(c)2003 Anthony Lion. All rights to this story reserved. All characters are (c) Anthony Lion. All characters and places in this story are fictional, and any resemblance with other people, real or fictional is entirely coincidental, not to mention totally weird.
Do not try to repost this story or part of it without the author's express permission, pass it for your own, try to earn money of it or anything else I wouldn't like for I am quick to anger and known to play dirty...

Chapter 3: Going downhill.

The third morning, Shelana is awakened by a tongue caressing her left nipple. "Mmmh!" she screams through her muzzle.

"Don't mind me," the fox whispers from his position beside her bed. Then he licks her nipple again, before adding, "It's time to get up." Standing up, he leans over and unties the rope tying her paws to the headboard, but not the one that ties her paws together.

Sitting up, she realises that her paws must have been retied sometime last night, because she can now move them in front of herself.

When she moves her paws towards her muzzle, the fox quickly grabs them. "Don't try to do that," he hisses. "Now get up, it's almost light outside and the badger claims that he can smell snow in the air." Then he pulls her blanket off her, folds it and places it on top of his own. "Pull on your pants if you want, then hurry outside. The outhouse is at the left and around to the back." As soon as she grabs her pants and begins to struggle with them, he picks up her shirt, folds it and adds it to the pile. Then he picks it all up and heads for the door, leaving her to struggle on her own.

A quick glance around shows that there's nothing that can be used to cut her bindings, and feeling around reveals that her gag has been reinforced with a cord around the back of her head, to stop her from rubbing it off, she assumes. Knowing that she has no alternative, she finishes pulling up her pants. The annoying little... So he wants to stare at my breasts all day since he took away my shirt. Grumbling, she pushes open the door and leaves the small room.

By the time she have finished in the outhouse and gotten back to the front of the building, the badger have readied the wagon and hitched up the horses.

"Get up," he grumbles, "we need to get moving now!"

Seeing the fox already seated in the wagon she considers for a moment whether or not to try running, but knows that even if she could avoid being captured, it's too cold for her to survive for long up here without a shirt or boots. Glaring at the grinning fox she climbs aboard, then makes her way aft, where she finds the blankets laid out, and sinks down on them.

The badger snaps his whip and the wagon starts moving.

A few minutes later, the fox picks a succulent pear from the food-basket and moves to sit on a crate next to the skunkette. As she watches he bites into the fruit and starts chewing with obvious delight. After tossing the remains over the side he looks at her and asks, casually, "Good, eh? Want one?" When she doesn't make any sound, just looks longingly at the open basket, he adds, "just nod your head and I'll untie your muzzle."

Uncertain about his intentions, she slowly nods her head.

"Just one thing," he states as he reach for the cord in her neck. "Remember the night I bought you?" When she again nods, he adds, grinning, "Just lick me off, I don't trust you enough to let you suck, and I'll let you have all the food you want."

"Mhh!" she growls and blocks his paw with her own, tied-together paws. I'm NOT doing that! It was bad enough having to degrade myself that way once, to avoid ending up with those wolves.

"Not hungry, after all?" the fox asks, leering.

I'll NEVER be that hungry! Since she can't voice her opinion of the fox she just turns her head the other way, pulls her knees up and wraps her arms around them to try to keep warm.

"Here," the fox suddenly says, grabbing the blanket that lies to the side and drapes it over her, "while I enjoy the view, I like you better alive than as an icicle." Then he moves up front to sit next to the badger.

"Move up a bit!"

The fox' voice coming from right behind her ears and his paws pushing at her back, startles her awake. Confused as to what is happening, she does as his paws directs; slides forward a little bit so a gap can open between her back and the sideboard of the wagon.

"Good girl!" the fox exclaims, patting her on the head. Then he slips down behind her. Another push, this time to the side, a tug and suddenly her tail is resting against his chest.

She is about to protest when a thin drinking-straw is suddenly jammed against her muzzle.

"Pull it in," he orders, "or don't you want a hot cup of tea?" When she tries to twist her head away, a red-furred paw grabs her muzzle and holds it still. "Drink!" he hisses. "The temperature is dropping and you need the warmth."

