(c) 2001 Acheron. Do not distribute. If you think someone would like to see it, send them here.

Lee woke, and found himself in a new situation.

He, who had never lain in bed more than a few seconds of a morning, didn't want to move.

He was still full from yesterday's meal, and he was clean; he didn't have a reason to get up. As for reasons not to do so, he was totally relaxed and enjoying it, the pitter-patter on the roof and windows told him it was sleeting outside, and there was a warm body nestled beside his own.

Thinking of that warm body, Lee smiled. With his eyes closed he could picture the canine beside him, the glistening black fur, gleaming white around the hands, feet, and ears, and the long, long tail, with alternating bands of lustrous black and white like he'd never seen. Two weeks ago, Lee had never heard of a Moon Wolf. Twelve days ago one had shown up on his doorstep, bleeding and semiconscious. Smitten by the wolf's marred beauty and the gravity of his plight, Lee had nursed him back to health. In the past ten days, since the wolf had first come to, he and Lee had become good friends. Though they often had slightly different views on something, which made for interesting arguments, they also had so much in common that in the past three days if one of them faltered, the other would sometimes finish his sentence.

And last night... thinking of it, Lee felt a stirring down below... last night, they'd explored each other in ways that Lee had never explored a man's body, not even his own. Each of them had felt every contour, every fur on the other's body. At first that had been limited to the limbs and back, but gradually Lee had given in to his curiosity and his desire, and had moved ever closer to that formerly-hidden place, until he had felt the velvet of his patient's sheath, coaxed into the open the member that it concealed. He had felt Sasha's manhood, brushed the silky-smooth hot skin over the hard flesh, felt it pulse in his grasp and wet the fur of his hand with spicy-smelling semen. He'd felt Sasha's white-furred hand on his own shaft, sending waves through his body of a pleasure he'd never felt before. He had given in to the surge that Sasha had triggered, experienced a pulse of ecstasy so intense that it had dimmed all other senses, felt a pressure that had been building all his life finally be released, his hot mustelid cum pouring onto his belly.

It could be nothing other than love that had put a haze over his vision then, that had made him see a halo of light around the wolf's gleaming form. And as they drifted off to sleep curled against each other, they had said, in perfect unison as though they had done so a thousand times, three words.

A new sensation snapped him out of his reverie, a sexual wave of such power that every muscle in him surged, his claws driving into the mattress. The brush of a furred hand on his body had been incredible, but this – the wet warmth on his rapidly-filling sheath – was beyond anything he had dreamed of.

As his body adjusted to the amazing stimulation, Lee relaxed once more, opening his eyes to see Sasha sitting across his legs, licking Lee's swollen package with total bliss in his eyes. He looked up to Lee's face, and between licks, smiled. A few more licks and he brought his hand into play, fondling Lee's sack as he raised his head. "Good morning," the wolf purred, smiling down at him. "Sleep well?"

"Umm." Lee smiled back, feeling his sheath pulled back, feeling the brush of fur on his exposed cock head. Sasha's other hand continued to rub Lee's sack, his oh-so-long tail resting against Lee's body, the tip brushing under his jaw.

"I guess you were thinking of the same thing I was," Sasha observed. "For a moment I thought you'd cum all over again. But when this started to hide away again, I decided to do something about it. I didn't think you'd mind."

"Not at all," Lee breathed.

Smiling once again, Sasha bent down and laid his long tongue on Lee's emerging shaft. The wolverine shuddered for a moment, then relaxed, delighting in the feel of warm, wet flesh around his member. Wetness aside, it was almost like another sheath, safe, soothing, comforting.

Very slowly, patiently, Sasha dragged his tongue across Lee's rod. It was a good feeling, a very good feeling. The sensation made him not tense this time, but completely and utterly relaxed. He felt like a cloud of pleasure, drifting in an ocean of feeling.

