(c)2003-2006 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. Characters Kerr the white Rabbit, Leeta the Puma, Miera the black Panther and Lemarra the Raccoon are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Homecoming, part II...

When Kerr wakes alone in the large bed the next morning he at first stares at the light flooding in through the small windows at the top of the wall without remembering where he is, then the events of the evening before comes back to him. Fearing whatever trouble Miera is causing at the moment he gets out of bed and quickly puts on his clothes before dashing out of the room. In the common room the only one he can find is Rhi; his younger brother. "Where's Miera," Kerr asks.

"Outside somewhere," his brother replies. "I remembered you as an early riser, and it's almost mid-day already. What happened?"

"We didn't fall asleep immediately," Kerr replies, grinning. "If a female ever gets desperate enough, you may find out the rest." Grabbing a bread and a carrot from the table he hurries outside. The first thing he notices is all the locals standing or 'casually' walking past on the road, the next is a low purring noise from behind and to one side. Dreading what he will see he still turns around to find Miera, smiling contentedly, reclined agaist the sloping earth-wall of the house and with the little female child curled up in her lap. Sighing, happy that for once she isn't causing him any trouble, Kerr slumps down beside her and starts chewing on his breakfast.

"Why are everyone looking at me so strangely?" Miera suddenly whispers. "Haven't they seen a female before?"

"I think they're trying to build up the courage to take the child away from you before she ends up as your dinner," Kerr replies in a hushed voice, low enough not to wake the child, but still loud enough for some of the nearer rabbits to overhear.

"Well, she is cute enough to eat," Miera whispers, grinning mischievously, "but she's only a mouthful. All the plump, juicy rabbits walking past, on the other paw..."

"Just look, don't touch," he admonishes.

"Spoilsport!" she exclaims. Then, in a more somber voice she asks, "I wanted to use the outhouse last night, but..."

"The door to the common room was barred?" he asks.

"You knew?"

"I suspected it," he admits. "Except for the guestroom, there's only storerooms along that corridor, and I noticed someone had placed chamberpots under the bed."

"Your mother?"

"Yes. It's better than the alternative, though."

"And that would be?"

"You saw all the males gathered in the commons last night. If my mother thought you were lying last night, well..."




Miera is out in the forrest, supposedly to find herself dinner, but really to avoid eating the meat in her pack in front of the rabbits. As she often does when hunting, she has discarded her clothes and is only wearing a loincloth, not just because of the feeling of freedom or the warmth of the sun on her smooth, black fur, but also to avoid getting blood on her clothes. She has been successful in catching a small creature and is happily tearing into the still warm flesh when she is suddenly aware of being observed by someone or something. Pretending nothing is amiss she begins to slowly circle the site where she thinks the observer is hidden, always making certain never to look directly towards the spot or making an even circle, but crossing back and forth, now nearer, then further away, but slowly and surely building an image of where the observer is hidden and the best way to approach. Having decided upon a plan she wastes no time to execute it, and starts by pretending to hear something a distance away and cutting towards it, breaking into a light trot at the same time. As she passes the point on her course that is closest to the unknown figure she suddenly kicks out, her toe-claws digging into the hard-packed dirt, changeing her direction and acellerating her towards her target. With her paws held out in front she pounces through the brush and lands on top of a suddenly very frightened female rabbit.

"Why are you spying on me?" Miera growls.

"P-please d-don't eat me!" the rabbit stutters.

Looking the rabbit over and noticing her honey-coloured fur, age, no older than Kerr was, where her paws are resting and the total lack of anything that could be used as a weapon, she sighs and gets off the rabbit. "I'm not going to hurt you but I want a good explanation."

"I just wanted to see you," the rabbit mumbles uncertainly, as she sit up and begins to brush off her clothes. "I wondered why Kerr likes you so much." Looking down, she begins, "I..." then realises where she is staring and quickly averts her eyes.

"What?" Miera snaps, "is there something wrong with my breasts?"

"I..." the rabbit again begins.

"Just teasing you," Miera interrupts, grinning widely. Getting to her feet and pulling the rabbit up, she orders, "Now, tell me exactly why you were so interested. And you can call me Miera."