Only then does she realise that she can see her own breath as two slim streams of white from her nostrils every time she exhales. Realising that she needs the hot drink she forces her jaws as far apart as possible and begins to probe with her tongue to catch the straw. If he is so concerned, why doesn't he remove the muffle? Then she catches the straw against the roof of her mouth and can finally suck on it. Soon, warm liquid -- a strong tea with lots of honey in it, she realises -- reaches her mouth. Moments after the first gulp of tea lands in her belly she can feel the warmth spread throughout her body and unconsciously she relaxes, leaning back against the fox' chest.

"You do like me after all!" the fox exclaims, then licks her left ear.

"Mhrr!" she growls and tries to get up and away from him, only to feel his paws grip her tightly around her waist.

"Sit still!" he orders.

She continues to struggle for a few moments, but must soon give in for his strength.

"Good girl," he whispers. Then he shifts his grip to hold around her with just his left arm, and pulls the blanket back up with his right. "Isn't this cozy?" he whispers in her right ear.

I'd rather be stuck in a cling-thorn bush! she thinks.

"I can be nice," he continues, "and if you're nice to me, I can be very nice." Then his right paw slips between their bodies and down to the base of her tail. "Like this..." Then he extends a single claw and begins to gently scritch the base of her tail.

"Grrrr." What was meant as a growl turns, against her will, into a murr of pleasure. To stop him before her body begins to react, she suddenly moves back hard, trapping his paw between them and making it impossible for him to continue.

He slowly pulls his paw out from between them, then slips it around to rub her belly slowly. When she tries to stop him with her paws, he grabs them with his left before moving his right up to cup one of her breasts. As he continues to fondle and stroke her breast he can feel her shaking of barely contained anger. "You have so soft fur," he whispers. Then he lets go of her paws and moves both of his to her belly again. "Relax, I won't do anything."

They are still sitting in the same position when, in the afternoon, the wagon rolls up to and past a waystation similar to the one they left that morning.

"Aren't we stopping?" the fox asks, puzzled.

"No," the badger grumbles, "the horses are skittish; they smell the snow in the air. We begin on the downhill stretch soon, and will continue until the horses tires. By then we should be low enough not to be in immediate danger of snowing in."

"I'll have to lead the horses again?"

"Unless you have a set of boots for your fluff-toy and trust her not to run away, then yes," the badger replies.

"Any other bad news?"

"Not at the moment," the badger responds.

"Then we can relax a little longer, my darling and I," he whispers, patting the skunkette on the top of her head. Then he wraps his arms tighter around her and pulls her closer. "Isn't this nice?" Then he begins to slowly lick her ears, the back of her head and her neck.

Growling, the skunkette tries to fight him off, and even to smash his muzzle in by suddenly ramming her head back, only to miss as he moves his head to the side and runs his tongue along the side of her muzzle.

"Naughty, naughty," he whispers. Then he moves his paws to her breasts and begins to squeeze rhytmically. "Want me to continue?" he asks. When she growls at him, he adds, "Then sit still and let me continue licking." When she finally calms down, he moves his paws down to her belly again, gives her a few more licks, then rests his muzzle on her shoulder. "You smell nice," he sighs.

I'd give you smell! she growls to herself, if I could only spray you!

By the time darkness descends and the fox reluctantly climbs down to lead the horses, the wagon have already been heading downhill for more than an hour. At first Shelana is glad not to have his arms aound her, but as the night deepens and the temperature drops even more, she begins to miss them. Damn that sex-crazed little vermin! I'm freezing and my nipples are stiffening. I just KNOW that he'll come with another inane comment about them! Then, a few minutes later, At least he kept my back warm.

An hour or so later, the badger announces that they're low enough and turns onto a flat area beside the road. The skunkette expects the fox to climb back aboard and continue to grope her, but instead he helps the badger unhitch the horses and set up the lean-to beside the wagon.

When he does climb aboard, he clambers back to where she's sitting, yanks down the blanket and grabs her paws. "Time for you to be useful," he announces. Then he removes the cord tying her paws together and pushes her towards the front of the wagon. "Go and help brush down the horses," he orders, "but don't try to run away or remove the gag."

