(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. All characters are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 2: Day two

Waking slowly, Shelana first notices the quiet, I>Great! It has stopped raining; maybe NOW I can get a chance to run away? Then she notices arms wrapped loosely around her body, paws grasping her tail and something pressed between her breasts. Fearing what she'll see the skunkette still opens her eyes to the pre-dawn grayness and tilts her head down to see the fox' head, his muzzle buried between her breasts and a mischievous glint in his gray eyes. "Stop drooling on me!" she hisses at him, "and let go of my tail!"

"So soft," the fox mumbles happily, ignoring her request. Then he begins to slowly stroke her tail. "Stop that!" she growls as his caresses threatens to wake passions in her, "stop it or I'll..."

"Or what?" he asks innocently, "what are you going to do?"

Growling, she tries to kick him where it will hurt the most, but only succeeds in sliding her leg over his hips and ending up in an even more intimate position.

"Oooh!" the fox exclaims, "you're going to seduce me?" Then his left paw moves down to scratch at the base of her tail, sending brief flashes of pleasure tingling through her body.

Shelana is about ready to use her claws on the fox when she hears a throat being cleared.

"You two!" the badger calls, "get up! You lost us a lot of time yesterday, so we need to get under way as soon as it's light enough to see the road."

"What's the hurry?" the fox grumbles as he frees himself from the blankets and sit up.

"There's a waystation at the top of the pass," the badger responds, "and if we can't reach it today, we might as well turn back. There's no other campsites up there, the road can't be traveled at night and we're lower down than we should have been." Pausing a moment he adds a final line, "It won't be many more days before snow makes this road unpassable, either. Guess who'll have to pay for my detour around the mountains?" Then the wagon rocks as the heavyset male climbs down.

Grumbling a bit, the fox gets up, heads for the front of the wagon and climb down to the ground.

Still fuming, Shelana sit up and adjusts her clothes. The nerve of that fox! I'd lay him over my knees and spank him, but he would probably get off of it! When she finally steps down on the road, the badger is busy getting the horses hitched up to the wagon and the fox is nowhere to be seen.

"You took your time," the badger grunts. Nodding towards an outcropping, he adds, "Empty your bladder over there, then climb back onto the wagon."

Now that the badger have mentioned it, the skunk's bladder makes its presence and condition known, so she hurries over to the place indicated. The stench assaulting her tells her that they're not the first to stop and rest at this place. Either that, or someone has been violently sick - at both ends - for an eightday or more. She quickly does what is needed, pulls her trousers back up and turns to return to the wagon when she realises that neither the badger, who is busy with the horses, nor the fox, who is nowhere to be seen, are watching her. It's now or never! Casting a last glance towards the wagon, she starts down the road, at first walking carefully, then running as fast as her feet can carry her.

"Hey! Stop!"

Hearing the fox' voice from behind spurs her into running even faster. Just try, you little twerp!

"Stop!" the fox shouts again.

Fearing that the fox is getting closer, the skunkette makes the tatal mistake of casting a glance behind her and trips on an exposed root, sending her flying to land with a dull thud that knocks the air out of her.

"Gotcha!" the fox exclaims, dropping down on top of her and knocking the wind out of her, again.

"Get off!" she wheezes a few seconds later, "get off or I'll skin you!"

"Promises, promises," he taunts, then leans down and licks her neck. "You know I will have to punish you for this, right?" Digging through his pockets he finds a short cord which he uses to tie her paws together. Then he gets back up on his feet, grabs her arms and pulls her upright. When she tries to turn her back to him and lift her tail, he spins her around and hisses, "Don't even think of spraying!" Then, grinning widely, he adds, "At least not while wearing pants with a hole barely large enough for your tail."

Swearing and hissing at him she has no option than to follow him back to the wagon and the waiting badger.

"She's a fast one," the badger states, grinning widely. "Now get up on the wagon before I leave you both!"

"How do I get her up?" the fox asks. "If I untie her she'll probably fight."