"I'm Lemana," the honey-coloured female responds. "Kerr was always nice to the younger kids; playing with us, telling us stories he made up, sneaking us cookies, being an older brother for everyone. I dreamed about having him, or someone like him, as mate when I grew up. Then he disappeared. When you brought him back, I couldn't decide whether to hate you for taking him away, or liking you for bringing him back."

"You know that when I leave I'll be taking him with me?" the panther asks, slipping an arm around the rabbit and giving her shoulder a light squeeze.

"I know," the rabbit replies, sighing, "but at least I know that he's still alive." Sighing again, she adds, "Knowing that he's grown into an adult, so strong, confident and kind, though, doesn't make it easier."

"You forgot cute," the panther scolds, "he's still just as cute as the day I stole him away." Then, reaching the small glade where she left her clothes she sits down on her cape and pulls the rabbit down in her lap.

"What are you doing?" the rabbit asks apprehensively.

"You rabbits are just so cuddly that I couldn't resist," the panther replies. "Tell me, how old are you?"

"I came of age this spring," the rabbit replies. "Really?" the panther comments, grinning to herself. Then, placing a paw on the rabbit's belly and rubbing slowly, she adds, "You've probably found a nice male already, then?"

"No," the rabbit replies, sighing.

"But surely, there must have been one that could make your body go tingly when he stroked your tail?" Miera asks, slipping her left paw down to gently stroke the enticing little button-tail.

"No," the rabbit replies, a little uneasy.

"You haven't? You've been saving yourself for Kerr?" Grinning even more as she notices the way the rabbit looks down in embarrasment, she continues, "And you've been waiting for him to come back, to hold you closely, caress your tail and stroke your ears." As she speaks she grabs the rabbit's right ear between two fingers and slowly slides them all the way from the root to the tip, making the young rabbbit shiver in pleasure. "Maybe even lick them," she adds, reaching out with her rough tongue to lick at the rabbit's left ear.

"Please," the rabbit squeals, pulling at the slim, black-furred arm around her waist.

"I'm not going to hurt you," the panther whispers into her left ear before licking it again. Then, rubbing the rabbit's belly again, she whispers, "You would want Kerr to do this, wouldn't you?"

The rabbit hesitates, then nods slowly.

Moving her right paw up to gently grasp a small, round breast through the front of the rabbit's linen dress, she whispers, "And you want his paws to caress your breasts, stroking them and teasing the nipples, right?"

"Y-yes..." the rabbit replies. "Please don't be mad at me."

"Why would I be mad at you?" the panther asks quietly. "I get to experience what you dream about." Then she licks the rabbit's right ear a couple of times, sending shivers through her slim body before moving her right paw down and under the hem of the dress and letting it slide slowly up the rabbit's leg. When the paw reaches the quivering rabbit's belly, she whispers, "You would like it to be Kerr's paw that did that wouldn't you?" Getting a cautious nod from the rabbit she moves her paw upwards under the cloth, to catch a breast and gently squeeze it. "You would really like Kerr to do that, wouldn't you? And you want him to be your first, don't you?"

"Yes!" the rabbit exclaims, sobbing. "Please let me go. I won't try to touch him."

"You misunderstand," the panther whispers, soothingly. "I would have wanted someone like him to be my first, too." Then, squeezing the rabbit's breast again she whispers, "I'm the one that's jealous. You see, you can do something I can never do, carry the child of the male I love. Silly, isn't it? Being jealous of you being born with long ears and a button for tail." Then she leans back, pulling the rabbit along until she's laying flat on her back and with the rabbit's head resting between her breasts. Stroking the long ears sensuously she whispers, "I always get so excited when I go hunting. If you're nice to me I'll give you a very nice reward."


"My breasts!" the panther pants, "lick them, suck on the nipples, bite them!" then she grasps the rabbit's head firmly with both paws and pushes her hard against her left breast. "Lick!"

Feeling the strength in the paws that are holding her the young female can only comply and begins licking, slowly at first, then as the older female starts purring and she gets a sense of control, she increases the pace, licking, sucking and even once or tvice, lets her large front-teeth drag over the nipple, sending shivers of pleasure through the panther.

The panther is panting hard when she a few minutes later pulls aside her loincloth with her left paw at the same time as she pushes the rabbit down with her right. "Lick! Suck! Bite!" she moans.

"B... but..." the rabbit stutters hesitantly.

"Do it!" the panther orders, grabbing the rabbit's head between her paws and rubbing her muzzle against her dripping wet slit.

