(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma, Miera the black Panther and Lemarra the Raccoon are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Warning: This story contains Non-consensual sex and is probably illegal for you to read, so there!

Making new friends?

Early afternoon in the fall.

Kerr is putzing about in his garden patch, caring for the vegetables and not paying attention, as usual, so he never hears the fast approaching footsteps or the rustling grass.

Then, as he bends down to clear away some weeds from among the carrots, something -- no, someone he realises -- trips over him and stumbles straight into the blackberry bushes. Ooooh, Leeta will be livid when she finds out, he thinks. She loves those berries! Then he looks closer at the unknown person; black-and-gray ring-patterned tail, slim, bare feet, a minimal tunic and a glint of metal from around the neck. A female raccoon? he hazards. I wonder who she belongs to? Being careful not to damage the bush further he slowly lifts the female out and lays her down on a thick patch of grass.

"Are you all right?" he asks when he notices that she's coming to.

"Please, don't hurt me!" she screams, then curls up in a small ball.

"Why would I want to hurt you?" Kerr asks, confused.

Hearing his calm and friendly voice the female uncurls just enough to catch a glimpse of him. "You're a rabbit?" she asks, confused. "B-but there's only predators here!"

"No," Kerr responds morosely and tapping on his collar with a stumpy claw. "You're not the only one held against your will." Then he grabs her arm and helps her up on her feet. "Were you trying to escape?"

"Y-yes," she replies. "I want to go home!"

"You can't," he states quietly, "neither of us can. There's only one way out of this valley, and it's guarded."

Hearing those words and seeing the seriousness in the rabbit's eyes the female throws her arms around him and starts sobbing.

Kerr, not certain what to do, starts patting her back while whispering reassurances.

A few minutes later, when the crying stops, her paws begin to slowly explore his back. Gasping, she suddenly tears away from him. "Why aren't you wearing any clothers?" she asks as her eyes take in every inch of his body.

Not replying immediately, Kerr spends a few moments studying the female; young, slim, small breasts barely making dents in her tunic, her eyes darting here and there, the long, bushy tail with the ring-pattern, the way she clenches and unclenches her paws. "My mistresses like to humiliate me this way," he finally states.

"No, we don't," Miera states, stepping out from behind a tree and grabbing the raccoon by the tail, "we just like the view." Walking her paws up the raccoon's tail until she can grab around her waist she adds, grinning, "He is cute, don't you agree?"

"W-what are you doing?" the raccoon stutters, trembling.

"Just making certain that you don't run away," the panther replies. Then she unties the cord holding her tunic together and quickly ties the trembling raccoon's arms on her back. Giving the raccoon a gentle shove towards the house she asks, almost casually, "You're new here aren't you? Where are you staying?"

"With a pair of old bears, on the other side of those trees," she replies nervously, nodding in the direction she came from. >"The bears," Miera states slowly, "I met the female a few days ago and she looked inordinately pleased with something... All she would reveal was that their youngest son had given her a nice present. I assume that you're the 'present', right? Are they treating you nicely?"

"Y-yes, mostly," the young female stutters as she stumbles along.


"The female insists on holding me so tightly at night that it hurts."

"She's treating you as one of her children, and you repay it by trying to run away!" the panther exclaims. "Shame on you!" Then she opens the door and pushes her inside while calling out, "Leeta! Look what I found!"

"Ooh, goody!" the puma exclaims. "Dinner!"

"Every time I find something nice you want to eat it!" the panther exclaims, exasperated. "She belongs to the bears and I think they might be offended if we snack on her; at least if we don't ask them first."

Getting up from her chair Leeta walks over to the trembling raccoon and looks her over while smiling evilly. "Does the bears know where she is?" she suddenly asks.

"Yes, why haven't they come looking for you yet?" the panther asks, growling into the raccoon's left ear. "You didn't hurt those sweet old bears before running away, did you?"

"N-no!" the raccoon stutters terried, "they're out gathering food and won't be back until after dark."

