(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma, Miera the black Panther and Lemarra the Raccoon are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

The thrill of the hunt.


Kerr is working in the back yard when he slowly becomes aware that Leeta is staring at him. Feeling more and more self-conscious he continues to sweep the path until he is forced to stop when she walks over to stand in front of him. "Mistress?" he asks quietly.

Instead of commanding him she walks around him in a slow circle, letting her paw glide across his chest, then his side, his back and ending up on his chest again. Grinning mischeavously she extends her left arm and shows him the leather strap in her paw, then she quickly swings it back before smacking him across the rump.


"Ouch!" he exclaims, more confused than hurt. "Mistress! What have I done to displease you?"

"Nothing yet," she replies. "That was just to get your attention." Walking around him again she gives him a few more smacks on his butt and thighs. "Enjoy it?"

"No," he replies, uncertain, but worried.

"Good!" she exclaims. "I want to play a little game with you. It's called 'hunt the rabbit'. Sounds like fun, right?"

I wish Miera was here right now, he thinks as he slowly shakes his head.

"It'll be such fun!" the puma exclaims. "I'll give you a few minutes head start before I try to track you down."

"Is that all?" he asks, "I run and you try to catch me?"

Grinning evilly she brandishes the leather strap before replying, "If I catch you quickly I'll have to use the strap on you." Seeing the shocked expression on his face she adds, "There's a reward in there, too."


"Yes," she whispers seductively, "if you can avoid capture until sun-down you get to do whatever you want to me, with no fear of reprisals, as long as you leave no lasting mark. How's that sound?"

"Anything?" he asks, incredulous.

"Anything!" she responds, dangling the leather strap in front of his muzzle, "even that!"

"But why?" he asks, even more confused.

"I'm bored," she replies. Then she turns around and walks up to the house. "I have a cup of tea cooling inside. When I've finished it I'll come after you."

An hour later.

"Where is that damned rabbit?" Swearing profusely the puma slips between two boulders. "His scent is so fresh that he must have been here just a minute ago. Then, as she rounds one boulder she notices fresh tracks in the scree up towards some cliffs. "Why is he climbing up there?" Knowing that she can't be far behind now she sets off past yet another boulder and along his tracks. "Give up, rabbit!" she yells, "you can't hide from me up there!"

Instead of replying, Kerr instead tenses, then jumps from atop the boulder and hits Leeta squarely in the back, knocking her down and slamming the breath out of her.

Leeta comes to only to find her arms tied together and someone sitting on her back. "Get off!" she growls, "and untie me now!"

"Can't do that," comes the rabbit's mocking voice, "it's not sun-down yet."

"Kerr?" she asks, shocked, "what are you doing?"

"Getting my reward," he responds matter-of-factly as he grabs her tail and begins to stroke it. "After all, there's no way you can catch me now, is there?"

"I'll get you for this!" she screams.

"No, you won't," he counters. "You don't want it known that you were tricked by a rabbit, do you?" Satisfied by her body's reaction to his caresses he pulls her tail up and ties it to her belt. Then he moves off her back and begins to caress her rump with both paws.

Despite enjoying his attention the puma tries to roll aside and get up to take charge of the situation only to find that her feet have been tied to a pair of roots, effectively pinning her down with her legs slightly spread. "What are you going to do?" she asks, now slightly worried.

"Whatever I want," the rabbit replies gleefully before slipping his right paw between her legs and along her moistening slit to scritch her belly. As she pushes back and lifts her rump in the air to give him better access he retracts his paws, leans over her and slips his arms around her body to cup her round breasts. "Admit it," he hisses in her ear, "you enjoy this, don't you?" As she is about to deny it he pinches her nipples through her tunic.

"Oww!" she exclaims. "You'll regret this!"

"No I won't," he counters, "you promised!" Good or bad, she always keeps her word.

Growling, she makes another attempt of breaking loose and even tries to reach back and scratch Kerr with her claws.

"Naughty!" he exclaims as he sit up and prepares to spank her. Then he spots the leather strap hanging from her belt, grabs it and gives her a few quick raps over her butt and thighs. "Say it!" he orders, "tell me how much you enjoy this!"

"No!" she screams.

"Tell me!" he again orders, giving her a few more raps over her butt.

"Never!" she exclaims, "I hate it! I hate you!"

"No you don't," he counters matter-of-factly, then slips a finger down to her rapidly moistening slit and rubs her clit. "You love it." Then he quickly gives her a few more raps, this time aiming for the inside of her thighs.

"Yoww!" she screams. "Stop! Please!"

"What?" he asks, "did the mighty Leeta say 'please'?" Then, stroking from her butt, down to her slit and back up to the base of her tail with the leather strap, he asks, "Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes!" she cries, "please!"

"Well, maybe," he states after deliberating. Then he gives a few more quick raps across her butt before tossing the strap aside. "I know of something much more fun." Grabbing hold of her tail he quickly unties it, then starts stroking it from root to tip, sending shivers of pleasure through the puma.

"What?" she asks, disappointed when he lets go of her tail a few minutes later.

Kerr, instead of replying, positions himself directly behind her and begins to rub the tip of his member up and down her slit. "You want this, don't you?" he asks teasingly.

