(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma, Miera the black Panther and Lemarra the Raccoon are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...




"Kerr, move your stumpy tail in here!"

Sighing, the rabbit puts away the hoe he had just picked up and hurries to the small kitchen. Stopping before the puma he goes down on one knee. "Yes, mistress?"

"Get yourself cleaned up!" she shouts, then throws a bar of soap and a brush at him. "And hurry!"

What's with Leeta today? Taking the items in his paws he makes his way to the bath where he finds Miera busy towelling off after a bath.

"The water is still warm," the panther states, "but hurry or we'll be late."

More and more puzzled the rabbit clambers into the tub and begins to wash. "Why is Leeta angry?" he finally asks.

"She forgot that we're going to a big party tonight and sent you out to run errands. Guess who had to carry in firewood and heat the water?"


"Yes," the panther responds, grinning widely, "and you're invited, too." Tossing aside her towel she grabs a soft brush and, starting to brush her headfur, disappears out the door.

Party? And why am I invited? Still wondering he rubs the coarse soap into his fur, then rinses it off with cold water from a bucket standing next to the tub.


"Here we are," Miera states as they approaches the village common house, "be on your best behaviour."

"That means be polite," Leeta adds, "not looking anyone in the eyes, responding when spoken to, keeping from pointing at any females with your fun stick, unless she demands it, of course."

"Yes, mistress," Kerr responds quietly. I still don't understand why I'm invited. Knowing that it's expected of him, he pulls open the large, heavy door and steps aside to let the two females enter first, then follows behind and pulls the door shut.

"Follow me," Miera whispers, then heads along a short corridor and into a large hall.

"Ooh, a cute one," a feminine voice whispers and a clawed paw gives Kerr's butt a quick squeeze, making him freeze in his tracks.

Stopping and turning, Miera growls "Keep your paws to yourself." Then she grins at the female standing behind the rabbit and adds "At least for tonight." Grabbing Kerr's paw she turns and pulls him along through the large room.

"Who?" he manages to whisper as he stumbles along.

"Just a fox," Miera responds, "they may look nice, but are such terrible bores." Seconds later they arrive at the far wall which consists of a two meter deep stage raised a meter over the room's floor and fronted with iron bars. She quickly opens a door and pushes him through. "Stay here. I'll bring you something to eat soon." Then she slams the door shut, flips the latch and walks off into the crowd.


Kerr is sitting down, still confused about what's happening, when a large shadow falls on him. He looks up to see an enormous wolf, at least 7' 5" tall, scowling at him.

"You touched my mate!" the wolf growls.

Mate? Shella's mate? "Please, master!" the rabbit exclaims, "she ordered me to do it!"

The wolf grins menacingly, showing off his long, sharp teeth.

"Stop that!" Then Shella, the female wolf he met that summer appears from behind her mate. "If you touch him Miera won't let me borrow him again, and he has such gentle paws."

"Yes, Shella," the male grumbles, then walks off.

"Ignore him," the female whispers, "he's just grumpy that there's something you can do better than him." Patting her belly, and making him aware that it's larger than normal, she adds, "He's a good hunter and great in bed, but when I begin to complain about the weight this winter he'll be happy to let you give me a backrub!"


A little later in the evening Kerr is enjoying a piece of watermelon which Miera brought him when a noise makes him look up. There, flanked by two huge bears, is Lemarra.

"Kerr!" she exclaims, "you're here, too?"

"Yes," he responds quietly, "but I have no idea why."

The male bear unlatches the door, then gestures the raccoon to enter before closing it again.

The female bear scowls at the rabbit, then states slowly, "Be nice to her or I'll feast on rabbit." Then she turns and lumbers slowly towards a table with food.

Trying to calm himself down, Kerr picks up another piece of melon from his plate and offers it to the raccoon who accepts it gingerly.


Later that evening.


Kerr is sitting with his back against the wall with Lemarra in his lap -- there was nothing there for them to sit on -- enjoying the music when the musicians stops playing and the crowd grows silent. Then the crowd parts to let two figures pass -- a bulky wolverine in dusty leather clothing and a slender skunk in a tattered linen tunic, her long, wide tail tied to her left leg -- and approach the fenced-off stage. Holding the skunkette in one paw, he opens the door with his other, then throws the female inside and slams the door shut. "You, bunny boy!" he calls, "give us a show!"

Leaning in and sticking her muzzle between the bars, Miera whispers, "Fuck her, and do it good; her future depends on it!"

When he crawls over and lays a paw on the skunk's shoulder she turns and hisses at him, baring her teeth and making it plain that he's not welcome.

As she crawls away from him he retreats to the back wall to sit down with Lemarra again.