Sasha rubbed the sensitive base of his tail and shifted, taking Lee's cock in his mouth. It wasn't hard; Lee wasn't that long, and the wolf's pointed snout was more than adequate. Not once did the wolf's teeth prick his skin as he slid up and down, his tongue wrapping around Lee's cock and dragging off each time, pressing the hard flesh against the roof of his long canine mouth.

A gentle wave of pleasure swept across Lee's body and he let his breath out in a sigh. The wolf was so good at this... Every time his body asked for more, Sasha granted it instantly. He never stopped. Now the hand that had been stroking his sheath shifted his balls around, squeezing them together; the hand that had been stroking his tail slid underneath it, one finger pressing against his hole. As Sasha brought his head down Lee's cock another time, that finger slid into him, the claw pricking his flesh for the briefest of moments, the flash of pain somehow adding to the joy he felt. A second finger joined the first, and then a third, moving in time to the wolf's mouth.

Sasha sealed his lips around Lee's shaft and sucked, the feeling making the mustelid groan in delight. Sasha kept it up as he pulled his head up, stopping when only the swollen tip was still in his mouth, running his tongue across the opening.

Lee sighed, feeling his whole body melt from the ecstasy as his cock jerked and spurted a fresh load of cum. Sasha took him in all the way and swallowed again and again. A trickle of cum escaped from his mouth, sliding down across Lee's sack.

As the flow from his cock came to a halt, Lee sighed again and ran a hand along Lee's long tail. "I love you, Sasha," he whispered.

The wolf licked a trace of white off his lips. "I was hoping I heard you right last night," he said, and licked cum off of Lee's sack and sheath. As he lay down beside Lee again, he nibbled the wolverine's ear, kissed it, and whispered: "I love you, Lee."

As he fell asleep once again, his lover stroking him and combing out his fur, the sun shone through the window and illuminated them both. The last thing he saw was the gleam in Sasha's golden, caring eyes.

He didn't sleep long, this time. Sasha's movement woke him in time to see the wolf glide into the kitchen, his tail undulating in the air behind him. Still not hungry, Lee nevertheless rolled out of bed and followed. Water would be nice, but more than that, so would Sasha's company.

As he passed the dresser, he snagged a towel and wrapped it around himself out of pure habit.

Sasha was peering into the cupboards, his striped tail curled loose about his midsection. One of his white ears twitched as Lee entered. "I didn't mean to wake you up, love," he said without turning.

Oh, the warmth those simple words kindled within him... "It's all right," said Lee, coming up to his left side. "I've had plenty of sleep – and it was the best sleep I've had in a long time." Giving the wolf's cheek a lick, he asked what he was looking for.

"Something high in energy," Sasha replied. "My convalescence aside... I think I'll need plenty to repay you for taking care of me. He turned his head, a grin flashing, and gave Lee's nose a lick.

The wolverine's sigh had nothing to do with sadness as he draped an arm around the taller wolf's neck. "You're so sweet."

"So are you, love, but as much as you gave me this morning, I need food to get all the way better." Leaning into the blushing wolverine, Sasha pulled down some raspberry jam. "Got peanut butter?"

"The old classic," Lee chuckled, reaching up. "Hope you don't mind crunchy."

Sasha shook his head. "I can get enough creamy stuff from you."

Lee felt his ears heat and his whiskers flatten. "Man, I can't believe I heard that. You're something else!"

"I try," said the wolf, reaching for the bread.

Lee stared as he set out slice after slice. Hungry indeed... "You're going to eat all that? I'm still full from last night!"

"Healing takes a lot of energy," replied Sasha, liberally spreading peanut butter. "We moon wolves can heal fast if we can eat to feed it. You didn't have to stuff me up quite so much as you did, but it sure sped things up."

Considering how badly he'd been cut up when he arrived, Lee could believe that. As he ran his right hand along Sasha's right side and his left hand stroked the wolf's breast, he couldn't find a trace of blood or scarring, and judging by the contented sigh that came out of the long black muzzle, there wasn't any pain involved. "Why are you called moon wolves, love?"

