(c) 2001 Acheron. Do not distribute. If you think someone would like to see it, send them here.

This story begins here, which you should read first if you haven't already.

Saturday, 9:00 AM.

Louis woke and, as was his wont, stretched out.

That would almost have worked, were it not for the big warm lupine body enfolding his own.

Remembering in the nick of time, the mouse managed not to start. He turned his head and looked up at the wolf's sleeping, smiling face. In his most daring, most hopeful dreams he had imagined this sight, never really believing it would come to pass. And yet now the handsome, gentle, kind wolf was here with him, dozing against him. He still dozed as Louis turned in his arms, watching the slow, steady rise and fall of his massive chest.

Eric had always been very aware of him. Even when the wolf had a late-starting day and was sleeping in, he would always open his eyes at least once while Louis moved around, no matter how quiet the mouse tried to be. Only now, when he was in Eric's arms, did Eric remain asleep.

The revelation was astounding. It wasn't mistrust of him that had woken the wolf in the past, nor was it a general keyed-up awareness. It was Louis, Louis all the time. He loves me, Louis thought, recalling the events and words of the previous night. He really loves me!

All the things he'd never let himself feel – desire, lust, affection, love – came crashing to the fore, shattering through the last repressive barrier of his mind and sweeping through him. He was rested, happy, and horny. He wanted this wolf, wanted him bad.

Bending over to plant a kiss over Eric's heart, Louis paused.

His eyes slowly strayed downward… along the wolf's well-muscled chest… across his hard abdominal muscles… to the very obvious tent in his red boxers.

Why not? It's about the time we normally wake up anyway… and this time, we don't need to think of reasons to hide from each other, so we've got lots of time.

He bent down, mouth parting eagerly, reaching for Eric's waistband.

…and paused again.

I don't know about this… it's just so sudden… I mean, I never really, truly told him I loved him…

Sighing, he went back to his old plan, touching his nose to the wolf's breast.

A hum rose in the wolf's throat, and his arms tightened around Louis, hugging him close. "Sleep well?" he rumbled drowsily.

Louis gently broke off from his kiss. "Better than ever." He pulled back and stared into the wolf's great amber eyes. "Eric... I wasn't really clear on this last night..."

"Go on."

"I love you, Eric." The wolf grinned, but Louis wasn't finished. "And I want you. No more of this running off to find something to do... we've got plenty to do right here."

Eric licked his nose, sending a shiver through his whole body. "I was just thinking of that, Louis. Then you woke me up with that nice kiss of yours..."

"I saw what you were thinking," Louis grinned. "Just didn't want to act on it without telling you first."

"Well, you've told me..."

I sure have, Eric. He gave the wolf a kiss on the lips... then under his jaw... along his neck and collarbone, under the covers... Eric stretched his head out and moaned, holding Louis close without restraining him, as the kissing went on, lingering for a moment at his nipple, then proceeding downward along his belly. A delightful warmth spread from the wolf's touch as his hands slid up Louis's body.

Louis curled his fingers around the waistband of Eric's boxers, hungrily eyeing the huge tent in the fabric. The wolf tensed slightly against him, anxious.

In one smooth motion, Louis tugged the boxers out of the way and took the end of Eric's swollen member into his mouth.

It was a good thing he'd only taken the very tip... he abruptly found his mouth very full indeed as Eric gasped and bucked forward. "Ohhhhh God..." the wolf moaned.

Louis sucked on the hard, thick flesh in his mouth, savouring its unfamiliar, almost spicy musk. Powerful shudders ran in waves along Eric's massive body. Moaning, he cupped one of his big hands around the back of his small lover's head. Panting around Eric's manhood, Louis reached around to stroke the wolf's bushy tail and pull him a bit farther into his mouth.

The feeling he had now – it was amazing. Not the immediate, physical sensation, but the realisation that he was soon to become a non-virgin. And he was doing it with the most wonderful man he had ever met – one whom he loved, and one who loved him.

"Oh, Louis," Eric panted, stroking the mouse's ear. "I never thought I'd have this happening to me... but with you, oh, it feels not just so good, but so right..." He cut off with a gasp as Louis's tongue wrapped around his shaft.

Knowing Eric felt as he did, the warmth that had been spreading through Louis's body suffused his whole being. There could be nothing wrong with this, when it felt so good and so right for both of them... Humming deep in his throat, he ran a hand across the hard muscle of Eric's belly. His other hand cupped around the wolf's fuzzy sack, sensing the round organs underneath.

Eric's shaking gradually stilled, and the tension eased out of his body. His excitement was only getting stronger – this close, with his ears, Louis really could hear the rapid pounding of his mighty heart – but he was relaxing now more totally, Louis felt, than ever he had before.

A long sigh fluttered from Eric's lungs. "Almost there, Louis," he warned.

So that was the cause of the saltiness he was suddenly tasting... Louis sealed his mouth to Eric's skin, drawing back until only the very end was still in his mouth, leaving that much more room. His hand closed lightly around the wolf's exposed girth, gliding up and down the hot flesh.

There was a heavy, gratified sigh from above. Eric's hands curled lovingly around Louis's ears; his wolfhood twitched and jumped. A jet of fluid slammed into the roof of Louis's mouth, the force catching him by surprise, but he kept his mouth where it was, milking his lover's convulsing member with his hand. Swallowing as fast as he could, he almost managed to keep up with the spicy flow, and by the time it came close to filling his mouth it was slackening off.