Run? she growls to herself, where? Without boots, clothes or any idea of where I can find safe shelter? She struggles to suppress the urge to scratch his eyes out, but finally her desire to survive wins out and she makes her way to the front and down to the lean-to where the badger is busy feeding the horses.

He takes a quick look at her, then tosses her the brush. "You know what to do," he states. Then, as she just holds the brush before her, he adds, "I won't peek at your breasts; Not only do I prefer more robust females, but my mate would kill me if she ever learned that I looked at anyone else."

More to keep herself warm than to obey she finally begins brushing down the horses, all the while grumbling to herself.

By the time she has finished brushing the horses the badger have long since climbed back inside the wagon. She is just wondering where to put the brush when the fox climbs down to join her.

"You do good work with a brush," he states, grinning widely. "Maybe I'll let you brush my tail some day."

Only if you want me to pull out every hair of it, one by one!

"You've done such a good job, in fact, that I have decided to reward you!" Then he paws over a bundle of fabrics. "Put the brush in the box and get back on the wagon. You can leave the lamp for now." Then he climbs back inside.

She unrolls the fabrics and finds to her surprise that it's her shirt which she hurries to put on. Spying a box hanging from the side of the wagon, she lifts the lid and peeks inside. Finding other tools that smells strongly of horses she guesses that the brush belongs there, drops it in and closes the lid. Then she pats the horses a last time and slowly climbs up into the wagon again.

"Here!" the fox announces, holding out a cup to her, "hot tea with two lumps of sweetener. Just as you like it!"

Hot tea? How? There's no bonfire.

Misinterpreting her confusion, the fox adds, "Don't try to remove the muffle. The straw is somewhere by the blankets." Then he jumps down to the ground and quickly disassembles a metal contraption, storing the parts in a sturdy box which he paws to the badger who stores it somewhere under the seat.

"Gotta love that stove," the badger states. "Only wish it was safe to use it in the wagon."

When the fox climbs back up, she's still staring at the cup in her paws. "Hurry and drink it up before it gets cold," he orders, "then we can cuddle afterwards."

For a moment she considers throwing the tea in his face, then reconsiders and retreats to the rear of the wagon to search for the straw as it's quite likely that she won't get more to drink that night, and the previous cup was just sooo good!

Grinning to himself, the fox watch as she drinks her tea, then sit down and wraps a blanket tightly around herself. Deciding that it's about time to continue training her again, he picks a couple of sausages from the basket, sit down beside her and eat one of them as she watches. "These are good!" he exclaims. Then the takes the other sausage and holds it close enough for her to smell, and asks, "want one?"

Never! she growls to herself and turns her head away.

"I wasn't even going to ask for a favor in return," the fox states, "but if you don't want it, I'll just eat it myself." Then, before she can do anything, he quickly gulps it down.

The rotten, little... she growls.

"Hold out your paws," the fox orders, digging through his pockets to retrieve a thin rope.

He must be joking! There's no way I'm letting him tie my paws again!

"Hurry up!" the male exclaims when she doesn't move. "I asked nicely; the least you could do is co-operate!" Then he yanks the blanket off her, grabs her shoulder, forcing her down on the floor, then and sit down on her chest and traps her arms under himself. He quickly ties her paws together, then runs the end of the rope around her neck and ties it off. Satisfied that she can't get loose, he rolls her over on her side, lies down behind her and pulls the blanket over them. "Cozy, isn't it?" he whispers into her ear.

I'd rather sleep with pigs!"

"Don't be so tense," the fox admonishes. Then he grabs her tail and begins to slowly scritch along the underside. "Like it?"

"Mhh!" she growls and tries to kick him.

"That much?" he asks, teasingly. Letting go of her tail, he then slips his arms around her, placing one paw on her belly and cups a breast with the other. "It's too cold to get undressed," he whispers, "othervise we could have had some fun." Then he moves his paw off her breast and instead begins to slowly rub her belly.

"You two comfortable back there?"

"We're OK," the fox replies, "right skunky?"

"Mhhrr!" she growls.

Pulling her closer, he gives her ears a lick, then whispers, "Good night."