"Because something about each one of us varies with the strength of the tides. It doesn't matter if there aren't tides where we are – the shifting gravity from the moon changes us." Sasha tossed his knife in the sink, loaded the sandwiches onto a plate, and walked with Lee over to the kitchen table. His tail unwound, never quite revealing his groin, and he sat. Holding his arms out, he said, "Have a seat, love."

Now his tail did move out of the way, but as fascinating as it was to see the wolf's fuzzy sheath and sack, as good as it made him feel, Lee found that he didn't want to do any more than his lover had suggested. Letting the towel fall to the floor, he arranged himself across Sasha's lap, reaching around his neck for balance and taking advantage of that grip to kiss the wolf's ear.

"So what changes?" he inquired.

"It varies." Sasha took a bite of his sandwich, framing his thoughts. "Sometimes it's a physical thing – a cycle between strength and dexterity, say, or a shifting in the priority of the senses. Sometimes it's in our aptitudes; my cousin Gregory is more scientific during one part of the month, artistic at another. My own is more mental." Bite, chew, chew, swallow.

"So tell me."

Sasha cradled the back of Lee's head and smiled into his eyes. "When the tide is strong – new moon or full, when Earth, moon, and sun all form a line – I'm very dominant. I lead people, and they follow. I make all the decisions myself, and I make them fast. When the moon is at half and the tide is weakest, I'm more submissive, following others and listening to them." He stroked his lover's cheek. "You're lucky I arrived at the waxing crescent. I'm not a very good patient when I'm in my dominant phase."

"I'm sure I'd have made do," Lee replied. "So it wasn't just your getting stronger that made you more active?" The first week, Sasha had barely been able to talk, so there was no way Lee could have gauged his personality then.

Sasha finished his first sandwich. "No, it wasn't just that. For one thing, I'm heading for my dominant phase. For another, I was getting to know you." A kiss. "Starting to love you."

Lee sighed and pillowed his head on the wolf's shoulder.

For a while, why Sasha continued to eat, there was silence. Their contact was all the communication they needed. Eventually, though, Lee sighed and stirred. "You finish eating, love. I'm due for a wash."

Sasha sniffed. "You smell fine to me, but then, I like sweat. So that's your choice." Smiling, he gave Lee's butt a squeeze, then shifted so he could get free. "I'll follow your lead when I'm done here," he called after the wolverine's retreating form.

The warm water sluicing down his body brought with it a pleasant warmth. As it wet his fur and slicked it down, Lee closed his eyes, remembering how Sasha had touched him the night before, smoothing his fur out, then burrowing his hand under to touch the skin.

Leaning against the wall with the spray landing on his belly, Lee laid his fingers on his sheath, wondering why he'd never done so before. It wasn't like he hadn't known what sex involved – though he'd never thought of it with another man. He knew what all of that was and what it did. He'd even known that anal intercourse could be done and was enjoyable, so it wasn't really a surprise that Sasha touching him there this morning had been pleasant.

And yet now, as he touched himself here and there, it felt good, but nothing like it did when Sasha did it. Even though he mimicked the touch exactly, something just wasn't there. The only way he got even close was by closing his eyes and imagining that it was Sasha doing the touching, gazing at him with those golden eyes.

I guess that's part of love, he thought as he lathered up his fur. Sex... sex is good, but there's so much more to it than just the physical side.

Quickly rinsing off, he turned off the taps and grabbed a towel, getting some of the water out of his fur as he walked out of the bathroom and almost collided with Sasha.

"You smell nice," the wolf murmured, his tail brushing along Lee's thigh.

Hmmm... speaking of smell... he didn't have any direct experience, but he'd heard that wet canines smelled quite nice.

It wasn't long before he found out that, yes, this was the case. Not just nice, but absolutely lovely. Strong, slightly pungent, but very, very good. He could hardly wait to smell it up close.

After a few moments pacing in the hall, Lee gave up. He wanted to be close to Sasha, not sitting out here and moping. He wanted to smell the wolf, see him with his fur slicked down, clean every part of him. Touch him, taste him. He pushed the bathroom door open and hung the towel on the knob as he shut it.

