At the moment, I have two different "series" going at VCL.

The first one is Llyrrr and Reinha, a set of stories focusing around several characters from my online-role-playing experience. The actual characters of Llyrrr and Reinha were created jointly by myself and my friend Sapphire, bless her heart. :)

Part 1

The second series is currently entitled "Deep Down" at least in my head. It's a world, basically in the modern age, where furries are a result of a bioengineering experiment gone wrong. The world has been borrowed from with permission.

Slightly Furry -- The main characters, Albert and Ralph, meet at Ralph's first day at a new school
A Music Lesson -- Albert and Ralph go through a week at school and become friends.
Taking Charge -- The first day of senior year, Albert and Ralph break up a protest in front of their school.
Monologues -- During senior year, Michelle confesses a secret. Slightly different format. Subject is definately not for the kiddies.
The Date -- Senior Prom Night. Most definately not for the kiddies. *wink wink nudge nudge* If only my prom night had been as good as this one!