"Not a problem," the badger states matter-of-factly, grabbing the skunk around the waist and just tossing her up to land heavily on bales of leather, rope and canvas-covered crates.

Ouch!!! "You mange-ridden, fat, illegitimate son of a swamp-beast!" she screams, "are you trying to kill me?!"

"Shut up," the badger states quietly as he climbs up to his seat. "If you waste my time again I'll toss you over a cliff." Then, as soon as the fox is aboard, he cracks his whip to get the horses going.

A minute later she hears the fox rummage around, then chewing sounds. Rolling over on the side she spots him sitting in the corner, eating a pear and looking at her. "Untie me, you red-furred excuse for a rug!" she growls.

"Uncomfortable?" the fox asks, leering. When she growls at him, he adds, "I take that as a yes." Walking over to where she lies, he grabs her by the shoulders and drags her over the crates and bales, bumping and bruising her in the process, until she dumps down on the blankets in the back of the wagon. A final heave and she is sitting with her tail between her legs and her back against the sideboard. "Better now?"

"Untie me, you mangey mongrel!" she screams.

"You know," he states, grinning, "a femme shouldn't know such words." Then he digs through his pockets and pulls out a dirty kerchief and quickly ties it around her muzzle. "Maybe that will keep you quiet?"


"Too loose?" he asks, then pulls the knot tighter.

"Mmmh!" she mumbles, turning her head and looking at the food-basket up front. "Mmph!"

"Hungry? No, I think that if you can spare the energy to run and fight, you don't need anything." Then he moves to his spot up front, grabs anoter pear from the basket and starts chewing with obvious delight.


"Hey fox! Move your lazy tail up here!"

The badger's grumpy shout jolts Shelana awake. As the fox gets up from where he was sitting, her tail slips off his lap. He's been playing with my tail? What more has he done? Glancing down on her chest she is relieved to see that her shirt is still closed. Turning her attention to her surroundings she notices that the wagon has stopped and that it's almost dark outside. Are we at the waystation?

"Here, kid," the badger states, giving the young fox a sturdy lamp, "now get out and walk!"

"Why?" the fox asks. "why must I do it?"

"Because," the badger responds, ticking off on his fingers, "one, your skunky, fluff-toy will probably run off with the lamp, two, it was your lack of control of her which lost us so much time in the morning, three, the horses won't move unless I'm at the reins, and four, I'll break your neck, turn back and tell your family that you suffered a tragic accident."

Hearing the badger's words, the skunkette is struck by mirth for a brief moment, before realising that he's liable to take his anger out on her.

In the meantime, the fox has gotten down on the road, moved in front of the horses, and is now - holding the lamp high - leading the horses along the narrow road.

"Faster!" the badger shouts, "or do you want to walk all night?"


An hour later, it is long since fully dark, the wagon pulls to a stop in front of a large cabin on a plateau.

"That's it," the badger states, "we're here." Then he picks a lamp from underneath his seat and climbs down to light it with the one the fox is holding. "Get the skunk inside," he orders, "then get a fire started. I have to get the horses stabled, fed and brushed down."

"OK." With the lamp in one paw, the fox climbs back aboard the wagon and approaches the skunkette. "Well?" he asks, "are you going to be more co-operative?"

"Mhrrrh!" she growls, unable to speak with her muzzle still tied shut.

"I love you, too," the fox responds, patting her on the head. Then he grabs her under her arms and pulls her up. "Move to the front," he orders. As she complies he quickly gathers the blankets and his pack, then follows her. When she hesitates at the step, he drops his stuff down to the ground amd jumps down, then holds out his paws towards her. "Put your feet on the step and ease yourself forward. I'll catch you if you fall."

Catch me? Hah! Grope me, you mean! Determined not to give him an excuse to feel her up, she slowly puts her left foot on the step, then, leaning against the side of the wagon, slowly sit down on it while extending her right foot until it nearly reaches the ground. Then it's a small task to twist around and slip the left foot off the step and drop the final few inches to the ground.