Sasha whirled as Lee pulled the curtain aside, grabbing at the shelves for support; then he smiled. "Swell timing, love. I was just thinking of you. Of course, I have been since I woke up... but I was just wondering what it would be like to have someone else help me clean up."

Well, that was a fine invitation! Lee climbed in with him and pulled the curtain back in place. "That's what I came here to do. Eat well?"

"Yeah, thanks. Now where... mm..." His voice trailed off into silence as Lee squirted some bodyfur shampoo on his hands and started rubbing it into the wolf's shoulders. He worked his way down, feeling every inch of the hard muscle under the long, water-heavy fur. Sasha reached up and took hold of a smooth rod meant to hold a washcloth, locking his fingers around it and going limp as Lee worked the shampoo into him.

Lee was as thorough as could be, working the stuff deep down, then rinsing it out again, sniffing at the freshly-cleaned fur, smelling the mixture of Sasha's own wet-dog scent and the sharp aroma of the shampoo. The combination set his heart pounding, but still he kept going, working up the wolf's arms, then his head, then his legs, and finally coming back up to his shoulders. He worked his way down Sasha's back, feeling the shoulders flex as Sasha leaned up into the touch. He scratched a line down Sasha's spine, then started on the shaggy length of his tail. Once that was done, he took a breath and worked on Sasha's buttocks, feeling the muscle tense from his touch, hearing the wolf's long moan.

Then, gently, he turned Sasha around and started up at his collarbone. Something within him was getting more urgent. His lungs heaved as he lathered Sasha's chest, rinsed it clean, and smelled at the breast. Sasha gasped as Lee's tongue flicked across his nipple, moaned as the wolverine sucked on it and his hands worked on his belly, whimpered at the nibble of small, sharp teeth.

Lee gave his belly special attention, his hands roaming over the hard abdominal muscle, lingering in the belly button, pushing his snout in there and sticking out his tongue. The wolf shuddered, and sighed when Lee pulled back.

Then, very gently, Lee started rubbing at his sack.

"God, Lee," the wolf moaned, eyes closed and head lolling back. "You're... you're amazing."

Lee smiled to himself and moved his soapy hand up a little, squeezing at Sasha's sheath, feeling the flesh underneath pulse and start to harden. He rubbed his hands under the stream of water, then touched Sasha again, getting all the soap out of the fur. Sasha moaned again, his hands finding the wolverine's skull and clutching hard as Lee ran his tongue up in a straight line, pressing his sack up and sliding off to let it swing free, pushing on his sheath, flicking across the black flesh that started to poke out of its concealment.

"I think you're clean," Lee said into the velvety fur of Sasha's sheath. "How about trying something different? Something we haven't done yet?"

"Oh... that sounds so good, Lee..."

"First, though..." Lee grinned and pushed his hand against the wolf's package, rubbing up and down, coaxing the flesh out of its hiding-place. He touched his nose to the dark wet skin, a thrill running through his body when Sasha flinched up against him.

Again he licked, his one hand busy a little lower, the other reaching around to stroke the very base of Sasha's long tail, which twitched in response and wrapped around Lee's torso. The feel of that strong, lithe flesh around him drove him on, lapping repeatedly at Sasha's hot meat.

He shifted his pattern, running his tongue all the way from Sasha's balls up to the base of his cock, over the swollen knot and up to the very tip, flicking across the opening. After only a few of those, a strangled moan emerged from Sasha's throat. He surged up against Lee, his eyes screwed shut and his sharp teeth bared in a rictus of tense ecstasy. His tail squeezed tight around his lover as his cock jerked and spurted a jet of cum all over his belly and Lee's face.

Lee kept licking the tip, his hand pumping up and down the shaft, bringing out as much of the hot lupine cum as he could. Sasha moaned and went limp as his flow trickled to a halt.