Reflexively, the rabbit's tongue darts out and licks her nose clean. Yuck! The panther's paws pushes her muzzle in again, and this time she can't help but get a mouthful of sticky juices. Gagging and sputtering she uses the only option available for her; swallowing the juices.


The sound of a twig breaking makes her tense up, and the sensation of paws touching her butt makes her gasp and squirm.

Holding the rabbit firmly, Miera commands, "Hold still, it's only Kerr, come to give you your reward."

Kerr?! Oh no! He mustn't see me like this! She frantically tries to pull loose from the panther's grasp until the paws on her butt begins to stroke her tail, sending waves of pleasure up her spine and making her sigh.

"Who's your new friend?" she hears him ask.

"Her name is Lemana," the panther states. "She wants you to be her first, and I'm in a good mood today."

"Lemana?" he mumbles, still stroking her tail, "I remember her. Very quiet, not the one I'd expect to find with her head buried between your legs." Then, grabbing the hem of the rabbit's dress and slowly lifting it. "She's grown into a beautiful adult, though." Stroking her now bare butt, he adds, grinning softly, "At least the parts I can see are beautiful."

He... he thinks I'm beautiful? A few moments later the meaning of his last remark sinks in. He likes my butt!? Squealing indignantly she makes another attempt to break free from the panther's grasp.

"What?" the panther asks, easing up on her grasp and letting the rabbit lift her head enough to stare into her twinkling eyes, "don't you want Kerr to open you and fill you with his seed? To make you a real adult?"

Suddenly the paws on her behind disappears, there's a rustle in the soft grass beside her. "If you don't want me to," Kerr whispers in her ear, "I won't touch you."

"You... you won't?" she stutters, turning her head to look into his bright blue eyes.

"He's a bit boring that way," Miera whispers, grinning mischievously, "he doesn't want to take advantage of, or hurt anyone. If you want him to open you up, you'll have to ask him to do it." Sighing, she starts scritching the young rabbit's head. "We'll be leaving soon. Who knows if you'll ever get another opportunity."

B-but... This is so... different from how I dreamed it would happen... "Please," she whispers, nervously, "be gentle."

"Of course, sweetie," the panther purrs, then grabs the rabbit's arms and pulls her higher, until her golden-furred head rests on the panther's soft, black breasts.

Kerr, taking it as his signal to go ahead, grabs the rabbit's dress and pulls it down, then unbuttons the flap above her tail, freeing it, before lifting the cloth all the way up to her waist.

Shivering with nervousness, the young female tries to twist her body to see what is happening, but strong, black paws holds her head firmly in place.

"Relax and enjoy," Miera whispers.

"If at any time you want me to stop," Kerr whispers, stroking her back, "just say so."

She is about to utter something when his right paw begins playing with her tail and his left slips down to catch and gently squeeze her left breast, making her gasp.

"Good, eh?" the panther whispers.

"W-wait," the honey-colured female gasps, "please."

"Something wrong?" Kerr asks.

"I-I can't..."

"What?" the panther asks, lifting the rabbit's head with her paws and looking her directly in the eyes.

"I..." she begins.

"Not the way you imagined it would happen?" Kerr asks. Pulling her dress back down, he adds, "it never is."

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Miera whispers, stroking the honey-coloured rabbit's ears a last time, then releasing her, "I sometimes forgets that not everyone want sex when I want it, or even to have sex with me."

"I... I..." Lemana mumbles, looking down.

Standing up, Kerr pulls the rabbit female to her feet, gives her a hug and strokes her cheek with a finger. "Everyone can lose their nerve sometimes," he whispers, "that's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Listen to what the cuddle-bunny says," Miera states, "he's the sensible one." A paw lands on the rabbit's slender shoulder and the panteress purrs into her ear, "We'll be leaving tomorrow morning, but if you change your mind..."

"Miera!" the male exclaims, "can't you think of anything else?"

"No," she purrs, "too many cute rabbits around." There's a rustle as she puts on her tunic, then she adds in a more sombre voice, "Seriously, Lemana, I like you and hope we can be friends."

"Me too," Kerr adds.

"I wish we could invite you to visit our home some day," Miera states, "but I think some of our neighbours might not want you to leave."

"Who?" Kerr asks, "The wolves or the foxes?"