"Hey, you!" the wolverine shouts at the skunkette, "when I tell you to do something, you obey!" Then he slams open the door, enters the stage and grab her by the tail, making her scream and kick. He quickly grasps a leg as it whizzes past and pulls her close. Then he grabs her paws as she tries to claw him. Grinning evilly he states, "Quite a feisty one, eh?" Then he drags her with him out the door and towards a table. As everyone watches he ties her down on her back, with her feet spread and her butt hanging at the edge of the thick, wooden table-top. He then grabs her tunic and rips it off, exposing her breasts and crotch for everyone to see. As she swears and screams to be released he grins at her, then casually ties her muzzle shut with the remains of her own clothes. "We could have done this the nice way," he growls at her. Turning towards the crowd, he asks, "Who wants to go first?"

"The rabbit!" a hoarse but feminine voice calls, "let him go first!"

Shella? Kerr wonders. She wants me to rape that skunk?

"Yes, let the rabbit go first!" another voice -- Leeta's he realises -- shouts, "she didn't want to play with him, so he should be first!"

Looking around, Kerr spots Miera standing to one side. When she gives an almost imperceptible nod he slowly gets to his feet, makes his way through the door and over to the table.

"Start by licking her," Leeta whispers to him, "get her as wet as only you can, then fuck her."

"Yes, mistress," he whispers. I can understand that Leeta want me to do it, but Miera? Leaning over the table he licks the skunk's forehead, the tip of her nose, then her throat and down towards her pert breasts. When she begins to struggle and toss to avoid his tongue he whispers in her right ear, "I don't want to do this, but my mistress commanded me. I'll be as gentle as I can, but please don't struggle; some of the males watching us will only enjoy it more." Some of the females, too, he adds to himself as he notices the stares some of the females are giving him.

"Hurry up!" one of the males, a jackal shouts, "you don't have all night!"

Sighing, the rabbit leans down and begins to lick, then suck on the skunk's right nipple while at the same time caressing her left breast with his right paw. Soon her muffled breathing speeds up and Kerr can feel that against the skunk's will her body begins to react to his ministrations. At the same time, he can feel his own body reacting as his member begins to swell, but not so much as to poke from his sheath, yet. Changeing focus he licks his way down from her breasts, over her belly, down to the thicker, white fur in her crotch. Placing a finger on each side of her slit he pulls the fur aside and rubs his nose against the slit, finding that not only does she smell nice, but that she's already slightly damp. His tongue slips out to lick at the knob at the top, sending a shiver though the skunkette and making her moan. Finding the taste to his liking he lets his tongue travel from top to bottom, then back to the top of her slit, then pushes it deep between the folds and rubs it along the inside of her cunt.

Soon the rabbit's expert tongue has the skunkette panting and moaning through her muffle.

Hearing this, and noticing that she's getting wetter, Kerr slips a finger inside and rubs it against the top of her cunt. She is soon dripping of juices so he changes his attack to rubbing her clit between two fingers and licking the slit with long, slow strokes.

"Get on with it!" one of the males watching shouts.

"Hey, Miera!" one of the females, a lanky coyote, calls, "can I borrow him some day?"

The rabbit, hearing the request, feeling his ears redden and heat up in embarrasment, decides to get the show over as soon as possible. Standing up, he gently strokes the female's belly to try to calm the anger and fear he can feel raging through her body. Then he moves closer and, holding his member in his right paw, slips into her hot, moist channel.

"Go, rabbit, go!" one of the male onlookers yells.

Ignoring that, and other similar shouts, Kerr begins to slowly push in and pull out of the skunk's slit, and at the same time rubs her clit with the thumb of his right paw.

At first the skunk tries to stop him by contracting the muscles of her vagina, but when it only results in increased friction and stronger sensations she relaxes, closes her eyes and begins to weep silently.

Seeing her tears Kerr promises to himself that someone will pay for what is happening, and that he'll do anything he can to help her.

"Kerr," Miera suddenly whispers from behind him, "pull out, you must fuck her tail-hole, too."

"Why, mistress?" he whispers back, still pumping in and out of the skunk's channel.

"Don't ask, just do it!" she hisses at him. "I'll explain later."

"Yes, mistress," he mumbles, then pulls out of her wet channel and places his glistening wet member against her pucker and pushes slowly.

Feeling the new violation the skunk's eyes fly open and she tries to scream, but only manages a muffled whimper.

Someone WILL pay for this! Kerr again promises to himself, then increases the pressure and slips inside. Soon the skunk relaxes her muscles and he can push further in, then pull out until only the head is left inside. As he pushes in again she grunts, half in pain, half in pleasure and fully in hatred. As he slowly increases the pace he can feel that as every other time he's tried anal sex he's not going to last long.