"And you decided to use the opportunity and their trust to run off," Miera growls. "You know you'll have to be punished for that." Turning towards Kerr she commands, "Keep an eye on her while we decide what to do." Then she disappears into the bedroom, pulling Leeta along.

Kerr walks over and places his left arm protectively around the young raccoon's slender shoulders.

"What will they do to me?"

"I have no idea," he responds, "but Miera didn't sound too angry, despite her growling. Leeta enjoys dominating others, but as long as Miera is around and you don't protest too much I don't think she'll hurt you, either." Giving her shoulder a friendly squeeze he asks, "I'm Kerr, what's your name?"

"I'm Lemarra," she replies.

When the two felines returns a few minutes later, Miera has a playful grin on her muzzle and Leeta's tail is standing straight out in excitement.

Leeta pushes Kerr aside, then stands behind the raccoon, grabs her long, bushy tail and begins to stroke it. "What a beautiful tail," she purrs. "If only Kerr had one like this."

"Don't talk like that!" Miera scolds, "if Kerr was a raccoon he wouldn't have those long ears you like to bite so much!"

"True," Leeta admits. Leaning in until her muzzle is a hairsbreadth away from the young raccoon's ear she whispers,"I wonder how a raccoon tastes, though."

"Don't scare her!" Miera scolds. Walking closer and cupping the raccoon's cheek in her right paw and scratching her behind her right ear with her left paw she asks, "You're not afraid of us, are you?" When the raccoon nods her head nervously, she adds, "We just want to play with you for a bit. Won't that be fun?" Then, before the young female can reply, she throws her arms around her and hugs her tightly, squeezing the raccoon's head between her breasts.

"That band must be awfully uncomfortable," Leeta interjects, grabbing the raccoons arms and untying her paws. Then she slips her paws around the female to rub her belly through the fabric of her tunic. "Isn't this nice?" she asks.

"Mmph! Gooo!" the raccoon cries out, trying to pull away from the panther's embrace.

"Was it good?" Leeta asks, leering, before slipping her paws through the opening in the tunic to cup two small breasts, making the raccoon struggle even more. "What have we here?" she asks, "I think she's enjoying it."

"Really?" Miera asks, then releases her hold on the now terrified raccoon. Then she grabs her tunic and yanks it open to expose the raccoon's nubile black-and-gray body. "Looks good," she states, then, holding the young female's paws aside she leans in and licks her petite breasts. "Tastes good, also!" she exclaims, grinning mischievously.

"I want to taste, too!" Leeta exclaims, stepping round to the front and leaning in to lick. "You were right; she taste good." she states a few licks later. "I wonder if it's just her breasts, or all over," she adds, then goes down on her knees, licking her way down the black-and-gray fur on the raccoon's belly, until she reaches the thick tuft of white fur furthest down. As her rough toungue lashes out the raccoon squeals and tries to back away, but Miera holds her steady. "Tastes even better; down there," Leeta finally states, licking her chops as she gets up again.

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Miera whispers to the trembling raccoon. When she doesn't respond, she adds, in a slightly louder voice, "Why don't we go into the bedroom? It's so much better." Then, dropping her own clothes, she steps away and opens the door.

The raccoon makes a last attempt to break free, but Leeta grabs her tail and yanks hard, sending the young female back towards Miera who grabs her. Then, while Miera holds her steady, Leeta finishes undressing her, then reties her paws, but this time in front of her.

Nodding towards Kerr, Miera asks, "Why don't you join us?"

Kerr, knowing that it wasn't a question but an order, falls into step behind the three females as they enter the bedroom.

When she reaches the wide bed Miera sits down on the low edge, spreads her legs and leans back.

Leeta pushes the raccoon forward and down to kneel between the panther's legs. "We've been very nice to you, so now you can be nice to us," she states, grabbing the raccoon's head and showing her muzzle down to Miera's already soppy crotch. "Start licking!"