"Yes! No!" she exclaims, but her indecision is betrayed by her body as she almost against her own will pushes back to force his cock inside her.

"Not yet," he states, teasing her by backing away. Grabbing her tail again he first strokes it a few times, then licks the tip a few times before closing his thin lips around it and biting carefully and making the female moan. Satisfied that she is ready he suddenly slams his member into her, penetrating all the way with a wet sound and making her scream out in pleasure. Then he slowly pulls out until the head of his cock is barely touching her slit. Waiting until she is growling with need and pushing back at him, he slowly enters her again. "You like this, don't you?" he asks as he feels her body shaking of an as yet unheard purr.

As he slowly increases the pace her purr becomes audible. "Faster!" she screams between pants.

Hearing that the rabbit slows down to spite her, but quickly speeds up again and even slips a paw down to rub her clit as he feels his orgasm approaching.

"Yessss!" she moans, then buckles under him as the orgasm washes through her body like a tidal wave.

A second later the rabbit stiffens as the contractions around his member makes him loose it and pump his load deep into her before collapsing atop of the puma.

"Are you satisfied now?" the puma asks when Kerr rolls off her back and slowly gets up.

"Maybe," he replies slowly as he kneels beside her head, "or maybe not." Grabbing her head in his paws he forces her muzzle close to his member. "Clean me!" he hisses, "clean me and make me hard again!"

At first Leeta hesitates, not because she finds the thought distasteful -- far from it -- but because of something in his voice, then she slowly extends her long, rough tongue and begins to lick.

"No!" he commands when she tries to suck his cock into her mouth. "I don't trust you not to bite." Then, to take the edge of his words, he scritches her behind her left ear while stating, "Keep on licking, you're doing good."

Soon his member stirs, lengthens and pokes out of the sheath. "You've been good," he states, patting her on the head before standing up. "Now to give you your reward."


Instead of replying he get down on his knees behind her and begins stroking her tail again. As soon as she arches her back in pleasure he pulls her tail to the side and forward, then down under her and back out between her legs. Holding it with one paw on the tip and the other midway along he begins to pull it back and forth, rubbing it against her slit.

"Don't stop!" she pleads when he pulls her tail away. Then she feels his cock rubbing against her slit and she begins to push back against him, eager to feel it inside her again.

"No, no!" he scolds, "don't do that!" Then he backs off to focus on her tail again, first licking the tip, then rubbing it against her clit until he finally grabs it with both paws and shows it into her sopping wet crack.

"Ooooh!" she moans as he pushes the tip of her tail in and out. He's fucking me with my own tail! she thinks, it's soo... good!

"You like that, don't you?" the rabbit asks, quite unnecessarily. As he slowly increases the pace he also begins to rub his cock and balls along her tail.

"Don't stop!" she pleads when he suddenly stops moving her tail back and forth and instead places his paws on her hips.

Ignoring her pleas Kerr rubs his cock along her tail one last time, ending up with butting the cock-head against the lower part of her slit. As she is about to protest that there's not enough room he backs up slightly, then quickly rams forward again, this time to push his member against her anus.

"Nooo!" she wails, "stop! I'll kill you for this!"

"Promises, promises," Kerr taunts as he increases the pressure and slips inside. "Ooh!" he gasps, "you're tight!"

"I... gasp... will... oooh... get... aaah... you!" she moans in time with his thrusts.

Grinning mischeavously the rabbit leans forward, slips his left paw around her to scritch her belly a few times before moving down to rub against her clit. Feeling her tense up as she nears her second orgasm he whispers tauntingly, "You are enjoing this!" Then he slips a finger into her already full slit and rubs it against the top wall.

"Noooo..." she wails as her orgasm hits her hard.

Feeling her contractions Kerr speeds up and soon blows his oad into her butt. "Now I'm finished," he gasps as he pulls his flaccid member out of the puma.

"Hey! Untie me!"

"No," Kerr responds quietly as he gets up and brushes the dirt off his fur. "If I release you now you'll do someting nasty. I think I'll leave you here to calm down." Then he casually walks off, knowing that she'll only need a few minutes to claw off the ties.

"Kerr!" Leeta roars as she enters the house. "I know you're here, I can smell you."

"I can smell you, too," Kerr responds from the bath, "and if I can do that, you need a bath!"

Throwing open the door the puma roars, "I'll kill you!" then paces menacingly towards the rabbit.

"But not before you've had a bath," he counters, stepping around the already full bathtub. "Get in. I'll give you a foot-rub, and even brush you down after you've dried off."


Hearing Leeta's low purr and seeing the contented expression on her face, Kerr asks quietly, "Still want to kill me?"

"Yes, but now I'll do it quick so that you don't suffer," she mumbles. "Fetch me the blue jar on the shelf and I'll consider letting you live."

"Yes, mistress," he responds, suddenly back to his meek old self. Then he quickly retrieves the jar and hands it to the puma.

"What's this?" she asks, peeking into the container, "there's less than it should have been in it. Do you know anything abut it?"

"Ehh..." the rabbit begins slowly, "the shelf is next to the window, so you can reach it from outside."

"And?" she prods.

"Once or twice Lemarra wanted to experiment," he finishes quietly.

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