"Blow your load in her," Miera whispers from behind him.

Hearing the whispered words the skunk begins to struggle again, trying desperately to avoid the final degradation, but only succeeding in pulling her tail a few inches upwards to rub against Kerr's balls.

Gasping from the unexpected, almost electrifying sensation, he shudders and blows his cum deep into the skunk's ass. Still shaking a minute later he slowly pulls his limp member out with an audible plop and sags back against Miera who catches him.

"This party has gone horribly wrong. Get back to the cage and protect Lemarra!" she hisses into his ear as she first squeezes something into his paw, then turns him around and pushes him towards the open door.

Hearing the seriousness in her voice the rabbit stumbles as fast as he can the few meters to the door. Only as the raccoon swings the door shut behind him does he look down to examine what she put in his paw; a short but lethal-looking dagger.

"What's going on, where are the bears and why did Leeta and Miera make you rape that poor skunk?" the suddenly nervous raccoon asks.

"I don't know," Kerr replies, scanning the crowd for the two bears, but findind no sign of them. "All I know is that this wasn't planned," he adds after a moments hesitation.

Then, the largest wolf Kerr has ever seen walks up to the skunk, drops his pants and takes her roughly, pumpung so hard the heavy table begins to slide across the floor.

"I'm scared!" the raccoon cries, burying her muzzle in the rabbit's chest-fur and wrapping her slender arms around him.

"I'll protect you," he whispers comfortingly in her ears while stroking her back. But who'll protect me?

The next two hours he can only watch as wolves, wolverines, coyotes and other predatory males takes turn to rape the skunk, some using her vagina, others her ass, and in the case of a coyote, shoots his load as soon as he touches her. None of the males are local to the village, he notices, neither do they seem to have mates.


When the last of the males, a heavyset wolf has finished and the knot at the base of his cock have softened enough for him to pull out - but not soft enough slip out painlessly from the almost comatose skunk - she is untied, the gag removed and dumped into the cage with rabbit and raccoon by the wolverine.

Going down on her knees and cradling the skunk's head in her paws Lemarra asks, "What'll happen to her?"

Glancing towards the large group of males standing by the refresments table, Kerr replies, "She'll probably be sold to the highest bidder now that they've tried the goods." The last few words is hissed rather than spoken.

"Isn't there anything we can do?"

"Maybe," Kerr responds, distractedly, busily studying the crowd. Then, satisfied with what he sees, he goes down on one knee and looks the skunk in the eyes. As soon as she notices him and growls feebly, he whispers, "Listen closely! I can't help you get your freedom back, but I might be able to find you a master who won't treat you too badly." Nodding towards a corner, he asks, "Do you see the fox in the expensive-looking clothes over there?" When she glances in the indicated direction he adds, "He wasn't among those who raped you, but he can barely keep his eyes off you. In a minute we'll move you to lie along the wall. Then you're going to get him to come closer so that you can lick and suck him to orgasm. Is that clear?"

"No," she hisses, "never!"

"Do you want to end up with one of the wolves who enjoyed your ass?" Kerr hisses back. "Foxes are shallow and vain, but very rarely cruel." Nodding towards the raccoon he lifts the skunk's upper body while she lifts the legs, and together they move the skunk over to lie as comfortably as possible - on her belly with her head resting on her paws - next to the wall. "Your call," the rabbit whispers, "the fox or whoever of the wolves has the most gold." Then he moves to the opposite wall and sit down, with the raccoon sitting down on his lap.

For several minutes nothing happens, then, moving slowly, the skunk first turns her head towards Kerr and growls silently, then towards the lone fox. Lifting herself up on her paws she slinks closer to the bars, then slips her right paw between the iron rods and makes an almost invisible gesture towards the male. When the fox makes no indication of noticing, she repeats the gesture and makes a point of locking eyes with him.

Puzzled and curious, the fox, a rather slim, young male not much taller than Kerr, makes his way to stand in front of the bars. "Do you want something?" he asks in a low voice.

"Only you," she replies, then reaches out to grab his pants with her right paw at the same time as she pushes herself up with her left. When he moves his left paw in an attempt to remove her paw from his clothes she pulls it back, then slowly extends it again, this time to stroke the soft fur on his belly. "Beautiful," she whispers in her most seductive voice.

When her paw moves down to caress the bulge in front of his pants he begins to pant. "What are you doing?" he asks, confused.

Tugging at the waist of his pants she gets him to step as close to the bars as possible. Then she unbuttons the front and folds the cloth aside to free his already stiff member. "Master likes Shelana?" she whispers while running a finger along the length of his cock. Pushing her muzzle between two bars she rubs her nose against his balls, then licks them slowly. "Master taste nice," she whispers, then continue licking.