"Nooo!" the raccoon vails.

"I'm trying to be nice," Leeta growls. "You don't want me to stop being nice, do you?" Glancing over at Kerr who's standing by the wall she adds, "I asked nicely, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did," he responds. Nicely for her at least; she didn't even use her claws!

"You heard her," Miera states, grabbing the unfortunate raccoon's head between her paws and pressing her muzzle into the moist patch of fur. "Be nice to us and we'll be nice to you." Then, as if to prove her point, she scritches her gently behind her left ear.

Slowly at first the young female starts licking, barely touching the panther's slit with her tongue. Then, when Miera sighs and begins to stroke her ears, she lets her tongue run all the way along the slit, from the bottom to the top, circling the nub there before slipping in between the folds to lick up the sticky but sweet-tasting liquid.

"That's the spirit!" Leeta exclaims, patting the raccoon on the butt. "Now it's my turn to be nice to you." Then she quickly undresses, goes down on her knees behind the raccoon, leans forward, rubbing her round breasts all along her back before slipping her arms around the slender black-and-gray body to cup two small breasts in her paws. Squeezing gently she whispers, "Nice size. Can I play with them?" Then, before the raccoon can reply, she licks her neck and pinches her nipples, making the young female yip in surprise and bump her muzzle against the panther's crotch.

"Do it again!" Miera exclaims, panting hard.

"In a moment," Leeta mutters. Turning her head towards Kerr she asks, "I'm on my paws and knees and with my tail in the air. What are you waiting for?"

"Sorry, mistress," Kerr responds, "I thought you didn't need me." Getting down on his knees behind her he grabs her tail and strokes it a few times, sending shivers through her muscular body and making her purr, before running a finger along her slit. Finding her wet and ready he places his left paw on her rump to steady himself, then leans forward and slips his stiff member into her hot channel.

As he starts pumping Leeta begins to move back against him and at the same time rhytmically sqeezing the raccoon's petite breasts. "Faster!" she screams. "Slam it in!"

"B-but," he stutters, "I'll come before you."

"Don't question me!" she growls. "Fuck me hard and fuck me now!"

"Yes mistress!" he responds, pulling almost entirely out of her, then slamming back in, making her moan in pleasure and squeeze harder on the raccoon's breats.

"That's better!" she exclaims between moans.

As Kerr continues to fuck the puma the panther begins to moan as she nears her orgasm. Hearing that he unconsciously speeds up, slamming into the puma faster and faster, forcing the raccoon at the bottom to sway in time with him and butting the tip of her muzzle repeatedly against the panther's clit.

Screaming out, the panther seizes the raccoon's ears and pulls her head even harder against her crotch as she shivers violently in orgasm, showering the hapless female with her juices.

Kerr, already on the brink himself, looses it and shoots his load of cum deep into the puma, then pulls out and sends the last few spurts of cum across her ass and crotch before dropping to the floor behind the females.

Miera pats the raccoon on the head, then gets up from the bed and helps the puma up. Leeta takes Miera's place on the bed, then grabs the raccoon and pulls her close. "Now you lick me!" she orders.

The raccoon takes one look at the puma's cum soaked crotch, then tries to pull away. "No!" she screams. "Not that! Please don't make me lick that!"

"There's nothing wrong with Kerr's cum!" Leeta growls. "I've tasted it many times." Then she roughly rubs the raccoon's nose against her crotch a couple of times. "Now lick or I bite off your tail!"

"Yes, do it!" Miera exclaims. Then, as if to prove the point, she goes down on her paws and knees and begins to lick Kerr clean, sending shivers of pleasure through his body with each lick of her rough tongue. By the time she has finished cleaning Kerr, and his member is beginning to poke out of its sheath again, the raccoon must have overcome her revulsion because Leeta is writhing and moaning in time by the wet sucking noises coming from between her legs. "Look, Kerr," Miera states, "She's really making Leeta wet. I think such dedication deserves a reward. Don't you think so, too?"

