The woman walked out into the chill of the dusky night air. The full moon’s light glinting off her glasses and shining off her skin giving her an eerie glow. The wind whips her hair and clothing, but she doesn’t feel the cold. She looks into the clear night sky and sees the stars and Luna’s bright glory. She quickly lowers her eyes to the ground and puts on her headphones. The moon seems to shine brighter somehow…almost as if calling her. She turns up her MP3 player to try to ignore it, but the next song that comes on is Metallica’s Of Wolf and Man…she tries to ignore it, but it rips at her. Trying to get out. She cannot ignore her nature. Luna pulls at her skin, commanding her to shed it. She hers the call and tries to ignore, but Luna wins. With a joyus howl/scream rising in her throat she fights her way out of her frail human frame to join the creatures of the night. Standing naked in the moonlight is a beast where the girl once stood. Fur shining brightly and fangs glistening in the moonlight a werewolf…she looses a howl from deep within. Wings sprout from her shoulders ripping the flesh with a sickening sound. The spikes tear through her thick fur glistening red with blood in the moonlight… there stands the beast. The beast known as Bakari. Her red eyes glowing in the moonlight she hunts for her dinner as the last of the light fades from the sky. A man screams in the night and snarls are heard. I am that girl.