him. Soon he tenses up again, but this time he's panting heavily.

When the panther drags her claws along his now painfully erect member he gasps, spasms and shoots his load into the air, creating for a moment a white miniature fountain.

Later, as he's busy drying her off she wonders out loud, "You didn't last very long when I scritched you. In fact, the only time you blew sooner was when I rode you right after I caught you. One could almost believe you were a virgin."

Feeling his ears heat up as the blood rushes to them, Kerr only looks down in shame.

"Really?!" she exclaims. "You were a virgin?"

Still looking down Kerr only nods.

"Good!" she exclaims, slapping him on the shoulder. "I don't like second-paw goods!"

When she deems her fur dry enough she grabs Kerr's arm and -- still unclothed -- drags him along to a narrow bench in the garden. "Down on the bench, fluffy-boy!" she commands.

Surprised by her sudden change of mood, Kerr hesitates a moment before slowly sitting down on the rickety construction.

"On your belly!" she exclaims, pushing him hard.

"Yes, mistress!" he squeals and hurries to comply.

No sooner has he lain down than she lies down on top of him, her belly squashing his tail, her breasts pressing against his back and her head resting on his shoulder. Slender arms grabs around him and she whispers in his left ear, "I'm going to sleep and enjoy the sunshine. If you move so that I fall off, I'll be very cross. Understand, bunny-boy?"

"Yes, mistress," he whispers nervously. "It won't happen."

The sun has long since passed the midday height when the panther finally stirs. Dragging the now rather stiff rabbit with her she enters the house and hands him a broomstick. "I need to run a few errands. While I'm gone you can clean up in here," she orders, "but don't touch the books and papers in the study. When you're finished you can go out and see if there's anything to be salvaged in the garden. You know what'll happen if you try to run away again?"

"I know, mistress," he mutters.

"Don't be so glum," she scolds, "after all, how many other males on your age gets to satisfy two beatiful females?" Then she disappears into the bedroom.

Grumbling, Kerr picks up the broom and sweeps it back and forth a few times.

"Do a good job and I might give you a reward," the panther calls from the other room, "but slouch off and I may let Leeta teach you another lesson..."


"What do you say, Leeta, has the bunny-boy deserved a reward?" The panther's voice pulls Kerr awake. Peeking out from his blanket he finds himself staring at two shapely pairs of legs; one black and the other golden-furred.

"He's male," the puma replies in a spotting tone of voice, "there's no way he could have cleaned up properly!" Then, kicking him, she hisses, "Get up, lazy-bones!"

"Yes, mistress!" he squeals, then hurries to untangle himself and stand up before her.

At first the puma doesn't say more, just stares as she walks aound him. Then, glancing down at his crotch where his cock is beginning to stir, she suddenly asks, "Do you like me?"

"Uh?" he responds. "What do you mean, mistress?"

"This," she states, walking to stand behind him, embracing him in her arms and gripping his sheath in her right paw, "tells me you like me, but your trembling..."

"Maybe he just like to be dominated by a beautiful female," the panther interjects, grinning vickedly.

"Maybe," the puma responds, pressing herself against the rabbit's back and stroking his sheath with her right paw at the same time as she begins to scratch him on the belly with her left. When Kerr's trembling increases she whispers, "Don't move or I'll have to hurt you." Then she catches one of his long ears between her sharp teeth and begins to suckle it.

Soon Kerr is panting hard.

"Bunny-boy liking what I'm doing to him?" she whispers seductively in his ear.

"Yes," he replies in a shaky voice, "mistress."

Releasing him from her embrace she goes down on her knees beside him and blows gently on his straining member, making him go weak in his legs. Then she leans in and lets her long, rough tongue slide from the base of his cock to the tip and back again. From his twitching she can see that he's about to burst so she opens her mouth and catches his cock between her teeth, the tip of it barely poking out on the other side. Holding it like that and wrapping her tongue around it while her paws rubs his balls it doesn't take long before he looses it and sends spurt after spurt splattering down on the cleansweept floor.

Terrified he realises that was her intention all along.

"Miera?" the puma calls out, gleefully.

"Yes?" the panther responds from the kitchen, "what is it?"

"I found a dirty spot on the floor."

"Is it big?"


"If there's nothing else, have him clean it up, then bring him in here for his reward."

"You heard her," the puma states, grinning evilly. "Down on your paws and knees and clean it up!"

"But... mistress," he responds, hesitating.

"Down!" she barks, grabbing his sheath and pulling down, hard!

Vincing in pain, Kerr falls down on all four with the tip of his nose a scant fingers breadth from the drops of cum. "Please, mistress," he mumbles, "how am I going to clean this?"

Rising up to sit down on his back she leans forward and whispers, "You're going to lick it up." Then she moves even further forward, pressing him down.

"Please, mistress!" he squeals.

"Do you know what happens to bunnies that won't obey simple orders?" she asks in her oh so sweet voice. Then she puts her paws on his head and pushes down, driving his nose straight into the largest spot. "Lick!"

Feeling her sharp claws in the back of his head, he doesn't dare disobey any more so opens his muzzle and gingerly extends his tongue to lick up the sticky fluid.

"Good bunny," the puma states a minute later when the only sign of his degradation is wet spots on the floor. Getting off his back she gives him a pat on his butt before stating, "You can get up now."

Leading him into the kitchen she makes him sit down at the table before positioning herself behind him.

"Do you want your reward?" the panther asks.

"Mistress..." he starts, then stops, sensing a trap.

"Of course he does!" the puma exclaims, slapping him on the back and making him yelp.

"I thought so," the panther states, getting up and walking over to stand beside the puma. Placing her paws on Kerr's shoulders she asks, "That metal collar must be very heavy and uncomfortable, right?" Then, before he can respond, she grabs it, there's a clink, a scraping sound and a low click before it opens and falls down into his lap.

Kerr at first looks at it without understanding what happened, then hope fills him. Maybe? "Are you... ?"

"That's right!" the puma exclaims. "We got you another, much nicer one!" Then she quickly wraps a wide metal-studded leather strip around his neck and locks it, dashing his hopes abruptly.

"The really nice thing with this one," the panther states, holding a piece of polished metal before him so that he can see the collar with all the short studs and between them, strips with some sort of engraving, "is that it tells everyone where you belong, so there's almost no danger of you being eaten if we send you to run an errand or something."

"Hooray," he mutters.

"I knew he'd like it," the puma states, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her muzzle against the back of his head. "Shall we go to bed and celebrate?"

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