Soon the fox is panting hard, one paw is used to hold him up against the bars, while the other slips through to scritch her behind her black-furred ears. Pulling herself a little higher she leans back, then catches the tip of his cock between her thin lips and slowly moves forward, engulfing it until her nose rubs against the bulge at the base of his member. Feeling him tense up she knows he's about to blow and decides to end it. Sucking hard at the cock, then bobbing her head back and forth while making certain her teeth drags along the shaft she makes him whimper in pleasure, then grunt and shoot his cum in her mouth before sliding down the bars until he's on his knees.

"That was..." he begins, "that was just..."

"Tasty..." she whispers slowly. Then she backs off and lies down by the back wall, closes her eyes and pretends to fall asleep.

The fox stares at her a moment, then get back up on his feet and fastens his pants before hurrying over to where the wolverine is standing. After a short conversation the fox turns and heads for the door.

"He ran?!" the skunk exclaims, "I humiliated myself for nothing?"

"He's running to retieve a bag of gold," Kerr responds. "I suggest that you find a way to convince him to let you do the shopping because he can't barter. Now, lie still; if he's staying at the inn he might be back soon, and I want to make him untie your tail but not burn out your glands. You know they usually do that, right?"

"Burn?" Lemarra asks, shocked.

"With a red-hot iron," Kerr explains, "just like you mark cattle."


A few minutes later the fox returns and first hurries over to the wolverine who he hands a small bag, then hurries over to the cage almost before the wolverine have counted the gold.

"Calm down," Kerr states as he watch the fox fumble with the door-latch.

"Why?" the red-furred male growls, "are you going to stop me?"

"No," the rabbit responds quietly, "just wanted to give you a friendly advice or two."

"What?" the fox snaps.

"You're probably eager to get back to the inn or wherever you're staying, and continue what she started, right?" Since the expression on the fox' muzzle speaks louder than words, Kerr continues, "Forget it. What she needs now is a good bed, a bath in the morning, and no sex for the next few days. Sex is best when both enjoys it, and she'll be too sore for several days."

"Oh... Anything else?"

"Untie her tail when you put her to bed," the rabbit responds, "it'll be too uncomfortable for her othervise."

"B-but..." the fox stutters, "what if she sprays?"

"Not if you treat her nicely," Lemarra interjects. "Treat her like you would treat a mate. Leave her the possibility to defend herself against other males. Besides, wouldn't you want to lie behind her and feel that tail cover you like a blanket?"

"I'll think about it," the fox grumbles, then walks over to the skunk and places his right paw gently on her shoulder. "Wake," he whispers in her ear at the same time as he shakes her shoulder.

"Who? What?" she mumbles, pretending to wake up, then rolls over on her side to look at the fox. "Foxy!" she exclaims, then allows him to help her stand up.

Then - cheered on by some of the fox' comrades - she with her arm around his neck and he with his arm around her waist to support her, the disparate couple slowly makes their way out of the cage and across the floor.


An hour later, the party has lost its momentum and most of the guests have left, Miera walks up to the cage. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier," she states, "this was supposed to be nice little party."

"Where are the bears?" Lemarra asks, looking around anxiously.

"They left early, before the party soured," the panther replies.

"But why were we invited?" Kerr asks.

"Why not?" Miera counters, "after all, if you're going to clean up afterwards you deserve to have some of the fun. Now, come on, the floor doesn't sweep itself."


They've just finished cleaning up when Leeta shows up.

"Where have you been?" Miera asks, "skipping out on the cleanup crew?"

"No, I was by the gates," the puma replies, "I wanted to be certain that those wolves left." Then, glancing around, she adds, "I see everything is cleaned up. Shall we go?"

"Yes, let us!" Miera exclaims, then grabs Kerrs paw and drags him towards the doors.

"You come with us tonight," Leeta states as she latches onto the raccoon's tail and begins to stroke it.

"Stop that!" the raccon exclaims, pulling her tail free, then darting forward to walk beside Kerr. "What about the bears?"

"Don't worry," Miera states, then wraps her right arm around the raccoon's shoulders and her left around Kerr's shoulders. "They left on a trip with one of the traders earier tonight."

"But they need me!" Lemarra exclaims. "Who'll cook for them or help them with all those small tasks?"

"They knew you would fuzz," the panther responds, "that's why you were invited to the party; to distract you while they left."

"They asked us to keep you safe for the next few days," Leeta interjects. "Snuggled up between me an Kerr, can you imagine anything safer?"

"Why not between him and Miera?"

"Because," Miera mock growls, "nothing gets between me and my cuddle-bunny!"