"Or you could do it the difficult way," the fox admits, then grabs her tail and fluffs it. "There was some dirt on your tail," he explains when she looks menacingly at him. Then he drapes the blankets over her shoulders, hefts his pack on his left shoulder and retrieves the lamp with his right paw. "Come on, lets get inside. Or maybe you want to sleep outside tonight?"

Knowing that it wasn't an suggestion but an order, and that with her arms tied on her back she's unable to escape, she has no choice but to follow as he enters the long, low building.

As the skunkette watches, the fox hangs the lamp on a peg, then piles a heap of kindling in the fireplace and stacks a couple of logs haphazardly on top. Then he takes a piece of dry bark, lights it with the lamp and sticks it in the bottom of the pile. "That's better!" he exclaims, then turns his back to the fire to let the warmth soak into his back.

"Snort!" Shelana doesn't even try to hold back her mirth as the fire flickers and dies only seconds later.

"Don't laugh" he shouts angrily, slapping her in the face to stop her muffled laughter, but only succeeding in dislodging her muffle.

"The clever, little fox can't even start a fire!" she howls with laughter.

"Shut up!" he screams, slapping her again and again until she falls down.


When Shelana comes to, her muzzle has been tied shut again and her paws are still bound together, but this time tied to the headboard of a narrow bed. The poorly lit room must be a small two-bunk bedroom at the back of the waystation. At first she tries to yank her paws free, then to see if she can reach the ropes with her muzzle, but all the attempts to free herself only results in making her aware of all the bruises on her body. Ouch! He's crazier than a tree-rat with his tail caught in a trap! Noticing the smell of cooked food seeping into the room, she turns her head towards the door. He must have managed to get the fire going. Then her sight falls on a bundle on a low chair. That's my clothes! Only then does she realise that she's naked under the blanket covering her body. Please let it have been the badger who undressed me! Just the thought of that mange-infested little brat groping me all over!

Sighing, she tries to make herself comfortable, and soon she falls asleep again.



The sund of the door opening and closing jolts the skunkette awake.

"Feeling hungry?"

When she opens her eyes she stares directly into the fox's face. Does he want me to beg? Knowing that there's nothing she can do, she just closes her eyes and turns her head away from him.

"Look at me when I speak to you!" the fox yells, grabbing her head and twisting it to face him. When she refuses to open her eyes to actually look at him, he yells some more and slaps her a few times, then lets go of her head.

Soon she can hear him walk over to the other bed and begin undressing. Then, to her horror, he walks back to her bed and yanks the blanket off her. There's a creak in the bedframe as he climbs on top of her, then his breath washes over her right breast. No! Desperate to avoid what she knows is about to happen, she begins to twist and squirm to try and get him off her.

"Ooh! Bouncy!" he exclaims. Then his paws grabs her shoulders, pinning her down. A hot breath caresses her nipple for a moment, then his lips captures it and he sucks on it. "Tasty!"

Screaming into her gag, Shelana makes a final attempt to dislodge him by kicking frantically, but having no result other than exciting him further.

Unwilling to wait any longer, the fox drops down on her, rubbing his muzzle anong her neck and pressing his crotch against hers. He licks her a few times, then reaches down and grabs his already bone-hard member in his right paw and points it at her cunt. "Ohhh! You're tight!" he exclaims as he slowly pushes inside.

"Of course I am! she screams inside of her.

Ignoring her apparent discomfort he pushes on till he reaches the bottom, then just as slowly pulls out until only the head is left inside. Panting and moaning with excitement he pushes inside her again. Driven by urges he wasn't aware he had he continues to push, slowly forcing his knot in until, with a wet plop, it slips past her inner lips and is held by the muscles in her vagina. Trembling and panting he only manages to move a fraction of an inch before the hot, tightness becomes too much and he shoots his load in her and collapses.

A quarter of an hour later, when his knot has softened enough, he pulls out and rolls off her, then throws the blanket back over her and moves to lie down in the other bed, never noticing the tears running down the skunk's face.