"Yes," he replies carefully. Uh oh. She's planning something...

"Good!" the panther exclaims, gleefully. Moving over to the raccoon she grabs her tail and strokes it a few times before lifting it high into the air. "Slide under and get a taste of her. I'll bet she just loves to be licked by a bunny rabbit!"

Kerr, knowing that to refuse will anger her, pushes off with his feet to poke his head between her legs, then grabs her buttocks in his paws and lifts his muzzle until it is almst touching the raccoon's crotch. I guess she's enjoying it a little bit, he thinks as he notices the dampness in the fur. When his tongue touches her slit, though, she screams and tries to kick him away, and only Miera's grip on her tail stops her from moving too far.

"Don't kick the bunny!" Miera hisses. "Do you have any idea of how long it takes to train him to lick and fuck properly? If I have to find a new one I'll be very cross!" Then, to prove her point, she digs her claws into the raccoon's buttocks, making her gasp in pain. "Now behave!"

As soon as the raccoon calms down Kerr begins to lick again, letting his tongue slide up and down along the slit, then circle the little nub at the top before burrowing deeply into her and sending shivers throughout her body.

Miera strokes the raccoon's bushy tail a few times more, then begns to lick Kerr again. When his member is sufficiently stiff she grasps it in both paws and slowly impales herself on it, moaning and purring in pleasure.

"Go deep!" Leeta suddenly moans between pants. "Lick me! Bite me! Make me come!"

"But not you, Kerr," Miera gasps as she pulls up, then slams back down on his member. "Keep her wet but don't let the raccoon come."

"No, I won't, mistress," Kerr mutters then attacks the dripping mound above him again. Is that the punishment? Not getting to come? Somehow I expected something more evil.

"Yes!" Leeta screams, "that's the place! Rub it!" Then she gives off a long moan and shivers before collapsing backwards on the bed.

"Keep licking, but remember..." Miera whispers as she pulls off Kerr's cock and moves up alongside the raccoon.

Kerr continues to lick and tease the raccoon, letting his tongue dance up and down the length of her slit, now and then slipping between her folds to extract some extra juces and keeping her aroused.

"Please!" she moans, "please..."

"Please what?" Leeta asks, "please let you go, or please let you come?" Sitting up again she gently strokes the raccoon's head a couple of times before moving to sit on her side, opposite Miera. "Well?"

"Please..." the raccoon whispers between moans and gasps, "please let me go."

"Wrong answer!" Leeta exclaims gleefully. Nodding towards Miera she grasps the raccon's shoulder, and as the panther mimicks her moves, they lift her into a sitting position. Leeta takes the opportunity to give her pert breasts a quick lick, then they drag the young female across Kerr's chest, leaving a wet path, stopping only when his member pokes her ass.

"Don't you dare move, Kerr," Miera hisses.

"Miera, if you aim, I'll lift," the puma states matter-of-factly, shifting her position to sit on Kerr's chest and placing her paws on the raccoon's sides.

"Noooo!" the raccoon screams as the puma lifts her up and something pokes between her legs. "Please, no!"

"Yes!" Leeta exclaims, then grabs the raccoon's shoulders and lays all her weight on them, forcing the young female to take Kerr's member to the hilt in one fell swoop.

Bending over and peeking between the raccoon's legs Miera states, "No blood."

"What?" Leeta asks, "the cute little coon isn't innocent?" Then she leans forward and licks the raccon's muzzle before lifting her up and pushing her down again, making the raccoon whimper as she feels Kerr's rock-hard member slam to the bottom of her channel.

"Faster!" Miera orders. Then she reaches in with her right paw and begins to rub the raccoon's clit between two fingers.

"Please!" the raccoon begs between sobs and whimpers, even as she feels her heat rising and her channel moistening even more. "Please..."

"Oh shut up!" Leeta exclaims. "You're enjoying this. Don't try to deny it!"