The wolverine had a raging hard-on and he was shaking with desire, but he forced it back, lapping at Sasha's belly, cleaning it up the old-fashioned way. When he'd worked his way up to the wolf's chest, Sasha bent his neck and started cleaning up Lee's face the same way.

They ended mouth-to-mouth, their tongues wrapped around each other, wrestling in both their mouths. One last tug and they separated.

"I don't know what's more unbelievable," Sasha said into his ear. "The feeling you just gave me..." He moaned as Lee's tail brushed at his softening rod, which jerked in reply. "Or that I think you'll be able to get another out of me real soon. What was that something different you had in mind, love?"

Lee said, "Guess," reaching for the bar of soap. "If you're willing, turn around."

Sasha blinked, his tail unwinding from Lee's body, worry suddenly on his face. "Go easy on me, Lee," said he, turning around and grabbing at the few handholds he could find.

"I'll be careful," Lee promised, rubbing soap onto his hands and then rubbing his hands along his very ready manhood. When the whole thing was covered, he reached up to his lover's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Very careful," he added, setting his slick tip against Sasha's anus.

It was too tight to allow him passage, and he knew better than to force. But even as he stood there, hot water pelting against his back, it loosened up, along with the rest of Sasha's body. "All right," the wolf said, his tail running up Lee's back, draping itself over his shoulder, and running down between them. "I trust you, Lee. I love you. Take me and make me yours."

Lee stretched his neck to kiss the base of Sasha's neck, and leaned forward.

It took every inch of his self-control not to drive all the way in at the sudden rush of sensation. It was incredible, on a different level and yet stronger than anything Sasha had yet done for him. His searching hand found Sasha's bare manhood and latched on it, squeezing, making the wolf buck against him and drive them an inch closer together.

Lee's shaking was totally uncontrollable. He was already riding higher than Sasha had sent him before, and somehow he knew this was just the beginning. He pulled on Sasha's shoulder and eased himself into the tight warmth of Sasha's body.

Never had he felt so totally enclosed. It was incredible. Moaning and pumping with his right hand, squeezing Sasha's shoulder with the left, he started to ease himself out again until he was just barely inside.

Sasha didn't wait. He shoved himself back, spiking himself on Lee's manhood. Losing control, Lee screamed in ecstasy and started shoving his hand up and down at full speed, pulling his hips back and driving them forward again, starting a rhythm, drawing on a primal energy he had never known before. Sasha's tail tickled his breast, and his knot was once again fully hard under Lee's hand.

Suddenly the wolf arched his back and stretched out his neck, a long, bell-toned howl starting to emerge. His rod jerked in Lee's hand and sprayed a fresh load of his seed. The muscles of his anus tensed around Lee's manhood and let it go, again and again. The electric thrill of Lee's orgasm swept across him and he screamed again, harmonising to Sasha's howling descant, as he pumped jet after jet of semen into his lover's rectum.

Whimpering as he came down from his high, he kissed Sasha's shoulder and turned around. Still linked, they sank to the floor of the tub. "You did good," Sasha panted. "Definitely a good idea, yours. Man, I don't think I've ever had a climax so hard as either of those, and to have two in a row... wow. I guess this is proof," and lifting off of Lee's softening rod, he sat down beside him and went on, "proof that there's a lot more to sex than just the way you're touched.

"So... I wasn't your first?" Lee wasn't at all dismayed, and he stroked Sasha's cheek to assure him of that. He was just curious.

"No, but you are my best." The wolf sighed. "And you? How do you feel?"

"I think you're a great man to start with," Lee replied, reaching out with his foot to knock the plug into place, and tamping it down. "How about sitting here for a nice long soak, love?"

"Sounds good, love." Sasha licked his cheek. "That's the best idea I've heard in a while. Right up there with your previous idea."

Half-whimpering with delight and wonder, Lee pillowed his head on Sasha's shoulder.

As the water slid down their bodies and slowly rose around them they put their arms around each other. This was the best morning either of them had ever had, and they were determined to make it last, and to share as much of it as they possibly could. Each of them knew there were more to come, but this one would always be special.