Eric gave one last pulse and stilled. Louis squeezed the last drops out of him and licked them off, before sliding the wolf's boxers the rest of the way off, then burrowing back up out of the covers. Eric's eyes were rolled back somewhat, and he had the biggest ever dreamy smile on his face. When his eyes focused on his lover, his grin somehow broadened even more. "Thanks, Louis," said he, "that was incredible. You like it?"

"My new favourite pastime," Louis assured him.

Eric laughed and licked his nose. "Hard?"

A grin of his own. "Granite."

"Well, you stay right here, love. I'll be right back." He started to slide out of the bed. Louis couldn't hope to stop him, but he did take advantage of the opportunity to feel all over the wolf's front as it went past, and give a quick kiss to the softening maleness that was retreating into its furry sheath. Wrapping a towel round his waist, Eric bent down to his lover's ear. "Might as well get ready, Louis. And keep yourself that way, you know?" He licked Louis's ear. "I love you."

Louis sighed happily and sank back into their impromptu double bed. He didn't know what he'd done to deserve the wolf who was even now slipping into the hallway, but he'd do it ten times over to hear him say those three words again.

As Eric had suggested, Louis slid out of his boxers, pure white as his own fur, letting his aching erection free. Whatever the wolf had planned, he was quite confident that it would be good. He leaned back and closed his eyes. In his mind it was not his fingers but Eric's that ran so lightly along his length, scratching at the base where it emerged from his sheath, cupped his balls...

The door opened, shut, was bolted. Eric let the towel fall when he was half way across the room, and slid under the covers again without delay. "All set," he reported. "Now, Louis, would I be right in assuming you're as... clean, as I am?"

Clean as –? Oh. "I'd better be, you're my first," replied Louis.

"Mmm, that's what I thought... and it's such a good feeling. Same here, so that's your guarantee too." He reached over and rolled Louis onto his body. "Yeah, you're good and ready," he said with that wonderful grin of his, no doubt feeling Louis's hardness against his stomach. "Louis, I'm all ready for you. I want you to make love to me in whatever way you want. Or if you want me to take some action, name it. This is your time; with the treatment you gave me, I won't be ready again for quite a while. But I'll enjoy it, I promise you that."

Louis swallowed, nervous all over again. "Eric... this is all so unreal..."

"A dream come true," Eric agreed. "But please, Louis – make love to me, or tell me what I can do for you. This dream isn't going to end."

"Well." He swallowed again. "I guess we're kind of in a convenient place..."

Again his special grin. "That's kind of what I thought you'd think. Go on, Louis." His powerful hands rubbed at Louis's back. "I know you wouldn't hurt me, and I know you won't, either.

In the pitched battle between Louis's desire and his fear... desire was triumphant. Shaking, he started to slide himself down Eric's body. The wolf's shaggy pelt brushed at his tender skin, sending waves through his slender body. Somehow, he managed to get down between Eric's legs without erupting.

His head was pillowed now on Eric's pale chest. The wolf had pushed back the covers with him, and smiled down into Louis's anxious eyes. He scratched lightly at the sensitive base of Louis's thin tail, chuckling as it lashed against his legs. And as Louis set the tip of his throbbing shaft against Eric's puckered ring, the wolf smiled even more. One arm around Louis's shoulders held the mouse tight against him; the other, curled around his rump, urged him on.

He gave in. Hooking his toe-claws into the mattress, he leaned forward.

The warm tightness that enfolded his manhood pushed him over the edge. A long gasp sucked into his lungs. The wave of total vertigo that came up his spine blocked out all sensation save for the pressure on his maleness, the warmth of the wolf's body suffusing him, and the sure knowledge of the love he and Eric shared. The rest of the world ceased to exist.

Curling his neck, he found the wolf's belly button and suckled on it. His hips nestled up against Eric's own, and reflexively, he started pulling back once again. As he did, Eric's muscle clamped around the base of his mousehood, straining to hold him in.

Had he been able to work more than a whistle of air out of his tightening throat, Louis's lungs would have emptied themselves in a scream. The sensation was unprecedented, unbelievable.

He shoved back in, and Eric loosened to let him do so. Then, as Eric rubbed at his back, murmuring assurances and urging him on, the cycle began again. His bushy tail started wagging under him, brushing at Louis's sack.

Once more in, once out, and the already-extreme pleasure abruptly spiked to amazing heights. He pushed himself as far in as he could, straining against Eric's strong body as his seed poured out of him. Time ceased to be. There was only his orgasm, Eric, and their love.

Eric held him there, as before, one of his hands pulling him as deep inside as he could go, the other holding his arching body down. At length, utterly spent, Louis sagged onto the wolf's belly.

"You're a god," he whispered. "Oh, when I think about what we would have done this morning—"

"Don't," Eric interrupted. "Just think about what we are doing – loving each other. Where you are – inside me. That future's gone, Louis. Our future is together. Always." He stroked Louis's neck.

"Always," Louis breathed.

They did not sleep, they did not stir. Even when Louis's member softened and pulled back into his sheath, they laid there, gazing upon each other, sharing their love. It was their constant, and they knew it would ever remain so.

The world be damned – they had each other, and that was all that mattered.