To her shame the raccoon realises that while the puma's paws are on her they only guide her, but no longer pushes her down or pulls her up; she herself is doing that! "Noooo!" she moans, then "please nooooooo!" as her body rocks in orgasm and she collapses into the puma's paws.

"Oh, look!" Miera exclaims. "the cute little coon finished before the cute little rabbit! What are we going to do?"

"We'll just have to try again," Leeta replies, grinning evilly. Taking a good hold around the raccoon she lifts her off Kerr's cock, then slowly lowers her again.

"No! Please, no!" the raccoon screams when she feels his member push against her tight spinchter. "Please no! Not that!"

"Yes, that!" Leeta exclaims gleefully as she slowly pushes the raccoon down.

As the raccoon opens her muzzle to beg -- or cry -- again, slender black paws clasps her jaws and forces them shut, cutting off all sound but whimpers.

The puma increases the pressure and soon the raccoon can't fight it but must feel her spinchter open to allow Kerr's member inside.

Kerr, feeling the hot, tight, moistness surrounding his cock shuddeers and against his will begins to hump against her. This is so wrong! he thinks, but it's also soooo good!

In what seems like no time at all Kerr begins to feel the pressure mounting. "Leeta, please..." he begs, "this is so..." The rest is lost as Leeta moves to cover his muzzle with her crotch. When the panther leans in and licks his balls the battle is lost and with a muffled cry Kerr shoots his load deep into the raccoon's ass.

Leeta lowers the raccoon surprisingly tenderly, then gets up. "Make her comfortable, but don't untie her arms just yet," she orders him, then leaves the room, quickly followed by Miera.

Grasping under her arms and pulling Kerr drags the limply crying raccoon off his now flaccid member to rest her head against his chin. "I'm sorry," he whispers as he gently strokes her ears.

A few minutes later Miera returns with a small jar in one paw and a washcloth in the other. Getting down on her knees beside the couple she grabs the raccoon's tail and lifts it up. When the raccpoon cries out and feebly tries to cover her ass with her tail she commands, "Lift your tail and lie still!" Then she quickly cleans the raccoon before opening the jar and scooping up a dollop of a grayish cream. "This will feel cold for a moment, but then it'll remove any pain," she explains. Then she proceeds to smear the cream over the raccoon's ass and wiping off the excess with the washcloth. "Feeling better now?"

The raccoon doesn't reply, only continues to cry silently into Kerr's white fur.

"Stop soaking the bunny!" Miera exclaims. Then she pulls the raccoon up to stand before her. Glancing down at Kerr she orders, "Clean yourself up, then go back outside. I'll take this little cutie home."


After their evening meal Kerr cleans away the dishes and sweeps the floor as he always does, then he walks over to the pallet in the corner and lies down on it.

"Kerr, why don't we see if you've got a few more loads in you?" Leeta asks from the bedroom door. "Come here and fuck me!"

Kerr only wraps his blanket around himself and rolls over to face the wall.

"I think he's upset," Miera states. "I wonder if it was something we said?"

A couple of eight-days later.

Kerr is as usual puttering about in his garden, thinking about something Miera said; we won't need you until sun-down, so you can do whatever you like as long as you don't go furter than, say, the garden? So hard is he pondering in fact that he doesn't hear the rustle of grasses until a slender paw touches his shoulder. Turning around he finds the same young, female raccoon standing there, looking shyly at him. "Lemarra?" he asks, "what are you doing here? You must go back before Miera spots you!"

"I think she arrainged this," the raccoon states, ignoring his question. "The bears told me to enjoy the day, as long as I didn't go too far." Slipping her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder she whispers, "Please hold me."

In a nearby tree a black form shifts its position to better wath the couple as they sit down on a bench; at first side-by-side, then the raccoon moves to sit in the rabbit's lap. When the raccoon's arms starts roaming the rabbit's back and his paws begins to play with the raccoon's tail the dark form slowly and quietly slips down from the tree and pads off to the house. "Maybe now he'll stop moping around!"

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